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But another miracle did happen, coming this time from our gallant crew, who managed to angle the shuttle’s descent just enough to allow us to slip through the searing atmosphere without combusting into ash. A collective cheer embraced the cabin as the blackness of space morphed into a magnificent cardinal red horizon. Aerodynamics took over as our winged vessel soared like a plane high above an alien landscape. As we descended, we could make out a geology composed of barren volcanic rock, splashed with patches of moss.

Fear returned moments later as we continued losing altitude, dropping fast, with no suitable landing place in site.

With a sickening jolt, our tail struck terra incognita. The shuttle skidded, the cabin spun, and once more, everything turned to black…


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24 October 2027


1. Dr. David Mohr and the GOLDEN FLEECE team have been reluctant to speculate on the propulsion system of the Balam, ever since its arrival in Hangar 13 four years ago-this due primarily to the team’s continued inability to access the interior of the ship. A new theory and its related dangers, however, has led to some unanimous conclusions that must be brought to POTUS’s attention.

2. Previous MAJESTIC reports have stated that the BALAM star cruiser most likely ‘surfed’ its way through Earth’s atmosphere riding its own massive shock waves, maneuvering at lower speeds/hovering utilizing an advanced form of magnetoaeroelectro dynamics. In this mode, the vessel’s polished gold external hull becomes the engine. Waves of negatively charged electron particles, embedded in the carrier frequencies of the electromagnetic waves ‘push’ the vessel through the air mass.

3. A second, infinitely faster method of propulsion is now believed to exist. Located underneath and between the two stern nacelle structures are multicellular exhaust nozzles. Upon further examination, Dr. Mohr’s team has reached a consensus, theorizing that these nozzles may have been designed to channel tachyon energy particles, leading the scientists to agree that the BALAM is capable of superluminal propulsion, labeled by NASA-BPP scientists as ‘Warp Drive.’

4. A third theory put forth by NASA-BPP concerns the BALAM’s ability to create an ‘exotic-matter’ force field, allowing the vessel to theoretically enter a gravimetric vortex (SEE WORMHOLES).


5. The GOLDEN FLEECE team theorizes that the power produced to activate the BALAM’s Warp Drive would be enough to light and heat every city on Earth simultaneously and continuously for more than 100,000 years. The terawatts of power produced every picosecond by the BALAM’s interior reactor cores are the kind of power requirements hypothesized for hyperdimensional travel at superluminal velocities.


6. In the opinion of the senior MAJESTIC team members and also Dr. Mohr: This Warp Drive propulsion system represents an extreme danger to the physical safety of Earth, possibly affecting the power grids and/or the ecology of whole continents if the system is accidentally activated.

7. Quantum-gravity physicists immediately expressed concern should the BALAM’s Warp Drive engines activate, producing a microwormhole. They stated that, should the magnetic containment fields that ‘bottle’ the quantum singularity collapse, the microwormhole could potentially expand to consume the entire vessel and perhaps whole portions of the planet itself.

8. The ability to create and navigate wormholes is the ability to traverse the boundaries of space-time. As per preestablished MAJESTIC directives, time travel is an uncontrollable threat to the security of the human species owing to the theoretical ‘Paradox’ effect (SEE EINSTEIN SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY). GULF OF MEXICO / CHICXULUB CRATER

9. On 18 December 2012, Michael Gabriel confirmed that the Guardian’s vessel (BALAM) entered Earth space in pursuit of the alien object that crash-landed 65 million years ago. If the BALAM is capable of superluminal velocity, it therefore must be assumed that the enemy transport ship it was chasing was also capable of Warp Drive.

10. An extensive reexamination of the Chicxulub Impact Crater in the Gulf of Mexico reveals a Magnetic/Gravitational Field Anomaly. Recent discoveries of Magnetic Field Anomalies in both inner and outer space have led quantum physicists to theorize that wormholes may actually cross our planet’s path. These ‘GATES TO HYPERSPACE’ may cause the kind of magnetic/gravitational deviations experienced in an area intersecting the Chicxulub Impact Crater, expanding outward from the Gulf of Mexico into the Caribbean Sea to form an unstable magnetic region, better known as the ‘Bermuda Triangle.’

11. Discovered within the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ are small, very deep, very anomalous underwater caves, known as ‘Blue Holes.’ Robert Palmer, former director of the Blue Hole Research Center in the Bahamas mysteriously disappeared while diving in one of these anomalies. Palmer had theorized that the underwater anomalies are being created by the continuous popping in and out of existence of microwormholes.

12. Dr. Mohr believes the larger Magnetic Field Anomaly originating beneath the Chicxulub Impact Crater is being influenced by a wormhole, but not a microwormhole, a larger one, perhaps originating/approaching Earth space from somewhere in another space-time, or another section of our galaxy. If true, we could be looking at the formation of a gateway into another dimension.


13. It is the opinion of senior MAJESTIC team officials that former POTUS Ennis Chaney was too quick to limit GOLDEN FLEECE’s access to the Gabriel Twins. Now fourteen, the boys may hold the ‘mental key’ that unlocks the secrets of the BALAM and the Magnetic Field Anomaly in the Gulf of Mexico.


It is recommended that Dominique Gabriel (the twins’ mother and legal guardian) be ‘convinced’ that it is in the best interests of her family to allow her sons to join the GOLDEN FLEECE team. Narcotherapies, hypnotherapies, microvolt brain implants, and even control of access to family members must be held in reserve to enforce compliance. Threats and applied duress should also be held in reserve as an option.


W. Louis McDonald


24 October 2027



3:02 a.m.

Bloodred subterranean sky. Searing-hot wind. Dark clouds churn, their speed surreal.

Below, an alien lake smolders, its mirrorlike surface lapping upon an ominous shoreline.

Jacob approaches the alabaster tree, its trunk as wide as a sequoia’s.

An icy fog announces the Abomination. The mist swirls about the trunk of the tree, and then a pair of bright azure-blue eyes twinkle back at him through the haze.

‘Come closer, Cousin. Let me lick your wounds.’

With a bloodcurdling scream, Jacob Gabriel launches from his bed and darts into the hallway.

Dominique yanks open her bedroom door. ‘Oh, Jesus, another night terror?’

The door across from Jacob’s bedroom opens. Immanuel stares at his brother. Shakes his head. ‘Again?’

Jacob pants, trying to find his voice. ‘Just wait… you’ll go through the same thing someday.’

‘I doubt it. But until then, why don’t you move your bed into the training center.’