life after death, 54–55, 58; ignorance of, 53
lila, 129
logic, 20, 80, 83–84
love, xxvii, 51; acceptance and, 60; fear as opposite of, 9–10; of God, 55, 203–5, 211
Lucifer, 83
Lucretius, 43
lunacy, 90
Luther, Martin, 143
Lutheranism, 21
machine, 20–21, 24
Maha-Parinibbana Sutta, 220n9
Mahayana Buddhism, 136–37, 147, 157, 161–66, 172
Mahayana Canon, 166
man: civilized, unhappiness of, 14; faculties/functions of, 201–3; impotence of, and vicious circle, 184; modern, and conscious relationship, 84–86; modern, and Oriental philosophy, 76–77; modern, ego of, 78–79; primitive vs. civilized, 13–14; religious problem of, 142–45; salvation of, 19 (see also salvation); separateness of, 151–52; unconscious goal of, 23–24; universe in, 12, 26
Mana-Personality, 90
mandala, 98, 107, 202
Mandukya Upanishad, 153–54, 160
man vs. nature, 32; civilization and, 13–14, 70, 218n1; ego and, 78; as evolutionary stage, 16–18; historical background of, 19–23; Prodigal Son parable and, 14–16; unconscious and, 108–9
Marx, Karl, 21
masculinity, false, 118–20, 121
materialism, 36
Matthew, Gospel of, 62
maya, 26, 77, 151–52, 187, 214n7
McDougall, William, 213n2
meaning, 188
means, 132–34
meditation, 76, 77, 155, 219n6
Meher Baba, 29
men: feminine spirit in (anima), 98, 119–20; women misunderstood by, 118–19
mental heredity, 111
mental processes, 111–12
mental vitality, 111
metaphysics, 86–87, 162
Methodism, 21
Michael, Saint, 61–62, 67, 72–73, 133–34
Middle Ages, 19
mind: health of, 32; mechanical aspect of, 20–21; processes of, 111–12; unconscious, 25–26
mind reading, 46
Mitrinović, Dimitrije, 209
Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Jung), 144
moksha, ix, xiii
moment, the, 163–64, 170, 174, 177–78
Monoimus the Gnostic, 197–98
moods, 89, 90, 110, 195
moralism, 142–43
morality: acceptance and, 71–73, 133–34; by battle, 61–62; evil and, 65–66; as expression of love, 54; gratitude and, 207; by law, 137–38; reason and, 21–22; religion and, 43, 45–46, 54
mortification, 41–42
Mumon, 180
Mu-mon-kwan (Zen text), 178–79
Mundaka Upanishad, 149
Myanmar, 161
mystery, 209–12
mysticism: Jung and, xxii, 25, 26, 214n6; mystery and, 209–10; union with God in, 45; Western converts to, xxi; wholeness and, 193. See also Christian mysticism
naturalism, 176–77
natural law, 17
nature: acceptance of, 32–33; conscious relationship with, 84–86; dark side of, and ego, 17; everyday experiences of, 64; “getting back to,” 13; harmony with, 15, 16; Oriental vs. Western conceptions of, 19–23; as unforgiving, 206; wholeness in, 193–94. See also man vs. nature
“nature-in-man,” xx–xxi
Nazism, 64, 83–84
neti/neti, 154
neurosis, 94–95, 100
New Testament, 66
Nilambara-Vajrapani (Buddhist deity), 82
nirvana, x, xiii, 160–66, 174–75, 207
No-Gate Barrier, 178–79
nonduality, 150, 154, 160–61, 162, 174
no-self, 159
no-thing-ness, 218n5
occultism, xxi, 46–48
Oedipus Complex, 90
opposites: acceptance of, 194–95, 203–5, 211; in life, 4; love/fear, 9–10; merging of, 39, 77; problem of, 5–9, 32; reason for existence of, 204; tension of, 10–12
optimism, 23
Orientalists, xvi–xvii, 167
Oriental mysticism, 84
