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Here’s one way. Suspend your disbelief and start by assuming that all matches are good. Then try excluding all matches that don’t have some attribute. Repeat this for each attribute, and choose the one that excludes the most bad matches and the fewest good ones. Your definition now looks something like, say, “It’s a good match only if he’s outgoing.” Now try adding every other attribute to that in turn, and choose the one that excludes the most remaining bad matches and fewest remaining good ones. Perhaps the definition is now “It’s a good match only if he’s outgoing and so is she.” Try adding a third attribute to those two, and so on. Once you’ve excluded all the bad matches, you’re done: you have a definition of the concept that includes all the positive examples and excludes all the negative ones. For example: “A couple is a good match only if they’re both outgoing, he’s a dog person, and she’s not a cat person.” You can now throw away the data and keep only this definition, since it encapsulates all that’s relevant for your purposes. This algorithm is guaranteed to finish in a reasonable amount of time, and it’s also the first actual learner we meet in this book!

How to rule the world

Conjunctive concepts don’t get you very far, though. The problem is that, as Rudyard Kipling said, “There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays, and every one of them is right.” Real concepts are disjunctive. Chairs can have four legs or one, and sometimes none. You can win at chess in countless different ways. E-mails containing the word Viagra are probably spam, but so are e-mails containing “FREE!!!” Besides, all rules have exceptions. Some families manage to be dysfunctional yet happy. Birds fly, unless they’re penguins, ostriches, cassowaries, or kiwis (or they’ve broken a wing, or are locked in a cage, or…).

What we need is to learn concepts that are defined by a set of rules, not just a single rule, such as:

If you liked Star Wars, episodes IV-VI, you’ll like Avatar.

If you liked Star Trek: The Next Generation and Titanic, you’ll like Avatar.

If you’re a member of the Sierra Club and read science-fiction books, you’ll like Avatar.


If your credit card was used in China, Canada, and Nigeria yesterday, it was stolen.

If your credit card was used twice after 11:00 p.m. on a weekday, it was stolen.

If your credit card was used to purchase one dollar of gas, it was stolen.

(If you’re wondering about the last rule, credit-card thieves used to routinely buy one dollar of gas to check that a stolen credit card was good before data miners caught on to the tactic.)

We can learn sets of rules like this one rule at a time, using the algorithm we saw before for learning conjunctive concepts. After we learn each rule, we discard the positive examples that it accounts for, so the next rule tries to account for as many of the remaining positive examples as possible, and so on until all are accounted for. It’s an example of “divide and conquer,” the oldest strategy in the scientist’s playbook. We can also improve the algorithm for finding a single rule by keeping some number n of hypotheses around, not just one, and at each step extending all of them in all possible ways and keeping the n best results.

Discovering rules in this way was the brainchild of Ryszard Michalski, a Polish computer scientist. Michalski’s hometown of Kalusz was successively part of Poland, Russia, Germany, and Ukraine, which may have left him more attuned than most to disjunctive concepts. After immigrating to the United States in 1970, he went on to found the symbolist school of machine learning, along with Tom Mitchell and Jaime Carbonell. He had an imperious personality. If you gave a talk at a machine-learning conference, the odds were good that at the end he’d raise his hand to point out that you had just rediscovered one of his old ideas.

Sets of rules are popular with retailers who are deciding which goods to stock. Typically, they use a more exhaustive approach than “divide and conquer,” looking for all rules that strongly predict the purchase of each item. Walmart was a pioneer in this area. One of their early findings was that if you buy diapers you are also likely to buy beer. Huh? One interpretation of this is that Mom sends Dad to the supermarket to buy diapers, and as emotional compensation, Dad buys a case of beer to go with them. Knowing this, the supermarket can now sell more beer by putting it next to the diapers, which would never have occurred to it without rule mining. The “beer and diapers” rule has acquired legendary status among data miners (although some claim the legend is of the urban variety). Either way, it’s a long way from the digital circuit design problems Michalski had in mind when he first started thinking about rule induction in the 1960s. When you invent a new learning algorithm, you can’t even begin to imagine all the things it will be used for.

My first direct experience of rule learning in action was when, having just moved to the United States to start graduate school, I applied for a credit card. The bank sent me a letter saying “We regret that your application has been rejected due to INSUFFICIENT-TIME-AT-CURRENT-ADDRESS and NO-PREVIOUS-CREDIT-HISTORY” (or some other all-cap words to that effect). I knew right then that there was much research left to do in machine learning.

Between blindness and hallucination

Sets of rules are vastly more powerful than conjunctive concepts. They’re so powerful, in fact, that you can represent any concept using them. It’s not hard to see why. If you give me a complete list of all the instances of a concept, I can just turn each instance into a rule that specifies all attributes of that instance, and the set of all those rules is the definition of the concept. Going back to the dating example, one rule would be: If it’s a warm weekend night, there’s nothing good on TV, and you propose going to a club, she’ll say yes. The table only contains a few examples, but if it contained all 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16 possible ones, with each labeled “Date” or “No date,” turning each positive example into a rule in this way would do the trick.

The power of rule sets is a double-edged sword. On the upside, you know you can always find a rule set that perfectly matches the data. But before you start feeling lucky, realize that you’re at severe risk of finding a completely meaningless one. Remember the “no free lunch” theorem: you can’t learn without knowledge. And assuming that the concept can be defined by a set of rules is tantamount to assuming nothing.

An example of a useless rule set is one that just covers the exact positive examples you’ve seen and nothing else. This rule set looks like it’s 100 percent accurate, but that’s an illusion: it will predict that every new example is negative, and therefore get every positive one wrong. If there are more positive than negative examples overall, this will be even worse than flipping coins. Imagine a spam filter that decides an e-mail is spam only if it’s an exact copy of a previously labeled spam message. It’s easy to learn and looks great on the labeled data, but you might as well have no spam filter at all. Unfortunately, our “divide and conquer” algorithm could easily learn a rule set like that.

In his story “Funes the Memorious,” Jorge Luis Borges tells of meeting a youth with perfect memory. This might at first seem like a great fortune, but it is in fact an awful curse. Funes can remember the exact shape of the clouds in the sky at an arbitrary time in the past, but he has trouble understanding that a dog seen from the side at 3:14 p.m. is the same dog seen from the front at 3:15 p.m. His own face in the mirror surprises him every time he sees it. Funes can’t generalize; to him, two things are the same only if they look the same down to every last detail. An unrestricted rule learner is like Funes and is equally unable to function. Learning is forgetting the details as much as it is remembering the important parts. Computers are the ultimate idiot savants: they can remember everything with no trouble at all, but that’s not what we want them to do.