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Of course, computing the length of a planet’s year is a very simple problem, involving only multiplication and square roots. In general, program trees can include the full range of programming constructs, such as Ifthen… statements, loops, and recursion. A more illustrative example of what genetic programming can do is figuring out the sequence of actions a robot needs to perform to achieve some goal. Suppose I ask my officebot to bring me a stapler from the closet down the hall. The robot has a large set of behaviors available to it, such as moving down a hallway, opening a door, picking up an object, and so on. Each of these can in turn be composed of various sub-behaviors: move the robot’s hand toward the object, or grasp it at various possible points, for example. Each behavior may be executed or not depending on the results of previous behaviors, may need to be repeated some number of times, and so on. The challenge is to assemble the right structure of behaviors and sub-behaviors, together with the parameters for each, such as how far to move the hand. Starting with the robot’s “atomic” behaviors and their allowed combinations, genetic programming can assemble a complex behavior that accomplishes the desired goal. A number of researchers have evolved strategies for robot soccer players in this way.

One consequence of crossing over program trees instead of bit strings is that the resulting programs can have any size, making the learning more flexible. The overall tendency is for bloat, however, with larger and larger trees growing as evolution goes on longer (also known as “survival of the fattest”). Evolutionaries can take comfort from the fact that human-written programs are no different (Microsoft Windows: forty-five million lines of code and counting), and that human-made code doesn’t allow a solution as simple as adding a complexity penalty to the fitness function.

Genetic programming’s first success, in 1995, was in designing electronic circuits. Starting with a pile of electronic components such as transistors, resistors, and capacitors, Koza’s system reinvented a previously patented design for a low-pass filter, a circuit that can be used for things like enhancing the bass on a dance-music track. Since then he’s made a sport of reinventing patented devices, turning them out by the dozen. The next milestone came in 2005, when the US Patent and Trademark Office awarded a patent to a genetically designed factory optimization system. If the Turing test had been to fool a patent examiner instead of a conversationalist, then January 25, 2005, would have been a date for the history books.

Koza’s confidence stands out even in a field not known for its shrinking violets. He sees genetic programming as an invention machine, a silicon Edison for the twenty-first century. He and other evolutionaries believe it can learn any program, making it their entry in the Master Algorithm sweepstakes. In 2004, they instituted the annual Humie Awards to recognize “human-competitive” genetic creations; thirty-nine have been awarded to date.

What is sex for?

Despite their successes, and the insights they’ve provided on issues like gradualism versus punctuated equilibria, genetic algorithms have left one great mystery unsolved: the role of sex in evolution. Evolutionaries set great store by crossover, but members of the other tribes think it’s not worth the trouble. None of Holland’s theoretical results show that crossover actually helps; mutation suffices to exponentially increase the frequency of the fittest schemas in the population over time. And the “building blocks” intuition is appealing but quickly runs into trouble, even when genetic programming is used. As larger blocks evolve, crossover also becomes increasingly likely to break them up. Also, once a highly fit individual appears, its descendants tend to quickly take over the population, crowding out potentially better schemas that were trapped in overall less fit individuals. This effectively reduces the search to variations of the fitness champ. Researchers have come up with a number of schemes for preserving diversity in the population, but the results so far are inconclusive. Engineers certainly use building blocks extensively, but combining them involves, well, a lot of engineering; it’s not just a matter of throwing them together any old way, and it’s not clear crossover can do the trick.

Eliminating sex would leave evolutionaries with only mutation to power their engine. If the size of the population is substantially larger than the number of genes, chances are that every point mutation is represented in it, and the search becomes a type of hill climbing: try all possible one-step variations, pick the best one, and repeat. (Or pick several of the best variations, in which case it’s called beam search.) Symbolists, in particular, use this all the time to learn sets of rules, although they don’t think of it as a form of evolution. To avoid getting trapped in local maxima, hill climbing can be enhanced with randomness (make a downhill move with some probability) and random restarts (after a while, jump to a random state and continue from there). Doing this is enough to find good solutions to problems; whether the benefit of adding crossover to it justifies the extra computational cost remains an open question.

No one is sure why sex is pervasive in nature, either. Several theories have been proposed, but none is widely accepted. The leader of the pack is the Red Queen hypothesis, popularized by Matt Ridley in the eponymous book. As the Red Queen said to Alice in Through the Looking Glass, “It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.” In this view, organisms are in a perpetual arms race with parasites, and sex helps keep the population varied, so that no single germ can infect all of it. If this is the answer, then sex is irrelevant to machine learning, at least until learned programs have to vie with computer viruses for processor time and memory. (Intriguingly, Danny Hillis claims that deliberately introducing coevolving parasites into a genetic algorithm can help it escape local maxima by gradually ratcheting up the difficulty, but no one has followed up on this yet.) Christos Papadimitriou and colleagues have shown that sex optimizes not fitness but what they call mixability: a gene’s ability to do well on average when combined with other genes. This can be useful when the fitness function is either not known or not constant, as in natural selection, but in machine learning and optimization, hill climbing tends to do better.

The problems for genetic programming do not end there. Indeed, even its successes might not be as genetic as evolutionaries would like. Take circuit design, which was genetic programming’s emblematic success. As a rule, even relatively simple designs require an enormous amount of search, and it’s not clear how much the results owe to brute force rather than genetic smarts. To address the growing chorus of critics, Koza included in his 1992 book Genetic Programming experiments showing that genetic programming beat randomly generating candidates on Boolean circuit synthesis problems, but the margin of victory was small. Then, at the 1995 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) in Lake Tahoe, California, Kevin Lang published a paper showing that hill climbing beat genetic programming on the same problems, often by a large margin. Koza and other evolutionaries had repeatedly tried to publish papers in ICML, a leading venue in the field, but to their increasing frustration they kept being rejected due to insufficient empirical validation. Already frustrated with his papers being rejected, seeing Lang’s paper made Koza blow his top. On short order, he produced a twenty-three-page paper in two-column ICML format refuting Lang’s conclusions and accusing the ICML reviewers of scientific misconduct. He then placed a copy on every seat in the conference auditorium. Depending on your point of view, either Lang’s paper or Koza’s response was the last straw; regardless, the Tahoe incident marked the final divorce between the evolutionaries and the rest of the machine-learning community, with the evolutionaries moving out of the house. Genetic programmers started their own conference, which merged with the genetic algorithms conference to form GECCO, the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference. For its part, the machine-learning mainstream largely forgot them. A sad dénouement, but not the first time in history that sex is to blame for a breakup.