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Due to the fact that the imagination of script writers, producers, and actors lies within the prison of the matrix of the Biblical civilization, and the fact that the authors of the film during its creation turned out to be morally incapable of exiting its walls, they do not have the slightest idea about the nature of any alternative matrix-predetermination and the way of life under its conceptual power. For this reason, the heroes of the film, having been physically freed of the evil “Matrix”, in the supposed “real world” behave exactly like characters living under the power of the “Matrix”. It is useful to correlate with Russian literature, the authors of which worked on helping humanity to not formally, but actually free itself from the power of the biblical matrix: this is why characters in A.S. Pushkin’s “Ruslan and Ludmila”, the novel of N.G. Chernyshevsky “What to do?”, many works of I.A. Efremov, first and foremost — “Bull’s hour” and “Andromeda Nebula”, behave completely different than do most characters in the works of crowd-“elitist” biblical culture. This is an indication that the imagination of many Russian artists was free from the oppression of the Bible in all times.

The script writers and their “extrasense” and occult consultants seem to have forgotten about the main system of “connections”, which essentially turns humanity, carrying the technical civilization, into a parasitic virus on Mother-Earth. This system of “connections” has been well known from ancient times, and even in the times of the stone age this connection was depicted rather artlessly, very clearly and understandably.

What could this mean...?

This is not a primitive analogue of contemporary obscene naturalistic drawings that can be seen on the walls of toilets and elevators. The drawing is an allegory (in modified images of the material world) to the reality, taking place in one of the nonmaterial worlds. Let’s consider it for a moment.

The psyche of any individual is a multicomponent informational system. In particular, the psyche is an informational-metric system, since the psyche is first and foremost algorithmics. Algorithmics is a succession of steps of information processing, which is impossible without different matrices intrinsic to the algorithmics — matrices, which represent various types of “traces” (or “scans”) from the objective all-enclosing measure-matrix — the Highest Predetermination of Life.

The psyche generates the person’s behavior on the basis of that, which in computer terms is named “dataware” (informational provisioning). The dataware of human behavior has several components, and includes:

● instincts of the biological species “Homo Sapiens”;

● habits (skills) acquired from social culture in a ready-to-use state and executed for the most part (like instinctive programs) automatically in perturbing situations;

● products of the individual’s own intellectual efforts;

● intuition, which includes several components:

● results autonomously (from the surrounding environment) created by the work of unconscious levels of the individual’s psyche;

● spiritual (biofield) influence on the psyche by the collective psyche, which the individual partakes in within the spiritual world;

● external delusions and “possession” (i.e. “being possessed”), as a result of field-level influence on the individual of other subjects, both materialised and non-materialized spirits;

● direct guidance from Above.

Behaviour dataware sourced from certain components named above, does not always coincide conflict-free with information provisioning sourced from the other named components. Depending on the individual’s preference, he allows this or that algorithm to realize in his behaviour (both in the material and spiritual worlds), which determines the psyche type of the individual (regardless of whether or not the individual realizes what a psyche type is). As a result of ambiguity in deciding on a preference when a conflict between different components of dataware occurs, in society more or less clearly manifests a tendency to polarization:

● on one pole are those, who (for the most part unconsciously) strives to subordinate everything to the satisfaction of their instinctive needs;

● on the other pole are those, who more or less consciously strive to bring everything into harmony with God’s Providence and live within the course of God’s guidance.

The first are carriers of animal type of psyche structure, and are in essence talking human-like monkeys, trained by the cultural environment of the civilization. The second are at different stages on the path to irreversibly become human beings — carriers of humane psyche type.

Between these two poles are distributed (in the mathematical sense of statistical distribution) all others: various biorobots-zombies, who deny both the freedom of their intellect in defining and solving problems, and intuition, subordinating their will to external influences.

From the zombies one can distinguish a specific group — demonic personalities, who do not reject their intellect and intuition, but reject the guidance from Above and are in a state of intoxication from willfulness — both their own, and that of other materialised and non materialized beings.

With more careful consideration, zombies, including demonic personalities, are all equally carriers of animal psyche type, whose instincts are bound into chains of societal norms or manifest (either directly, or somehow pervertedly) through various masks and veneers in the culture of hedonism[10], subordinating all components of the psyche to extracting pleasure from everything.

Instincts of a biological species are programs of certain aim-oriented behavior of its representatives, not some undetermined instincts “in general”. In the life of any species a dominant role is played by sexual instincts, under the influence of which the population is regenerated in the succession of generations. Algorithms of regenerating the population in all dual-gender species, which humanity is, by their different and functionally specialized fragments are distributed over the representatives of each gender.

Instincts of the “Homo Sapiens” are such, that men with an animal psyche type are psychologically subordinated to women. To regenerate the population of the species, the man is instinctively programmed to service the woman and the children she gives birth to. But this psychological subordination — the dependence of a man with animal psyche type on the “favorability” of the woman towards him — takes place independent of whether or not the two have had sexual relations or not. This allows to understand the direct meaning of the drawing shown earlier: the woman controls the man remotely by means of psychological dependence, based on sexual instincts, of the man on her, which is visually depicted in the drawing as a long connection, like a cable connecting a robot to its remote control terminal.

But the fate of a woman with an animal psyche type is not one to envy. Not one life has been broken by the subordination of women to their instincts, related to well-known attributes of the female body: lust for sexual gratification, which in the biosphere is naturally followed by conception; and maternal instincts, abusing which, children “weave ropes” out of their parents, especially mothers[11].



Hedonism (from greek hedone — pleasure) — a school of thought in ethics asserting pleasure and amusement as the highest aim and motive of human behavior (Ekipur). In the new time it is character to utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a principle of judging all phenomena based on their usefulness. In contemporary lively language, hedonism is slavery in reckless, all-destroying, suicidal voluptuousness.



In accordance with this arrangement of instinctually-based behavior programs, under an animal psyche type:

● direct psychological pressure of a woman on her spouse is effective in the majority of cases, but she herself is defenceless against direct pressure on her by her children (a woman can generally protect herself from it only if she causes direct pressure on children by her spouse);

● direct psychological pressure of the woman’s spouse on her children is effective, if children do not protect themselves by causing pressure of their mother on her spouse.

In a family, where in one way or another the animal psyche type dominates, but in a soft form of relations, when direct pressure is rarely applied, the mother can explain to the father, what the children want; and children may explain to the mother, why she is having conflicts with the father (or a man who has taken on the duties of a father).

But this normal behaviour arrangement may be manipulated by the change to demonic psyche type, turning the life of a family into a silent (internal, spiritual) or loud nightmare: children demonstrate their maturity to their father, at the same time daughters strive to gain female psychological power over him. Husbands begin to treat their wives like they have treated their children. Mothers try to gain female psychological power over grown sons or cannot live in harmony with their aged matured daughters, if they are unable to force their children into psychological infancy, when the will of children is not active. If mothers manage to maintain children in psychological infancy or are unrelenting in their strive to force children into psychological infancy, then mothers themselves mangle the fates of their children, destroying their families and excluding the very possibility of family happiness of children in their own families.

In a family, built upon the domination among its members of a humane psyche type, conflicts — including those resulting from change in family composition and age of its members — do not occur. Under non-humane psyche types, change in age of family members, change in family composition always results in conflicts, as a result of inadequacy of unchanging algorithms of instinctive programs to changing life circumstances.