Freund, Yoav, 238
Friedman, Milton, 151
Frontiers, 185, 187, 191, 196
“Funes the Memorious” (Borges), 71
Futility of bias-free learning, 64
FuturICT project, 258
Galileo, 14, 72
Galois, Évariste, 200
Game theory, machine learning and, 20
Gaming, reinforcement learning and, 222
Gates, Bill, 22, 55, 152
GECCO (Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference), 136
Gene expression microarrays, 84-85
Generalizations, choosing, 60, 61
Generative model, Bayesian network as, 159
Gene regulation, Bayesian networks and, 159
Genetic algorithms, 122-128
Alchemy and, 252
backpropagation vs., 128
building blocks and, 128-129, 134
schemas, 129
survival of the fittest programs, 131-134
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection (Fisher), 122
Genetic programming, 52, 131-133, 240, 244, 245, 252, 303-304
sex and, 134-137
Genetic Programming (Koza), 136
Genetic search, 241, 243, 249
Genome, poverty of, 27
Gentner, Dedre, 199
Ghani, Rayid, 17
The Ghost Map (Johnson), 182-183
Gibson, William, 289
Gift economy, 279
Gleevec, 84
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, 261
Gödel, Escher, Bach (Hofstadter), 200
Good, I. J., 286
Google, 9, 44, 291
A/B testing and, 227
AdSense system, 160
communication with learner, 266-267
data gathering, 272
DeepMind and, 222
knowledge graph, 255
Master Algorithm and, 282
Naïve Bayes and, 152
PageRank and, 154, 305
problem of induction and, 61
relational learning and, 227-228
search results, 13
value of data, 274
value of learning algorithms, 10, 12
Google Brain network, 117
Google Translate, 154, 304
Gould, Stephen Jay, 127
GPS, 212-214, 216, 277
Gradient descent, 109-110, 171, 189, 193, 241, 243, 249, 252, 257-258
Grammars, formal, 36-37
Grandmother cell, perceptron and, 99-100
Graphical models, 240, 245-250
Graphical user interfaces, 236
The Guns of August (Tuchman), 178
Handwritten digit recognition, 189, 195
Hart, Peter, 185
Hawking, Stephen, 47, 283
Hawkins, Jeff, 28, 118
Hebb, Donald, 93, 94
Hebb’s rule, 93, 94, 95
Heckerman, David, 151-152, 159-160
Held-out data, accuracy of, 75-76
Help desks, 198
Hemingway, Ernest, 106
Heraclitus, 48
Hidden Markov model (HMM), 154-155, 159, 210, 305
Hierarchical structure, Markov logic network with, 256-257
Hill climbing, 135, 136, 169, 189, 252
Hillis, Danny, 135
Hinton, Geoff, 103, 104, 112, 115, 137, 139
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Adams), 130
HIV testing, Bayes’ theorem and, 147-148
HMM. See Hidden Markov model (HMM)
Ho, Yu-Chi, 113
Hodges, Joe, 178-179, 186
Hofstadter, Douglas, 200
Holland, John, 122-128, 129, 130, 131, 134
Homo technicus, 288-289
Hopfield, John, 102-103, 170
Hopfield networks, 103, 116, 302
Horning, J. J., 36-37
Howbert, Jeff, 292
How to Create a Mind (Kurzweil), 28
H &R Block, 277
Hubble, Edwin, 14-15
Human complexity
as complexity monster, 5
machine learning and, 258-259
Human control of artificial intelligence, 282-286
Human-directed evolution, 286-289, 311
Human intuition, data and, 39
Humanities, machine learning and, 278
Human Rights Watch, 281
Hume, David, 58-59, 62, 63, 93, 178, 300-301
Hume’s problem of induction, 58-59, 145, 169, 197, 251
Humie Awards, 134
Hunt, Earl, 88
Hyperplanes, 98, 100, 195, 196
Hyperspace, 107-111, 187
Bayesians and, 144, 167-168
machine learning and, 13-15
overfitting and, 73-75
preference for simpler, 77-78
Red Queen, 135
testing, 13-15, 49
IBM, 13, 37, 219
ICML. See International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
If… then… rules, 68-71, 84-85, 125-127, 132, 152, 155-156, 201-202, 244-245, 254
Ill-posed problem, 64
Immortality, genetic algorithms and, 126
Incognito mode, 266
Income, basic guaranteed, 279
Independent-component analysis, 215
Indexers, 8, 9
Indifference, principle of, 145
decision tree, 85-89
further readings, 300-302
as inverse of deduction, 80-83, 301
Master Algorithm and, 34
Newton’s rules of, 65-66
problem of, 59-62
Inductive logic programming. See Inverse deduction
Inductivist turkey, 61
Alchemy and, 256-257
Bayesian networks and, 161-166
Information, cyberwar and, 19-20
Information gain, 87, 188
Information processing systems, study of, 89
Information Revolution, 9
Instance-based learning, 201-202, 250
Institute of Control Sciences, 190
computers and, 35, 286, 287
symbolists and, 52, 89, 302
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 136
Internet, 231, 236
Intuition, evidence and, 39
Inverse deduction, 52, 80-83, 90-91, 301
Alchemy and, 252
cell model and, 115
computational intensiveness of, 85
cure for cancer and, 83-85
Master Algorithm and, 90, 241, 242-243
Newton’s principle and, 82-83
shortcomings of, 91
IPsoft, 198
Irrelevant attributes, nearest neighbor algorithm and, 186-187, 188-189
Isomap, 217, 255, 308
Iterative search, 28
Jackel, Larry, 195
James, William, 93, 178, 205
Java, 4
Jelinek, Fred, 37
Jesus, 144
Jevons, William Stanley, 80
Johnson, Steven, 182-183
Jordan, Michael, 164, 170
Junction trees, 163, 292
Kahneman, Daniel, 141
Kalman filter, 155, 305
Kant, Immanuel, 178
Kekulè, August, 178
Kennedy, John F., 36, 177-178, 182
Kepler, Johannes, 65, 131
laws of, 40, 65, 131
Kepler phase of science, 39-40
Kernels, 192, 196, 243, 307
Keyword matching, 20
Kinect, 88, 237, 238
Kipling, Rudyard, 68
k-means algorithm, 208, 210, 308
k-nearest-neighbor algorithm, 183
Knowledge, 8, 52, 64
unity of, 31
Knowledge acquisition bottleneck, 89-90
Knowledge-based system, 89-90
Knowledge discovery, 8. See also Machine learning
Knowledge engineering
machine learning and, 102
symbolist learning and, 90
Knowledge engineers, 251
machiner learners vs., 34-38
Knowledge graph, 255
Koza, John, 131, 132, 134, 136
Krugman, Paul, 232
Kurzweil, Ray, 28, 83, 186, 286-289
Laird, John, 226
Laird, Nan, 209
Landmine example, support vector machines and, 192-193
Lang, Kevin, 136
Language learning, 36-37
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, 144-145
Latent semantic analysis, 215, 308
Law of effect, 218
Law of similarity, 178
Lazy learning, 180-182
across problem domains, 199
by association, 93-94
Bayesian, 144, 166-170, 174-175
children’s, 203-204, 308
deep, 104, 115-118, 172, 195, 241
instance-based, 201-202
knowledge and, 64
lazy, 180-182
as problem solving, 226
reinforcement, 218-223, 308
rule-based, 69-70, 201-202