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8. Of special interest to the GOLDEN FLEECE scientists was the keeled belly portion of the burial vessel’s outer hull. Located just beyond the ‘dagger-shaped bow’ is an aerodynamic ring and four conjoined nacelles. BPP scientists theorize this to be a stabilizing structure, possibly used in ‘Warp’ drive, or quantum gravity tunnels (see WORMHOLE theory), also referred to as ‘Transwarp’ or ‘Quantum slipstream’ conduits through non-Einsteinian space. Structures behind the ring may have served as amplifiers/phase shifters, which may have the capability of generating ‘space-folds.’ By varying the configuration of the so-called ‘Warp field’ in super-luminal flight, the starship could theoretically change directions (alter course).

9. Inscribed upon the buried vessel’s outer hull are two symbols. The first appears as Mayan glyphs along the bow of the vessel, translated as BALAM, a name referring to the ancient Mayan Jaguar God, and most likely the name bestowed upon the alien vessel. The second symbols are a series of embedded red candelabra-shaped logos that archaeologists have identified as the ‘Trident of Paracas.’ An identical insignia is found on the side of a mountain in Peru. There are four ‘Trident’ panels located along the outer hull, two on the ventral side, two on the dorsal. Each of these panels appears to be an access hatch. None could be opened.


10. All attempts to access the interior of the BALAM have so far failed.



It is essential to relocate the BALAM to a secured facility in the United States in order for the ship to be accessed internally and reverse engineered. Because of security considerations and the enormous weight of the vessel, the only acceptable means of transportation would be via U.S. Navy heavy-lift barges and towable dry docks currently used for full-sized conventional Navy destroyers. In order to utilize this mode of transportation, a canal must be dredged and dug, connecting Chichen Itza with the Yucatan shoreline by way of its freshwater aquifers.

12. It is hypothesized that Michael Gabriel was able to access the BALAM because he bore the genetic ‘Hunahpu’ ID. On 6 January 2013, a MAJESTIC-12 team exhumed the remains of Maria Gabriel, Michael Gabriel’s biological mother, from her gravesite in Nazca, Peru, and found a similar genetic marker present in her DNA.

13. On 17 January 2013, Dominique Vazquez was examined by a MAJESTIC-12 physician, who verified the subject to be four weeks pregnant. Subject claims the biological father is Michael Gabriel.

14. It is theoretically possible that Dominique Vazquez’s unborn child will possess the Hunahpu genetic marker and may one day be able to access the interior of the BALAM and perhaps even pilot the vessel, assuming its power plant is still usable.


15. The potential technological advancements in propulsion, weapons, and energy/power systems associated with the BALAM make GOLDEN FLEECE of vital interest to the United States. It is recommended we proceed immediately with transportation of the vessel to a secured U.S. facility. It is further recommended that Dominique Vazquez be kept under twenty-four-hour-a-day surveillance.


W. Louis McDonald


21 January 2013

‘Incredible.’ Chaney types in his security code, erasing the file. ‘Tell me, Marvin, how’s Dominique taking the news that she’s pregnant with Gabriel’s child?’

‘Not well, to be honest. She’s still overwhelmed by all that’s happened, and she misses Mick terribly. Unfortunately, she’s also more than a little freaked out about this whole Hunahpu genetics thing. Right now, I’d guess she’s leaning toward abortion.’

‘You can’t allow that to happen, Mr. President,’ objects the colonel. ‘The unborn Gabriel child may represent our only means of accessing the Balam.’

‘Easy, Colonel, let’s give the girl a break. Dominique’s been through a lot over the last few months. It’s her life, her decision, not ours.’

‘Homeland Security has set her up with a new identity,’ Marvin says. ‘She’s living in south Florida under the alias, Andrea Smith. We’ve tried to keep her under twenty-four-hour surveillance.’

The colonel shakes his head. ‘MAJESTIC-12 should be in charge of the girl. Homeland Security has more holes in it than a Swiss cheese factory.’

‘We’ll let them handle it for now,’ Chaney says. ‘Dominique’s in no immediate danger, and locking her up in an underground bunker might negatively impact her decision about keeping the child. Anything else?’

‘Just one last thing,’ Marvin says. ‘In reviewing Julius Gabriel’s journal, I came across a passage that referenced a necromancer.’

‘A who?’

‘A necromancer. Comes from the Greek words necro, meaning death, and mancy, describing divination. A necromancer is one who claims to be able to communicate with the souls of the dead for the purpose of obtaining useful information. A few years prior to his own death, Professor Gabriel sought out the services of a necromancer named Evelyn Strongin, hoping to communicate with his deceased wife, Maria. We’ve been trying to locate Ms. Strongin, hoping she might be able to shed some light on Michael Gabriel’s genetic abilities. Unfortunately, her last reported address was in Peru. We can’t seem to locate any current information about her or her whereabouts.’

Chaney shakes his head. ‘Extraterrestrials. People talking to the dead. Whatever happened to the good ol’ days when all a president had to worry about were economic reforms and war in Iraq.’



The beige 2001 Dodge with the dented rear bumper turns off Mexican Route 180, following a local road through the poverty-stricken town of Piste.

Dominique slows the rental car, her dark eyes scanning the dilapidated stucco homes lining the roadway. The village is just like a thousand others located throughout Central America along the ‘Maya Route,’ a 120,000-square-mile area stretching east from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec through the Yucatan Peninsula, extending into Belize, Guatemala, and parts of Honduras and El Salvador.

A thousand years ago, the Maya were the dominant civilization in all Central America. Unable to rise against their Spanish oppressors, the Indians were left behind, their decreasing crops unable to compete in the marketplace. The culture is still very much alive, but the Maya are at the bottom rung of society’s ladder.

Dominique’s maternal ancestors were Yucatec-direct descendants of the Maya, and she bears the dark complexion and sculpted cheekbones of her people.

The dusty road widens into a four-lane highway that leads to the entrance of Chichen Itza, the capital city of the ancient Maya and the most visited tourist attraction in Mexico. Harbored within this 3.75-square-mile jungle-enclosed park are richly carved temples and shrines, the centerpiece being the Kukulcan Pyramid, a perfect ziggurat of stone that rises seventy-five feet above the grass-covered esplanade.

Dominique’s heart races as she thinks of the structure… and the alien vessel buried beneath its foundation.

For nearly a week, Dominique had remained at Evelyn Strongin’s home in St. Augustine. But after her initial contact with the spirit of Maria Rosen-Gabriel, the energy force had shut down, refusing further communication. This ‘silent treatment’ caused Dominique to have doubts about the validity of the first message… and its source.

‘No offense, Evelyn, but how can I be sure that was really Mick’s mother who spoke with me?’

‘Who else would it be, child?’

‘Maybe it was you, pretending to be in communication with your sister. Or maybe you weren’t even aware of what was happening. My background is in psychiatry. Over the years, I’ve seen some pretty bad cases of schizophrenia.’