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Chapter 6

Introduction to the Royal Capital’s Disturbance

Part 1

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 3rd, 17:44

The reception room door opened slowly. Even though the hinges had been freshly greased and should open smoothly, the door opened slowly as if there was a huge pressure difference between the inside and the outside. It was just like Sebas’ heart. If the door knew how he felt, it wouldn’t have opened, but it still swung open and he could see all who waited for him inside. Waiting inside the normally empty room were four heteromorphic figures. One was a cyan coloured warrior. He had cancelled his cold aura and stood rigidly with a halberd in hand. One was a devil. What kind of emotion would he be hiding behind his mocking face? In the devil’s arms was a fetus looking angel with wings that looked like tree branches.

And the last—

“I have no excuse for being late.”

Using all his willpower to suppress the shaking in his voice, Sebas offered a deep bow to the Supreme Being who was the only one sitting down. For Sebas, who held the position of house steward and butler, there was only one being whom he bowed to in fear and respect. One of the 41 Supreme Beings.

— Ainz Ooal Gown.

The ruler of Nazarick who held overwhelming power. In his hand was the ‘Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown’ which was emitting a dark aura. In his empty eye sockets, faint red flames flickered about. Sebas could feel those eyes slowly scanning his bowing figure.

“…Don’t worry about that, Sebas. It is my fault for arriving without any prior notice. Enter, we can’t have a conversation if you are just bowing down by the door.”


Sebas reacted to the heavy voice and got up with his head still bowing. When he took a single step forward, he felt a chill going down his back. He could sense hidden hostility and killing intent. His gaze slowly shifted to the two Guardians. They did not appear as if they were paying attention to him, but only a normal person would think that. Sebas could already tell. In that tense atmosphere, there was no friendly aura. It was the exact opposite, he was being treated like an enemy. Sebas could guess why they might hold such hostility at him and wondered if anybody else could hear his pounding heart.

“It would be best for you to stop there.”

Demiurge’s cold voice stopped Sebas in his tracks. It was somewhat far from the master. It wasn’t too far to hold a conversation and it was a respectful distance considering how big the room was.

However, if it was Ainz, he would have told Sebas to come closer. The lack of such words gave Sebas an even stronger sense of isolation.

Not only that, but the distance was within the ideal range of Cocytus’ attack.

Solution who came in with Sebas also stood by the door.

“Now then…”

Sebas could not figure out how, but Ainz made a hollow sound with his skeleton fingers.

“I shall ask you first, Sebas. Do I need to explain why I am here?”

There was only one reason. The situation alone was telling enough.

“…No, I understand.”

“Then I want to hear it from your own mouth, Sebas. I heard the report, it seems you picked up a cute pet?”

— As expected.

Sebas felt a chill down his spine. Then he remember that he had yet to answer his master and quickly raised his voice.


“Yes, I am raising her.”

“Then I shall hear you out first. Why did you not report it to me?”

Sebas looked towards the floor with shaking shoulders, fearing that the situation would become worse if he were to say something. Seeing how Sebas had yet to answer, Ainz leaned to a side in the chair. Creaking noise echoed loudly through the room.

“What is it, Sebas? You seem to be sweating. Shall I lend you a handkerchief?”

Ainz took out a white handkerchief with an exaggerated motion and nonchalantly threw it in Sebas’ direction. The handkerchief flew past the desk and opened up before falling to the floor.

“I permit you to use it.”

Sebas took a step to pick up the handkerchief, but hesitated to use it.

“…There is nothing like your pet’s blood on it. I just didn’t want to see you sweating so profusely.”

“I apologize for showing you my unbecoming side.”

Sebas opened up the handkerchief and wiped his sweat away. The handkerchief changed colour from absorbing an unexpectedly large amount of moisture.

“Now, Sebas. When I sent you to the capital, I told you to record everything and send back reports. This was because it’s difficult for you to determine which information is useful or not. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of rumours that were written on the report as well, correct?”

“Yes, that is so.”

“Then Demiurge, I’ll ask you for confirmation, since you have seen all the reports Sebas sent as well. Was there any mention of the pet in the report?”

“No, Ainz-sama. I checked again multiple times, but there was not a single mention.”

“Then, Sebas, tell me why you have done so. Why did you not report it? …I want to know why you have ignored my order. Is the word of Ainz Ooal Gown not enough to compel you?”

That sentence shook the atmosphere. Sebas hurriedly replied.

“Of course not. It was my foolishness to think that it wasn’t important enough to report to you, Ainz-sama.”

Silence descended.

Four killing intents pierced his body: Cocytus, Demiurge, the angel Demiurge was holding in his arms and Solution. With a single command, they would not hesitate to attack him.

There was no fear of death. To die for Nazarick was a great honour, but the notion of dying as a traitor made Sebas’ body shake. For a creation of the 41 Supreme Beings, dying as a traitor was the greatest shame there could be. By the time Sebas’ forehead was full of sweat once more, Ainz spoke.

“…So what you are saying is, it was your own foolish decision? Is that what you mean?”

“Yes, Ainz-sama. Please forgive my indiscretion.”

“…Hmm, is that so… I understand.”

After hearing Sebas’ heartfelt apology, Ainz’s neutral voice returned once again. As there were no orders to eliminate Sebas, the atmosphere returned to normal once again. However, Sebas could not rest easy as Ainz’s next command made Sebas’ heart sink.

“Solution. Bring Sebas’ pet over here.”


After Solution left, door closed quietly. Sebas’ sharp senses tracked Solution’s footsteps beyond the door, walking farther and farther away. In this place, there were four heteromorphic beings: Ainz, Demiurge, Cocytus and the strangely shaped angel. Was the reason they didn’t bother to hide their appearance because there wouldn’t be a need to? If someone from Nazarick wished to silence someone, killing was the best method. He should have released her sooner. Sebas shook his head on the inside, but it was already too late for such thoughts. He could feel two people approaching the door.

— What should I do?

Sebas’ looked up at the empty ceiling. If she’s coming here, then he needed to decide. There was only one choice. He looked at Demiurge and Ainz who were still watching him, and his gaze fell down to the floor once again. A knock sounded at the door and opened. There were two women standing there, as expected.

“I have brought her.”

Even though Sebas has his back turned to her, he could hear Tsuare gasp at the door. Maybe she was panicking after seeing a devil, Demiurge. Maybe she was scared after seeing a giant insect, Cocytus. Maybe she was terrified after seeing an angel that looked like a fetus. Maybe she was petrified after seeing death incarnate, Ainz. Or maybe it was all of it.