Выбрать главу

Tegel, 118

Tegernsee, 202

Teumer, Alfred, 117

Theobald, T. N., 162

Thierfelder, Werner, 20, 70, 72, 73, 115, 117

Third Reich, 20, 34, 152, 204, 207, 210, 221

Thunderbolt, 152

Thuringia, 176

Tichenor, Felix H., 226

Toliver, Raymond, 182

Touch Me Not, 147

To War with the Yoxford Boys, 111

Towering Titan, The, 161

Tracy, Dick, 161, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 236

Trautloft, Hannes, 6–7, 51, 68, 70–71, 115, 116, 141

Truman, Harry, 220

Truver, Edward F., 196

Tuskegee Airmen, 145

Udet, Ernst, 34, 38, 39, 40, 46, 61

Ugly Duckling, 193

Ullrich, 144

Ulm, 199

Ultra Project, 37

University of Gottingen, 9

Unrau, 79

Untershönegg, 196

U-110, 37

USAAF Intelligence Service, 215

U.S. Air Force, 219

U.S. Army Air Corps, 5

U.S. Special Forces, 219

Vienna, 131

Vining, James, 193

V-1 project, 37

Voigt, Waldemar, 11, 47

Voss, J. R., 124

Wagner, Herbert, 12

Waldmann, Hans, 143

Wall, A. E., 78

Walter, Hellmuth, 10

Warner, Jack A., 163

Warsitz, Erich, 37

Watson, Harold E., 214

Weaver, Chuck, 186

Weber, Gilman L., 133, 163

Weert, 138

Wegmann, Günther, 127, 143

Weihs, Hans-Dieter (“Hadi”), 143

Weiss, Robert “Bazi,” 116

Weissenberger, Theodor, 111

Welter, Kurt, 44, 59, 60, 90, 91

Wendel, Fritz, 17, 19–20, 21, 31, 36, 47, 48, 62

White 8, 128

White 11, 194

White Flight, 195

Whittle, Frank, 4, 9

Wilhelm Wilkenloh, 138

Wilkins, 121

Willis, L. E., 134

Windisch, 144

Winker, Eberhard, 122

Winks, Robert P., 84, 113

Wittbold, 167

Wörner, Ernst, 146

Wray, J. B., 122, 137–138

Wright Field, 216

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 219

Wright, Roland, 111

Wübke, Hein, 182

Yalta Agreement, 220

Yalta Conference, 216

Yeager, Charles E. “Chuck,” 123

“Yellow 7,” 162

Zarnke, G. A., 163

Zemke, Hub, 76

Zentralabteilung (ZA), 4

Zentralfriedhof, 131

Zöllner, Alloys, 122

Zweizig, James A., 163


The people involved in making this book come to life are far too numerous to list. Suffice to say that the primary contributors are mentioned and quoted within these pages. Those who must be noted here are historians Barrett Tillman and Jon Guttman, both of them outstanding and unselfish in their assistance. I continue to learn much from them. Many years ago, Arno Abendroth provided Me 262 data on production numbers, unit losses, work numbers, and other materials that proved critical for this project. Without his information, this would be an incomplete work.

Without Norman Melton and his assistance over many years, I would not be writing this so easily. I would certainly never have received my education and become an author. Thanks to my agent, Gayle Wurst of Princeton International Agency for the Arts, who, in conjunction with my wife and previous coauthor of other books, Anne-Marie Lewis, has indulged and educated me on many of the pitfalls within my profession, therefore keeping me focused on the target.

Special thanks to Kurt Schulze for allowing me to make copies of the massive collection of reports and interviews from the Ray Toliver collection, and special thanks to the late Ray Toliver for his many years of support, access to his records and photographs, and also Trevor Constable for being part of the process that sparked my interest so long ago.

I would also like to thank Lt. Col. Robert Schmidt, USAF, and Kurt Schulze for their great friendship and assistance, and for introducing me to Jorg Czypionka. As Robert and I attended the German Fighter Pilot reunions over the years and became better acquainted with the men mentioned in this book, I reflect upon those days with great fondness. Kurt gave me many contacts over the last twenty years who provided additional assistance.

I also wish to thank Steven Daubenspeck at Zenith Press for suggesting the Me 262 book concept and senior editor Richard Kane at Zenith for supporting the concept. I want to mention Scott Pearson, editor at Zenith, who is really the best editor to work with. This book was their idea, and I hope that I have done their suggestion justice. Thanks to my best friend from our army days, Greg Kopatch, who always supported me in all of my wildest endeavors. I would like to jokingly remind him that I “finally got that plaque.” Only he will understand what that means.

A very special thanks to Albert Wunsch III, Esquire. Without his assistance on many levels, this project’s completion would not have been possible. And thanks to the late Jeffrey L. Ethell, who worked with Ray Toliver and me collecting the data that made this book and many others past, present, and future come to life.

I should also thank the following American air warriors who have since left us, who over the course of many years provided me with invaluable information, granted interviews, responded to letters, submitted photographs, and opened up contacts for me from both sides of the war: Gen. James H. Doolittle, Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, Col. Hubert Zemke, Brig. Gen. James M. Stewart, Col. Donald Blakeslee, and Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, just to name a few.

Finally, I need to thank all of the German Me 262 jet pilots of the Luftwaffe, who over the years provided interviews and letters and detailed their experiences. I also wish to thank the American and British aviators who gave me their perspectives. These men made the history, and fellows like us are just very lucky to have recorded it.


First published in 2012 by Zenith Press, an imprint of MBI Publishing Company,

400 First Avenue North, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA

© 2012 Zenith Press

Text © 2012 by Colin D. Heaton

All rights reserved. With the exception of quoting brief passages for the purposes of review, no part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from the Publisher. The information in this book is true and complete to the best of our knowledge.

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ISBN-13: 978-0-7603-4263-3

Digital Edition: 978-1-61058-434-0

Softcover Edition: 978-0-76034-263-3

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Heaton, Colin D.

The ME 262 Stormbird : from the pilots who flew, fought, and survived it /Colin D. Heaton. — 1st ed.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-0-7603-4263-3 (hbk.)

1. Messerschmitt 262 (Jet fighter plane) 2. Germany. Luftwaffe. Jagdgeschwader 7—History. 3. Fighter pilots—Germany—Biography. 4. World War, 1939-1945—Aerial operations. I. Title. II. Title: Messerchmidt 262 Stormbird.

UG1242.F5.H43 2012


