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No! I am Michael Gabriel. I am One Hunahpu. I am in control. I control my mind, not the Abomination. My mind is a safe haven.

‘The Guardian have deceived you, Michael. I am not your enemy, I am your salvation.’

… I will focus on the echoes of my mind and not the coos of the Abomination. I shall control my mind, and the Abomination cannot hurt me. I shall retell my tale to my sons, and occupy my thoughts ‘No more tales. Our destiny together begins anew as we await the arrival of your sons.’

Boys, can you hear me? Jacob? Stay away! The Abomination knows you’re coming!

‘The cosmos has turned a deaf ear, Michael. Now, there is only us.’

No! God is out there, God will help me!

‘God? God is dead, Michael – a mere wisp of thought, in the consciousness of existence…’



God is testing us, to see if we can kill the Satan within us…


Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.


Each of us makes our own prisons, and each of us has the ability to set ourselves free.


Love is all you need…




The 722-foot-long starship cruiser, Balam, is divided into two main decks. In the lower deck, located midships to stern, is the propulsion chamber and its twin power cores, with extensive feeder assemblies and circuits growing out of the bulkheads and deck. Designed into this compartment is the Balam ’s massive solar plant, with links to the ship’s recycling water supply with distillers, gravity mats, and a myriad of machinery responsible for the starship’s force field and weapons system.

At the heart of the vessel is the Balam ’s central processing cortex and its immense biochemical brain. Sealed within an immense chamber of gelatinous liquid, this beehive of nanocircuits crackles with energy. Neuroclusters fire in the isolated darkness like a million fireflies. Fluid-filled sensory vacuoles branch out from the biochemical organ, interconnecting every neuroprocessing center within the ship.

The rest of the lower deck is devoted to the hyperdrive system and ‘scoop’ that channels tachyon particles from space into the vent-style gills located along the ship’s wings, essentially ‘pulling’ the Balam through the cosmos.

Embedded in every bulkhead, ceiling, and deck are artificial gravity node emitters, set to normal Earth gravity. Inertia dampeners protect flight crew operators from possible injuries caused by sudden acceleration, deceleration, or rapid changes in direction. Voice controls in each room can adjust ambient light, humidity, and temperature controls.

The upper deck is constructed to assure passenger comfort and survival. Hydroponic vats, biological waste treatment converters, and chemical storage containers needed to produce crops are located in an aft hangar, along with storage bays and a series of ‘autophysician’ pods that look like sarcophagi, something Dominique remains too claustrophobic to use. A main corridor leads forward into the centrally located ‘habitat,’ a 230-foot-long chamber that contains a kitchen, bathing pods, toilets, workstations, virtual reality facilities, exercise, and sleeping pods.

The onion-shaped control center is located upper deck forward. Escape chutes leading to smaller landing/escape pods are situated throughout the vessel.

Dominique Gabriel opens her eyes. The padded ‘curtains’ covering the portals in her sleep chamber have parted, allowing filtered sunlight to brighten the compartment. Reaching across her body, she unfastens the Velcro straps of her sleep suit, which cause her to adhere to the wall.

The dull headache returns the moment she floats free.

Dominique has been traveling in space for two days, twenty-two hours, and eighteen minutes. She has been suffering repeated bouts of spacesickness and an aching lower back, anxiety, sleep deprivation, an inability to focus, and an almost constant dull headache.

Her diet of freeze-dried rations has only added to her irritability.

‘Computer, activate gravity mats.’

A moment of nausea as her Earth weight returns, landing her awkwardly on both feet. She groans as the menstrual pain returns.

‘Computer, locate my son.’


Dominique enters the habitat where her son is sleeping. During her first ‘night’ in space, she had tried to sleep in a similar pod, but the coffinlike bed was too confining.

Hearing a muffled scream, she rushes over to one of the sleeping pods, where her son is in the throes of a terrible nightmare.

‘Jake?’ She bangs on the tinted plastic lid, then struggles to open it.

Inside, her son thrashes violently, as if being attacked by a swarm of bees.

Dominique yanks open the cover, grabbing him by his wrists. ‘Jake-wake up! Jacob!’

The azure-blue eyes flash open-absolutely terrified. He grips his mother’s biceps, bruising them within his powerful fingers.

‘Jake, it’s okay… Jacob, you’re hurting me… Jacob!’

‘Huh?’ He gazes up at her and stops thrashing.

Dominique helps him out of the pod. ‘Are you all right?’

He nods weakly, then collapses into a deck-mounted ‘nourishment’ chair. ‘Computer, 20 cc’s supplement 4-F.’ Placing the feeding tube into his mouth, he closes his eyes, sucking the clear liquid through the two-foot-long pressurized straw.

‘Another nightmare?’

‘It was a vision. A final warning from my father.’

She kneels in front of him. ‘Tell me.’

He shakes his head.

‘Jacob… please-’

The white-haired twin looks up at his mother through gallows’ eyes. ‘I was deep inside the nexus, enshrouded in heavy white fog. My physical body seemed to have left me, there was only my mind’s eye. Two violet specks appeared… two eyes, glowing at me from within the thick haze. It was Lilith. She whispered into my mind, “Jacob, we’ve been waiting.” And then I saw her.

‘She was so intoxicating, Mother, like exquisite poison. “Come to me, Jacob,” she said. My mind screamed no, but then I felt her touch, and it was beyond any ecstasy I’ve ever known. I could feel her warm breath in my ear. My nerve impulses tingled as she caressed the pleasure centers of my mind, and her nectar spread over me like a soothing balm.

‘I could have stayed there forever. I could have let her drain me, dying a happy man. But then these blue specks appeared-a pair of Hunahpu eyes observing me from beyond the fog.

‘It was my father. “You have allowed the serpent into your garden,” he said, “and once more you’ve been deceived.” Then the fog lifted, and I saw the Abomination for what she really was.

‘She was part-human, part-demonic creature. Her skin had bleached ghostly white, her long hair was black and knotty. The corneas of her eyes were violet-red, her pupils like a viper. But it was her mouth that made my soul retch-a vertical slit, like a fleshy trap-like a vagina, Mother, only it was filled with hundreds of these sickening stubbly black teeth.

‘Blood was smeared across the monster’s unholy slit… my blood! She stood before me, an obscenity of humanity. Her hideous lips spread apart, inhaling my consciousness inside her orifice, and I knew I was in Hell.

‘And though I had no body, I could still feel her heat melting the flesh from my bones, and though I had no nose, I could still smell the putrid scent of demon’s vomit, and though I had no mouth, my tortured mind screamed over and over as the Abomination entwined her naked limbs deeper around my mind, and ground her rancid groin into my being.’