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BARONESS [Clapping her hands]

Oh, charmant, charmant! But it ees a romance!


But you are married!

BARONESS [Downcast]

Ah, oui.Quel dommage, vat a peety!


You forget, Baron, we are in America. The law giveth and the law taketh away.

[He sniggers.]


It ees a vonderful country! But your vife-hein?-vould she consent?


She's mad to get back on the stage-I'll run a theatre for her. It's your daughter's consent that's the real trouble-she won't see me because I lost my temper and told her to stop with her Jew. So I look to you to straighten things out.


Mais parfaitement.

BARON [Frowning at her]

You go too quick, Katusha. What influence have I on Vera? And you she has never even seen! To kick out the Jew-beast is one thing....


Well, anyhow, don't shoot her-shoot the beast rather.



Shooting is too good for the enemies of Christ.

[Crossing himself.] At Kishineff we stick the swine.

QUINCY [Interested]

Ah! I read about that. Did you see the massacre?


Which one? Give me a cigarette, Katusha.

[She obeys.] We've had several Jew-massacres in Kishineff.


Have you? The papers only boomed one-four or five years ago-about Easter time, I think--


Ah, yes-when the Jews insulted the procession of the Host!

[Taking a light from the cigarette in his wife's mouth. ]


Did they? I thought--

BARON [Sarcastically]

I daresay. That's the lies they spread in the West. They have the Press in their hands, damn 'em. But you see I was on the spot.

[He drops into a chair.] I had charge of the whole district.

QUINCY [Startled]



Yes, and I hurried a regiment up to teach the blaspheming brutes manners--

[He puffs out a leisurely cloud.]

QUINCY [Whistling]

Whew!... I-I say, old chap, I mean Baron, you'd better not say that here.


Why not? I am proud of it.


My husband vas decorated for it-he has ze order of St. Vladimir.

BARON [Proudly]

Second class! Shall we allow these bigots to mock at all we hold sacred? The Jews are the deadliest enemies of our holy autocracy and of the only orthodox Church. Their Bund is behind all the Revolution.


A plague-spot muz be cut out!


Well, I'd keep it dark if I were you. Kishineff is a back number, and we don't take much stock in the new massacres. Still, we're a bit squeamish--


Squeamish! Don't you lynch and roast your niggers?


Not officially. Whereas your Black Hundreds--


Black Hundreds! My dear Mr. Davenport, they are the white hosts of Christ

[Crossing himself] and of the Tsar, who is God's vicegerent on earth. Have you not read the works of our sainted Pobiedonostzeff, Procurator of the Most Holy Synod?


Well, of course, I always felt there was another side to it, but still--


Perhaps he has right, Alexis. Our Ambassador vonce told me ze Americans are more sentimental zan civilised.


Ah, let them wait till they have ten million vermin overrunning their country-we shall see how long they will be sentimental. Think of it! A burrowing swarm creeping and crawling everywhere, ugh! They ruin our peasantry with their loans and their drink shops, ruin our army with their revolutionary propaganda, ruin our professional classes by snatching all the prizes and professorships, ruin our commercial classes by monopolising our sugar industries, our oil-fields, our timber-trade.... Why, if we gave them equal rights, our Holy Russia would be entirely run by them.


Mon dieu! C'est vrai. Ve real Russians vould become slaves.


Then what are you going to do with them?


One-third will be baptized, one-third massacred, the other third emigrated here.

[He strikes a match to relight his cigarette.]

QUINCY [Shudderingly]

Thank you, my dear Baron,-you've already sent me one Jew too many. We're going to stop all alien immigration.


To stop all alien-? But that is barbarous!


Well, don't let us waste our time on the Jew-problem ... our own little Jew-problem is enough, eh? Get rid of this little fiddler. Then I may have a look in. Adieu, Baron.



[Holding his hand] But you are not really serious about Vera?

[The BARONESS makes a gesture of annoyance.]


Not serious, Baron? Why, to marry her is the only thing I have ever wanted that I couldn't get. It is torture! Baroness, I rely on your sympathy.

[He kisses her hand with a pretentious foreign air.]

BARONESS [In sentimental approval]

Ah! l'amour! l'amour!

[Exit QUINCY DAVENPORT, taking his cap in passing.] You might have given him a little encouragement, Alexis.


Silence, Katusha. I only tolerated the man in Europe because he was a link with Vera.


You accepted his yacht and his--


If I had known his loose views on divorce--


I am sick of your scruples. You are ze only poor official in Bessarabia.


Be silent! Have I not forbidden--?

BARONESS [Petulantly]

Forbidden! Forbidden! All your life you have served ze Tsar, and you cannot afford a single automobile. A millionaire son-in-law is just vat you owe me.


What I owe you?


Yes, ven I married you, I vas tinking you had a good position. I did not know you were too honest to use it. You vere not open viz me, Alexis.


You knew I was a Revendal. The Revendals keep their hands clean....

[With a sudden start he tiptoes noiselessly to the door leading

to the hall and throws it open. Nobody is visible. He closes it


BARONESS [Has shared his nervousness till the door was opened, but now

bursts into mocking laughter] If you thought less about your precious safety, and more about me and Vera--


Hush! You do not know Vera. You saw I was even afraid to give my name. She might have sent me away as she sent away the Tsar's plate of mutton.