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Bayesians, in turn, point to the brittleness of logic. If I have a rule like Birds fly, a world with even one flightless bird is impossible. If I try to patch things by adding exceptions, such as Birds fly, unless they’re penguins, I’ll never be done. (What about ostriches? Birds in cages? Dead birds? Birds with broken wings? Soaked wings?) A doctor diagnoses you with cancer, and you decide to get a second opinion. If the second doctor disagrees, you’re stuck. You can’t weigh the two opinions; you just have to believe them both. And then a catastrophe happens: pigs fly, perpetual motion is possible, and Earth doesn’t exist-because in logic everything can be inferred from a contradiction. Furthermore, if knowledge is learned from data, I can never be sure it’s true. Why do symbolists pretend otherwise? Surely Hume would frown on such insouciance.

Bayesians and symbolists agree that prior assumptions are inevitable, but they differ in the kinds of prior knowledge they allow. For Bayesians, knowledge goes in the prior distribution over the structure and parameters of the model. In principle, the parameter prior could be anything we please, but ironically, Bayesians tend to choose uninformative priors (like assigning the same probability to all hypotheses) because they’re easier to compute with. In any case, humans are not very good at estimating probabilities. For structure, Bayesian networks provide an intuitive way to incorporate knowledge: draw an arrow from A to B if you think that A directly causes B. But symbolists are much more flexible: you can provide as prior knowledge to your learner anything you can encode in logic, and practically anything can be encoded in logic-provided it’s black and white.

Clearly, we need both logic and probability. Curing cancer is a good example. A Bayesian network can model a single aspect of how cells function, like gene regulation or protein folding, but only logic can put all the pieces together into a coherent picture. On the other hand, logic can’t deal with incomplete or noisy information, which is pervasive in experimental biology, but Bayesian networks can handle it with aplomb.

Bayesian learning works on a single table of data, where each column represents a variable (for example, the expression level of one gene) and each row represents an instance (for example, a single microarray experiment, with each gene’s observed expression level). It’s OK if the table has “holes” and measurement errors because we can use probabilistic inference to fill in the holes and average over the errors. But if we have more than one table, Bayesian learning is stuck. It doesn’t know how to, for example, combine gene expression data with data about which DNA segments get translated into proteins, and how in turn the three-dimensional shapes of those proteins cause them to lock on to different parts of the DNA molecule, affecting the expression of other genes. In logic, we can easily write rules relating all of these aspects, and learn them from the relevant combinations of tables-but only provided the tables have no holes or errors.

Combining connectionism and evolutionism was fairly easy: just evolve the network structure and learn the parameters by backpropagation. But unifying logic and probability is a much harder problem. Attempts to do it go all the way back to Leibniz, who was a pioneer of both. Some of the best philosophers and mathematicians of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, like George Boole and Rudolf Carnap, worked hard on it but ultimately didn’t get very far. More recently, computer scientists and AI researchers have joined the fray. But as the millennium turned around, the best we had were partial successes, like adding some logical constructs to Bayesian networks. Most experts believed that unifying logic and probability was impossible. The prospects for a Master Algorithm did not look good, particularly since the existing evolutionary and connectionist algorithms couldn’t deal with incomplete information or multiple data sets, either.

Luckily, we have since cracked the problem, and the Master Algorithm now looks that much closer. We’ll see how we did it in Chapter 9 and take it from there. But first we need to gather a very important, still-missing piece of the puzzle: how to learn from very little data. That might seem unnecessary in these days of data deluge, but the truth is that we often find ourselves with reams of data about some parts of the problem we want to solve and almost none about others. This is where one of the most important ideas in machine learning comes in: analogy. All of the tribes we’ve met so far have one thing in common: they learn an explicit model of the phenomenon under consideration, whether it’s a set of rules, a multilayer perceptron, a genetic program, or a Bayesian network. When they don’t have enough data to do that, they’re stumped. But analogizers can learn from as little as one example because they never form a model. Let’s see what they do instead.

CHAPTER SEVEN: You Are What You Resemble

Frank Abagnale Jr. is one of the most notorious con men in history. Abagnale, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in Spielberg’s movie Catch Me If You Can, forged millions of dollars’ worth of checks, impersonated an attorney and a college instructor, and traveled the world as a fake Pan Am pilot-all before his twenty-first birthday. But perhaps his most jaw-dropping exploit was to successfully pose as a doctor for nearly a year in late-1960s Atlanta. Practicing medicine supposedly requires many years in med school, a license, a residency, and whatnot, but Abagnale managed to bypass all these niceties and never got called on it.

Imagine for a moment trying to pull off such a stunt. You sneak into an absent doctor’s office, and before long a patient comes in and tells you all his symptoms. Now you have to diagnose him, except you know nothing about medicine. All you have is a cabinet full of patient files: their symptoms, diagnoses, treatments undergone, and so on. What do you do? The easiest way out is to look in the files for the patient whose symptoms most closely resemble your current one’s and make the same diagnosis. If your bedside manner is as convincing as Abagnale’s, that might just do the trick. The same idea applies well beyond medicine. If you’re a young president faced with a world crisis, as Kennedy was when a US spy plane revealed Soviet nuclear missiles being deployed in Cuba, chances are there’s no script ready to follow. Instead, you look for historical analogs of the current situation and try to learn from them. The Joint Chiefs of Staff urged an attack on Cuba, but Kennedy, having just read The Guns of August, a best-selling account of the outbreak of World War I, was keenly aware of how easily that could escalate into all-out war. So he opted for a naval blockade instead, perhaps saving the world from nuclear war.

Analogy was the spark that ignited many of history’s greatest scientific advances. The theory of natural selection was born when Darwin, on reading Malthus’s Essay on Population, was struck by the parallels between the struggle for survival in the economy and in nature. Bohr’s model of the atom arose from seeing it as a miniature solar system, with electrons as the planets and the nucleus as the sun. Kekulé discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after daydreaming of a snake eating its own tail.

Analogical reasoning has a distinguished intellectual pedigree. Aristotle expressed it in his law of similarity: if two things are similar, the thought of one will tend to trigger the thought of the other. Empiricists like Locke and Hume followed suit. Truth, said Nietzche, is a mobile army of metaphors. Kant was also a fan. William James believed that “this sense of sameness is the very keel and backbone of our thinking.” Some contemporary psychologists even argue that human cognition in its entirety is a fabric of analogies. We rely on it to find our way around a new town and to understand expressions like “see the light” and “stand tall.” Teenagers who insert “like” into every sentence they say would probably, like, agree that analogy is important, dude.