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The Tsar's plate of--?


Did I never tell you? When she was only a school-girl-at the Imperial High School-the Tsar on his annual visit tasted the food, and Vera, as the show pupil, was given the honour of finishing his Majesty's plate.

BARONESS [In incredulous horror]

And she sent it avay?


Gave it to a servant.

[Awed silence.] And then you think I can impose a husband on her. No, Katusha, I have to win her love for myself, not for millionaires.

BARONESS [Angry again]

Alvays so affrightfully selfish!


I have no control over her, I tell you!

[Bitterly] I never could control my womenkind.


Because you zink zey are your soldiers. Silence! Halt! Forbidden! Right Veel! March!

BARON [Sullenly]

I wish I did think they were my soldiers-I might try the lash.

BARONESS [Springing up angrily, shakes parasol at him]

You British barbarian!

VERA [Outside the door leading to the interior]

Yes, thank you, Miss Andrews. I know I have visitors.

BARON [Ecstatically]

Vera's voice!

[The BARONESS lowers her parasol. He looks yearningly toward the

door. It opens. Enter VERA with inquiring gaze.]

VERA [With a great shock of surprise]



Verotschka! My dearest darling!...

[He makes a movement toward her, but is checked by her

irresponsiveness.] Why, you've grown more beautiful than ever.


You in New York!


The Baroness wished to see America. Katusha, this is my daughter.

BARONESS [In sugared sweetness]

And mine, too, if she vill let me love her.

VERA [Bowing coldly, but still addressing her father]

But how? When?


We have just come and--

BARONESS [Dashing in]

Zat charming young man lent us his yacht-he is adoràhble.


What charming young man?


Ah, she has many, ze little coquette-ha! ha! ha!

[She touches VERA playfully with her parasol.]


We wished to give you a pleasant surprise.


It is certainly a surprise.

BARON [Chilled]

You are not very ... daughterly.


Do you remember when you last saw me? You did not claim me as a daughter then.

BARON [Covers his eyes with his hand]

Do not recall it; it hurts too much.


I was in the dock.


It was horrible. I hated you for the devil of rebellion that had entered into your soul. But I thanked God when you escaped.

VERA [Softened]

I think I was more sorry for you than for myself. I hope, at least, no suspicion fell on you.

BARONESS [Eagerly]

But it did-an avalanche of suspicion. He is still buried under it. Vy else did they make Skovaloff Ambassador instead of him? Even now he risks everyting to see you again. Ah, mon enfant, you owe your fazer a grand reparation!


What reparation can I possibly make?

BARON [Passionately]

You can love me again, Vera.

BARONESS [Stamping foot]

Alexis, you are interrupting--


I fear, father, we have grown too estranged-our ideas are so opposite--


But not now, Vera, surely not now? You are no longer

[He lowers his voice and looks around] a Revolutionist?


Not with bombs, perhaps. I thank Heaven I was caught before I had done any practical work. But if you think I accept the order of things, you are mistaken. In Russia I fought against the autocracy--


Hush! Hush!

[He looks round nervously.]


Here I fight against the poverty. No, father, a woman who has once heard the call will always be a wild creature.



[Lowering his voice] those revolutionary Russian clubs here-you are not a member?


I do not believe in Revolutions carried on at a safe distance. I have found my life-work in America.


I am enchanted, Vera, enchanted.

BARONESS [Gushingly]

Permit me to kiss you, belle enfant.


I do not know you enough yet; I will kiss my father.

BARON [With a great cry of joy]


[He embraces her passionately.] At last! At last! I have found my little Vera again!


No, father, your Vera belongs to Russia with her mother and the happy days of childhood. But for their sakes--

[She breaks down in emotion.]


Ah, your poor mother!


Alexis, I perceive I am too many!

[She begins to go toward the door.]


No, no, Katusha. Vera will learn to love you, too.


What does my loving you matter? I can never return to Russia.

BARONESS [Pausing]

But ve can come here-often-ven you are married.

VERA [Surprised]

When I am married?

[Softly, blushing] You know?

BARONESS [Smiling]

Ve know zat charming young man adores ze floor your foot treads on!

VERA [Blushing]

You have seen David?

BARON [Hoarsely]


[He clenches his fist.]

BARONESS [Half aside, as much gestured as spoken]

Sh! Leave it to me.

[Sweetly.] Oh, no, ve have not seen David.

VERA [Looking from one to the other]

Not seen-? Then what-whom are you talking about?


About zat handsome, quite adoràhble Mr. Davenport.




Who combines ze manners of Europe viz ze millions of America!

VERA [Breaks into girlish laughter]

Ha! Ha! Ha! So Mr. Davenport has been talking to you! But you all seem to forget one small point-bigamy is not permitted even to millionaires.


Ah, not boz at vonce, but--


And do you think I would take another woman's leavings? No, not even if she were dead.


You are insulting!