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The rabbi casts a worried look at the redhead.

‘Now what’s so damn important you had to fly up to Washington instead of using the video-com?’

‘Your assassination.’

For a moment, Chaney’s raccoon eyes narrow, then the president rasps out a laugh. ‘Is that all? Hell, I’ve received more death threats than the FBI can count.’

‘Mr. President, this is Kimberly Ward, a professor at Washington College. Her background is in parapsychology.’

‘I deal with paranormal phenomena, Mr. President.’

‘Well, if I ever run into a ghost, I’ll be sure to call you.’

Kimberly Ward is not amused. ‘I’m a scientist, sir. I deal with the science of extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition, and I assure you my time is just as valuable as yours.’

Chaney perks up, his ego always ready for a battle of wills. ‘Go on, Miss, uh?’

‘Ward. Kimberly Ward.’

Chaney signals them to sit, then hobbles to his favorite easy chair. ‘Okay, Ms. Ward, you’ve got five minutes.’

‘Have you ever heard of the theory regarding mind-body dualism?’


‘Psychokinetic researchers such as I are convinced there are two separate but coexisting facets of human beings: the physical body, which does not survive material death, and the nonphysical mind, or soul, that can live forever.’

‘If this is a religious thing-’

‘This is science, Mr. President, with studies that date back to the late 1930s. Our latest research can measure the electrostatic radiation that is expelled by a human being when the subject undergoes an out-of-body experience. The study of paranormal phenomena has made huge strides over the last decade. Along with the material forces of gravity, electromagnetic, and weak and strong nuclear forces, scientists now believe a fifth force may be present in the known universe-a force that relates to psychokinesis. Your godson, Jacob, exhibits abilities in this field that dwarf any subject I’ve ever studied.’

‘It’s the Hunahpu gene,’ Rabbi Steinberg interjects. ‘Somehow, the boy is able to tap into a higher dimension of consciousness.’

‘Really?’ Chaney glances at his watch. ‘You know, I think my watch is slow.’ He stands to leave.

Steinberg blocks his path. ‘Jacob saw something. He had a vision, a precognition. You’ll never make it to Detroit this afternoon, Ennis. One of Air Force One’s flight crew is planning to crash your plane into the Washington Monument moments after takeoff.’

The president glares at the rabbi. ‘How could a seven-year-old boy-’

‘Jacob claims he saw the man’s security badge,’ says Kimberly. ‘He’s even given us a name: Fred Botnick.’

Chaney hesitates, then touches the office intercom. ‘Kathy, get me a list of the flight crew scheduled this afternoon for Air Force One.’

‘Yes, sir. Transferring information to your monitor.’

The bookshelf to Chaney’s left vanishes, replaced by a large monitor. A dozen names appear on screen.

Kimberly Ward points to the seventh name down.


Chaney stares at the screen for a long moment. ‘Kathy?’

‘Yes, sir?’

‘Get me the FBI director, then cancel my speech in Detroit.’


‘Just do it.’


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14 October 2020


1. The genetically enhanced abilities of JACOB GABRIEL (son of Michael Gabriel, see HUNAHPU GENE) continue to evolve. On 3 September 2020 and again on 18 September 2020, Agent MITCHELL KURTZ witnessed Jacob remain underwater in excess of four minutes. When questioned, Jacob responded by saying he had moved into a ‘higher dimension of consciousness beyond our third-dimensional senses.’

2. On 10 October, 2020, following a similar ‘immersion,’ Jacob confronted Rabbi RICHARD STEINBERG with a vision regarding an act of terror aboard Air Force One. Steinberg met in person with POTUS on 11 October 2020. FBI agents arrested AF-1 Major FRED BOTNICK (pilot) who was later identified as a member of an Aryan Nation terrorist regime. Seven pounds of C-4 plastique explosive was found sewn inside the lining of his uniform. More arrests are pending.


3. Jacob’s ability to ‘remote view’ makes him an invaluable resource to U.S. antiterrorist forces. It is recommended that both the boy and his twin (IMMANUEL) be evaluated for PROJECT TRINITY immediately.

4. GOLDEN FLEECE geneticists now agree it is unlikely that HUNAHPU DNA is limited to the Gabriel clan. Every attempt should be made to identify other members of this bloodline. A necessary first step would be the genetic ‘tagging’ of newborns, as well as the top one percent of athletes and students, along with all mental patients diagnosed ‘paranoid schizophrenic.’


W. Louis McDonald


14 October 2020



Lilith’s flesh crawls with fear as her grandfather slips in between her sheets. She can smell the alcohol on his breath – and the pungent scent of his sex.

‘Time for another lesson, girl.’

She turns away. Stares at her dollhouse.

‘As you get older, boys are gonna try stuff on you. Can’t let ’em do these things. Understand?’

‘Yes.’ The dollhouse roof is a sunny yellow.

‘Think I better show you again, just to be safe. Go on now, spread your legs.’

The dollhouse cardboard lawn is a Kelly green.

‘Girl, I ain’t askin’. I said spread your legs!’

The windows of the dollhouse are trimmed in pumpkin orange.

Her grandfather’s probing fingers are cold as ice.

The chimney is mouse brown, as are the exterior walls.

Hot, rancid breath comes at her in waves. The five o’clock shadow scratches at the inside of her unblemished thighs.

Lilith’s mind escapes inside the nexus as Quenton’s wet tongue once more violates her innocence.

Longboat Key, Florida

The president’s helicopter circles the compound twice before landing on the front lawn.

Dominique exits from the kitchen, waving at Ennis Chaney. She does not recognize the tall blond-haired Intelligence officer carrying an armful of presents.

Chaney greets her with a bear hug. ‘Dominique, you look better every time I see you.’

‘And you tell bigger lies.’

‘Where are the twins?’

‘Manny’s in the SOSUS lab. Jake’s swimming.’

‘Good. Let’s go someplace quiet where we can talk.’

Her heart jump-starts. ‘Talk? Why? What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing. Can’t I visit my two godsons without something being wrong?’

Unnerved, she leads the two men inside.

Jacob secures the rope around his waist, then loops the free end through the center of the forty-five-pound weight plate and ties it off. Satisfied, he picks up the iron plate and climbs down the steps of the swimming pool, wading deeper until the waterline is up to his neck.

The white-haired twin takes a deep breath, then lowers himself to the bottom.

The steel plate sinks, dragging him with it.

Hovering inches off the bottom, Jacob closes his eyes and relaxes, searching the dark recesses of his mind.

In due time he sees the pinpoint of light. His mind’s eye focuses upon it, making it grow.

The pain in his chest eases. Concentrating on the bright light, he allows his mind to slip inside its warm white haze.

Lilith, are you in here?

Chaney sits back in a padded lounge chair. He sips an iced tea, then stares out the bulletproof glass at the inviting waters of the Gulf of Mexico. ‘Always loved this view. Wait and see, one of these days I’m gonna retire and move to Florida.’