But giving it some thought, the first view is correct: there exists some all-enclosing predetermination, as a result of which the process of escalation of the order of mutually enclosing individual matrices of life, and their filling with matter and information, fails, if there is an attempt to create something, that has no place in the all-enclosing matrix — God’s Predetermination.
In the worst case, the laws of physics and chemistry, which manifest the highest of currently constructed predeterminations, could be changed with the spawning of any new matrix-superstructure, enclosing the matrices preceding it in the order of their mutual enclosure, and completing (temporarily) this order, which corresponds to the “second law of dialectics”, according to which quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes[5].
Besides that, accepting the second view creates the necessity for having, besides some fundamental “matrix” (“building block”), the means allowing to escalate this the order of mutual enclosure. This is one and the same God’s Predetermination of Life, but smuggled into reasoning either due to thoughtlessness, or to avoid calling things their proper names.
But the two mutually-exclusive assumptions express different worldviews, which are also mutually-exclusive. The first is God-centric, coming from the fact that the Universe as a whole, and the planet Earth in particular, are God’s creation, a result of the Predetermination of the Creator and Almighty, and the life of a person with such a worldview lies within the course of God’s Providence.
For a human, living within the course of Providence, it is natural to realize that the Universe is united and whole, and everything in it (including relationships between people) is causally-determined and multi-optional (generally) within the aims of Providence. And any person builds their life in the course of God’s Predetermination either in harmony with Providence, or opposing It with their actions. In the first case, God for the human is the super-Universal reality, the Hierarchically Highest All-enclosing control, with Which the human constantly strives to maintain certain ethics of personal relations based on his actual morality. In the second case, goes the process of constant (more often than not — unconscious) resistance by the individual to God’s Providence, in which manifests a certain morally-based worldview of the individual.
In the first world-understanding, measure (Russian “mera”) and matrix are different words for the same objective phenomenon. And if one understands God’s Predetermination of Life as a multidimensional matrix of possible states of all matter in the Universe, then some portion of the matrix — God’s Predetermination — is accessible to the human sense of measure (sense of proportion). Accordingly, any attentive and good-willed human, who is given from Above the ability to distinguish (discriminate) cause-effect chains of his own life and the circumstances around him, perceives the manifestation of God’s Providence as Hierarchically Highest All-enclosing control, and is thus able to and strives to act in harmony with God, within the course of His Providence based on the individual’s own sense of measure.
The second worldview may be called “I-centric”, or ego-centric. In its essence, it is either completely atheistic, lifting human to the level of God or conqueror of Nature, or arrives at pantheism, equalizing the Universe with God, and accepting that not everything in Nature can be controlled by humanity. But in either case this worldview insists that the Universe, the Earth and its biosphere and humanity have somehow “self-created” (but even then the unconscious of adherents of this worldview generates the question: “from what?”) either as a result of an explosion (again a question: “of what?”) or as a result of lengthy evolution (again: “of what?”).
Such a worldview also has the property of perceiving the objective reality as a collection of unconnected accidental facts or coincidences, processes and phenomena, the constantly changing multitude of combinations of which determines for them the evolutionary development of the universe, happening “by itself” in accordance with the discovered and still undiscovered laws of nature. This is a result of the fact, that the invisible for the atheist cause-effect chains between different (from the atheist’s point of view) phenomena, in which directly manifests the Hierarchically Highest all-enclosing control of the Almighty, are considered as objectively “non-existent”: everything that the individual cannot perceive directly is by many considered as objectively non-existent.
Such a worldview places at the center of the universe (be it unconsciously) either the person and his limited capabilities, or the laws of nature, having discovered which the person begins to see himself as the “crown” of nature. But “I-centrism” stays “I-centrism” independent of the breadth of his horizons: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”, said Isaac Newton.
And due to lack of understanding of their own atheism, adherents of “I-centrist” worldview perceive the strive to comprehend the one God and His Providence for his creation as opposing the strive to cognize the laws of nature.
4. Matrix control
In orders (arrangements) of mutually nested matrices of Objective reality, specific matrices could be identified and distinguished, each of which may predetermine the flow of characteristically different processes: physical, biological, social. Matrices determining the flow of exclusively social processes, are of particular interest for the fate of the society, since alteration of such matrices is direct or indirect alteration of fate of peoples, civilizations and humanity as a whole.
In both worldviews described earlier, a “matrix” plays the role of a program of a multi-optional algorithm, within the course of which humanity develops its culture[6]. Under the influence of culture, in which grows a person possessing some genetic potential of development, conscious habits and unconscious behaviour automatisms are produced, as well as a person’s opinions on phenomena in his internal and external world. Unconscious automatisms of mental activity are a dominant of internal and externally observable behaviour of a person in the objective reality, and are due to limited capabilities of the human concious: to simultaneously hold no more than 7-9 objects or processes, and digest information at a rate not higher than 15-16 bits per second[7] in a normal state of wakefulness.
Sometimes (like in a number of works by L.N. Gumilev on ethnogenesis) these unconscious automatisms are called “stereotypes”. Their essence could be consciously identified and classified as “good” or “evil” in certain life circumstances. Uncertainty of behaviour stereotypes and undetermined relation to various phenomena of the Objective reality, as well as unwillingness to determine their ethical essence “good — evil” in relation to God’s Providence, is one of the main signs of the fact, that the life of humanity flows in a course of some anti-human matrix. This matrix forms a certain type of culture, the anti-human essence of which is protected by its owners from being identified with various direct and indirect taboos on perception of it. Such stereotypes create internally conflicting algorithms of mental activity of individuals and the society as a whole, which manifests in various mental and psychosomatic illnesses, high accident rates, traumas, and other troubles, intrinsic to the lifestyle of the current civilization.
The formulation of the second law of dialectics about the passage of quantitative changes into qualitative changes is superficial and ambiguous. In reality:
There exists an interdependence of quality with order and quantity, and accordingly — quantitative and order changes lead to qualitative changes, and qualitative changes manifest in changes of order and quantity.
It is useful to note, that in comments to the traditional formulation of the second law of dialectics, the notion of “measure” is often mentioned, but nothing is said about the order, even though the same quantity may be ordered differently, leading to a different qualitative state, as the case is with isomers in chemistry.
Culture in current context is understood as all information, not passed from generation to generation genetically in a ready-to-use form.
While projecting film with a speed less than 15 frames per second, the conscious perceives the imagery as a sequence of frames; while projecting film at a rate of 16 frames or more, all frames are no longer distinguished and the conscious perceives them as a continuous movie.