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“Will that be alright, Climb?”

“No, not really, but do we have a choice? If all of the Six Arms are gathered here, then this must be one of the two important places and we can’t even check if it is. But considering the difference in strength, it’s inevitable.”

“Then should I go in again to see if I can grab any documents before we withdraw?”

“No, it’s too dangerous. It would be best to retreat while they still don’t know we’re here. What do you think?”

“Yea, I agree. Then what will we do now? Go to the other locations and help them out?”

The still invisible rogue intentionally made walking sound to reassure Climb that he was headed to where rest of the group was waiting.

“…Nobody seems to be chasing him, Climb.”

“Then shall we join up with the rest and move on to the next location?”

When he turned around, he could see the person he met yesterday approaching the building they were surveying.

“That’s Sebas-sama? Why is he…”

“I don’t think that’s the case. I doubt you really think that either.”

“That is true. Maybe if he was someone who’s really good at acting, but I doubt he’s someone like that.”

“We should call him—”

As soon as he said that, Sebas looked directly at the two of them. Climb and Brain were hidden in the shadows quite some distance away to survey the building. They wouldn’t be easy to spot. It could have been a coincidence that he looked in their direction, but Climb didn’t think that was the case.

Sebas came walking at brisk pace.

It was at an incredible speed. Whenever they blinked, he had closed an incredible distance as if he was teleporting. Even though he was just walking normally, he moved at a speed that the brain refused to register. Then he came into the alleyway. To be more precise, he nearly flew over the heads of the two men hiding by the alleyway entrance.

“My. To see both of you here, what a coincidence. So what is your business here?”

“No, that’s something we should be asking you. We were planning on launching an assault on that building, which is owned by Eight Fingers.”

“No, there are more behind us.”

Climb asked Sebas who was murmuring.

“What are you doing here, Sebas-sama? Do you have business in that building…?”

“Yes, to be honest, the woman I told you about yesterday was kidnapped and is being held in that building. They called me out, so here I am.”

“Is that so?! Speaking of which, our comrade who scouted ahead said there is a woman in there as well.”

“…Where is he?”

“He should be coming back soon… Ah, just in time.”

The former adventurer returned with his invisibility worn off. He was wary of the old man with a gentlemanly aura which did not fit the situation.

“This is Sebas-sama. He helped us capture ‘Devil of Illusions’ yesterday. He seems to be acquainted with the woman you spoke of earlier. He’s someone we can trust, don’t worry too much.”

The rogue nodded as sign of understanding and talked extensively about the information he had gathered, starting with the woman. Sebas spoke with a grateful voice after listening to everything.

“Is that so, I understand. Thank you, it will be easier to rescue her now.”

“Don’t worry about it, old man. By the way, everybody is ready to withdraw…”

The rogue glanced at Sebas as if feeling sorry for having to retreat and leaving him alone despite knowing that someone Sebas knew was being held hostage.

“Sebas-sama. The strongest of Eight Fingers, called the Six Arms are gathered here… Can you take care of them all?”

The rogue frowned at Climb’s question. Climb also understood what the rogue might be thinking. The Six Arms were foes matching adamantium ranked adventurers in strength. It would be impossible to win against five of them. However, ignoring such doubts, Sebas replied lightly.

“If it’s five people like that Succulent fellow yesterday, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

The rogue blinked for a moment before taking Brain and Climb aside and asked them while looking at Sebas with pitiful eyes.

“…Leader, is that man crazy?”

Anyone who listened to Sebas just now would agree. Especially if they knew about the abilities of an adamantium ranked adventurer. But Climb, who had witnessed Sebas’ abilities, knew there was no overconfidence in that statement.

“No, he is that strong.”

The rogue looked at Climb as if he were looking at a madman.

“Brain thinks so as well.”

“What?! Unglaus, you as well?”

Brain smiled bitterly as he nodded at the rogue.

“That’s right. Even if Gazef and I fight against him at the same time, we wouldn’t be able to win.”

“I, is that… No, if it’s true, that’s incredible…”

The rogue still looked at Sebas with disbelief, but could only trust what they were saying.

“If we are requesting help from Sebas-sama… It might be inconvenient, but can you tell Sebas-sama about the Six Arms?”

The only time Sebas broke his gentlemanly aura was when he heard one of the Six Arms’ nickname.

“Did you say ‘Undying King’ Deibanock… It’s an unduly nickname for a foolish creature.”

Besides that murmur, the information exchange finished without a hitch. Climb asked then.

“So, Sebas-sama… Is it possible for you to help us out?”

“Of course. I came to rescue Tsuare anyways. I shall take care of the Six Arms.”

“In that case, Sebas-sama will rush in from the front and we will infiltrate secretly in order to rescue Tsuare-san. I’m sorry to leave all the fighting to you, Sebas-sama…”

“That’s fine. It would be favourable for me too, since you would be able to rescue her while they’re distracted and they won’t be able to drag her off through a secret escape route.”

“I understand. I will rescue Tsuare-san no matter what. Then who would you like to be accompanied with? I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to go in with everyone like it was planned…”

“Hmm… If we need to infiltrate, it would be best to be as quiet as possible. Then after we rescue her, we might have to fight our way out. If that’s the case…”

The rogue looked at Climb and Brain.

“If he could use invisibility magic infinitely, it might be different story… but I think going with only the three of us would be the best.”

“Is it alright for me to go with you?”

“Of course, leader. My warrior comrades aren’t really fit for infiltration because they’re too stiff in their armour.”

“I understand, then we will infiltrate with the people here.”

“It’d be good if our magic caster could cast noise cancelling magic, too… Well, if it’s for 3 people, I’ll ask him to cast invisibility magic.”


Climb spoke in worried tone.

“Even if everybody goes invisible, my helm can activate invisibility detection once per day… but what about everyone else? If everyone can’t see each other and gets lost, it will be a problem.”

“Don’t worry Climb, I have a magic item that can detect invisibility. Even though it’s a one use only, I’ll be fine.”

“No need to worry about me. There’s no way I can miss the leader and Unglaus’ footsteps.”

“Then we will be able to communicate fine. We will give Sebas-sama some time before infiltrating.”

“I’ll be in your care.”

Climb and Brain were flustered at Sebas, who lowered his head. They didn’t do anything to deserve a bow from someone like Sebas. They were basically using him like they did at the brothel yesterday.

“No, we are the ones who should be thanking you. Since we came to attack this place, we are very grateful that you are taking care of the Six Arms.”