Oriental philosophy: acceptance in, 69; Christianity and, 73–75, 143–44; doctrines in, 147–48; duality and, 136–37; English language and, xvi; fate/free will conundrum and, 183–84, 187–88; gods/demons in, 79–82; happiness in, ix–x; modern man and, 76–77, 142; nature as viewed in, 19; object of, 77–78, 86; psychology vs. metaphysics in, 86–87; scientific psychology and, xx–xxiv; states of mind in, 73, 105; unhappiness in, x; Western converts to, 76; Western influence of, xix–xx; Zen and, 182. See also Buddhism; Hinduism; Taoism
Oriental psychology, 95, 105–8, 116
Original Fear, 9–10
original sin, 23–25
Ouspensky, P. D., 29
pacifism, 64, 67–68, 76
pain, 11, 116; evil and, 63; problem of, 58–60
Pali Canon, 157, 160–61, 219n8
pantheism, 149–50
paradox, 185
participation mystique, 70
passivity, 189
Pastoral Psychologists, 95, 216n3
Patanjali, 33
Paul, Saint, 66–67, 137–38, 167
personality, fulfillment of, 95–99, 200–203. See also individuation
pessimism, 187
Pharisees, 117
philosophy, popular, xxiv–xxv
phobias, 90, 116
physics, 50
pleasure-pain principle, 9, 155
pleasures, worldly, 39, 40–43
Pomp, Cornelius, 127–28
possession, 89, 117–18
pralaya, 153
prayer, 41, 128
predestination, 21–22
pride, 138, 189
Prinzhorn, Hans, 95
problems, facing, 105
Prodigal Son parable, 14–16, 70
progress, 37
Protestantism, 21–22, 143
Psalms, Book of, 48
“psychic science,” 46–47
psychism, 54
psychologists, xvi–xvii
psychology: aim of, 90; Christian, 62, 74–75; fate/free will conundrum and, 188; of Oriental religion, 86–87; of religion, 75; religion and, 216n3; scientific theories and, 80–81
psychology, modern, xvi; devotees of, 31; Oriental philosophy and, xx–xxiv; Western influence of, xix. See also analytical psychology
psychosis, 90
psychotherapy, 216n3
Puritan tradition, 21, 22
Pythagoreans, 140
rationalism, 22–24, 55, 144, 186–87
rationalization, 83–84
reason, 39; freedom through, 33; limitations of, 121; man/nature division and, 13, 33; morality and, 21–22; nature and, 20–21; unconscious and, xx
regression, 92–93, 218n4
relaxation, xxvi–xxvii, 40, 56, 68
religion: ascetic, 40–43; as denial of life, 36–39; as entrance to life, 199; essential function of, 54; everyday life and, 58–59; happiness and, 32, 35; “higher sensuality” in, 56–57; individuation symbols in, 202; modern man and, 142–45; nonessentials of, 52–55; occultist, 46–48; psychology of, xxiv, 75; psychotherapy and, 216n3; science vs., 52–53, 55; spirituality in, 35–36, 54–55; substitutes for, 93; women and, 29–30. See also specific religion; spirituality
religious cults, xxi, 29
religious experience, 43–46, 48
Renaissance, 19–20
repression, 32, 64
resistance, 63
resurrection, 37
Rhys Davids, Mrs. C. A. F., 158, 219n8
Richard II (Shakespeare), 101
Rinzai, 176–77
Romans, Epistle to, 66–67
Rosicrucianism, 29
salvation: in Christian doctrine, 19, 62, 75, 138–39; of human mind, 24; morality and, 37; religion and, 31, 55, 206; search for, 31–32, 77; spirituality and, 35–36
sangha, 157
sangsara, 160, 161, 162–63, 174
Saptasatika, 165, 221n4 (ch. 7)
Sasaki, Sokei-an, 220n19
Satan, 63
science: gods/demons and, 80; human anatomy discoveries in, 3; psychology and, 80–81; rationalist, 55; religion vs., 52–53, 55
self, xx; Hindu views of, 33; in Jungian psychology, 96–98, 203; multiplicity of, and universe, 6–7