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Planetary-scale machine learning

In computer science, a problem isn’t really solved until it’s solved efficiently. Knowing how to do something isn’t much use if you can’t do it within the available time and memory, and these can run out very quickly when you’re dealing with an MLN. We routinely learn MLNs with millions of variables and billions of features, but this is not as large as it seems because the number of variables grows very quickly with the number of entities in the MLN: if you have a social network with a thousand people, you already have a million possible pairs of friends and a billion instances of the formula Friends of friends are friends.

Inference in Alchemy is a combination of logical and probabilistic inference. The former is done by proving theorems and the latter by belief propagation, MCMC, and the other methods we saw in Chapter 6. We’ve combined the two into probabilistic theorem proving, and the unified inference algorithm, capable of computing the probability of any logical formula, is a key part of the current Alchemy system. But it can be very computationally expensive. If your brain used probabilistic theorem proving, the proverbial tiger would eat you before you figured out to run away. That’s a high price to pay for the generality of Markov logic. Your brain, having evolved in the real world, must encode additional assumptions that allow it to do inference very efficiently. In the last few years, we’ve started to figure out what they might be and encode them into Alchemy.

The world is not a random jumble of interactions; it has a hierarchical structure: galaxies, planets, continents, countries, cities, neighborhoods, your house, you, your head, your nose, a cell on its tip, the organelles in it, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles. The way to model it, then, is with an MLN that also has a hierarchical structure. This is an example of the assumption that the learner and its environment are alike. The MLN doesn’t have to know a priori which parts the world is composed of; all Alchemy has to do is assume that the world has parts and look for them, rather like a newly made bookshelf assumes that there are books but doesn’t yet know which ones will be placed on it. Hierarchical structure helps make inference tractable because subparts of the world interact mostly with other subparts of the same part: neighbors talk more to each other than to people in another country, molecules produced in one cell react mostly with other molecules in that cell, and so on.

Another property of the world that makes learning and inference easier is that the entities in it don’t come in arbitrary forms. Rather, they fall into classes and subclasses, with members of the same class being more alike than members of different ones. Alive or inanimate, animal or plant, bird or mammal, human or not: if we know all the distinctions relevant to the question at hand, we can lump together all the entities that lack them and that can save a lot of time. As before, the MLN doesn’t have to know a priori what the classes in the world are; it can learn them from data by hierarchical clustering.

The world has parts, and parts belong to classes: combining these two gives us most of what we need to make inference in Alchemy tractable. We can learn the world’s MLN by breaking it into parts and subparts, such that most interactions are between subparts of the same part, and then grouping the parts into classes and subclasses. If the world is a Lego toy, we can break it up into individual bricks, remembering which attaches to which, and group the bricks by shape and color. If the world is Wikipedia, we can extract the entities it talks about, group them into classes, and learn how classes relate to each other. Then if someone asks us “Is Arnold Schwarzenegger an action star?” we can answer yes, because he’s a star and he’s in action movies. Step-by-step, we can learn larger and larger MLNs, until we’re doing what a friend of mine at Google calls “planetary-scale machine learning”: modeling everyone in the world at once, with data continually streaming in and answers streaming out.

Of course, learning on this scale requires much more than a direct implementation of the algorithms we’ve seen. For one, beyond a certain point a single processor is not enough; we have to distribute the learning over many servers. Researchers in both industry and academia have intensely investigated how to, for example, do gradient descent using many computers in parallel. One option is to divide the data among the processors; another is to divide the model’s parameters. After each step, we combine the results and redistribute the work. Either way, doing this without letting the cost of communication overwhelm you, or the quality of the results suffer, is far from trivial. Another issue is that, if you have an endless stream of data coming in, you can’t wait to see it all before you commit to some decisions. One solution is to use the sampling principle: if you want to predict who will win the next presidential election, you don’t need to ask every voter who he or she will vote for; a sample of a few thousand suffices, if you’re willing to accept a little bit of uncertainty. The trick is to generalize this to complex models with millions of parameters. But we can do this by taking at each step just as many examples from the stream as we need to be pretty sure that we’re making the right decision and that the total uncertainty over all the decisions stays within bounds. That way we can effectively learn from infinite data in finite time, as I put it in an early paper proposing this approach.

Big-data systems are the Cecil B. DeMille productions of machine learning, with thousands of servers instead of thousands of extras. In the largest projects, just getting all the data together, verifying it, cleaning it up, and munging it into a form the learners can digest can make building the pyramids seem like a walk in the park. At the pharaonic end, Europe’s FuturICT project aims to build a model of-literally-the whole world. Societies, governments, culture, technology, agriculture, disease, the global economy: nothing is to be left out. This is surely premature, but it does foreshadow the shape of things to come. In the meantime, projects like this can help us find out where the limits of scalability are and how to overcome them.

Computational complexity is one thing, but human complexity is another. If computers are like idiot savants, learning algorithms can sometimes come across like child prodigies prone to temper tantrums. That’s one reason humans who can wrangle them into submission are so highly paid. If you know how to expertly tweak the control knobs until they’re just right, magic can ensue, in the form of a stream of insights beyond the learner’s years. And, not unlike the Delphic oracle, interpreting the learner’s pronouncements can itself require considerable skill. Turn the knobs wrong, though, and the learner may spew out a torrent of gibberish or clam up in defiance. Unfortunately, in this regard Alchemy is no better than most. Writing down what you know in logic, feeding in the data, and pushing the button is the fun part. When Alchemy returns a beautifully accurate and efficient MLN, you go down to the pub and celebrate. When it doesn’t-which is most of the time-the battle begins. Is the problem in the knowledge, the learning, or the inference? On the one hand, because of the learning and probabilistic inference, a simple MLN can do the job of a complex program. On the other, when it doesn’t work, it’s much harder to debug. The solution is to make it more interactive, able to introspect and explain its reasoning. That will take us another step closer to the Master Algorithm.

The doctor will see you now

The cure for cancer is a program that inputs the cancer’s genome and outputs the drug to kill it with. We can now picture what such a program-let’s call it CanceRx-will look like. Despite its outward simplicity, CanceRx is one of the largest and most complex programs ever built-indeed, so large and complex that it could only have been built with the help of machine learning. It is based on a detailed model of how living cells work, with a subclass for each type of cell in the human body and an overarching model of how they interact. This model, in the form of an MLN or something akin to it, combines knowledge of molecular biology with vast amounts of data from DNA sequencers, microarrays, and many other sources. Some of the knowledge was manually encoded, but most was automatically extracted from the biomedical literature. The model is continually evolving, incorporating the results of new experiments, data sources, and patient histories. Ultimately, it will know every pathway, regulatory mechanism, and chemical reaction in every type of human cell-the sum total of human molecular biology.