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The Guardians’ displeasure only intensified with Tsuare in front of them. In some way, she was the embodiment of Sebas’ mistakes and failures. Tsuare could not stop shaking at all the hostility directed at her. In this world, Guardians were the ultimate beings, and all weaklings would tremble in fear at the mere sight of them. The fact that Tsuare wasn’t crying was already an amazing feat. Sebas did not look back, but he could feel Tsuare’s gaze fixed on him. Her courage came from the fact Sebas was in the same room.

“Cocytus, Demiurge, stop. Learn from Victim’s example.”

With Ainz’s soft voice, the atmosphere changed. No, it should be said that all hostility towards Tsuare vanished. Ainz extended his left hand towards Tsuare and motioned for her to enter.

“Enter, Sebas’ new human pet, Tsuare.”

As if she was under a spell, she entered the room with shaky steps.

“You didn’t try to escape, very courageous of you. Or did you hear something from Solution? That depending on how you act, Sebas’ fate will be decided?”

Tsuare, who was shaking non-stop, could not reply. Sebas felt her gaze towards his back intensify. It alone let him know how she truly felt. Without hesitation, Tsuare stood behind Sebas as she entered the room. Cocytus slowly moved and stood behind Tsuare as if he was waiting for something. Tsuare grabbed the corner of Sebas’ sleeves. Sebas could remember when she first had grabbed onto him in the alleyway. Perhaps if he had acted more prudently back then, this would not have happened.

Demiurge looked at Tsuare in a cold manner and then suddenly—

“Kneel immed—”

— The sound of a finger snap rung out.

Demiurge, who was about to speak understood what his master wanted, and swallowed the words he wanted to say.

“—It is fine, Demiurge. For having the courage to not run away, I, the ruler of Nazarick shall forgive her for the lack of manners.”

“My deepest apologies.”

Ainz nodded slowly at Demiurge’s apology.


The chair squeaked as weight shifted.

“First would be the introduction. I am Ainz Ooal Gown, Sebas’ master.”

It was so. The 41 Supreme Beings, they controlled everything; even Sebas’ life and death. His master’s declaration that he was a servant brought him the greatest joy. Unfortunately, the happiness was only strong enough to make his back shake a little. It wasn’t because Tsuare was there, because for a moment he even forgot that she was there. No, it was something else. Even while Sebas thought about it, the conversation continued.


“It’s alright, Tsuare. I just need to know that you exist. I have no interest in you besides that. You simply need to stand there. You will find out why I called you over soon.”


The red light in Ainz’ empty eye sockets moved.

“…Sebas, I want to hear it from you. I ordered you to act as discreetly as possible.”


“Because of this worthless woman, you allowed an annoying matter to develop, am I correct?”

“You are right.”

Tsuare squirmed a little at the mention of ‘worthless’, but Sebas remained still.

“…Do you not think it was an act of willfully disobeying my order?”

“I deeply apologize that my shallow thoughts have displeased you. I shall take caution so something like this never happens again—”

“—It’s fine.”

“My lord?”

“I said it’s fine.”

Ainz fixed his posture once again and the chair squeaked.

“Everyone makes mistakes. Sebas, I forgive your transgression.”

“—I thank Ainz-sama for his generosity.”

“But every mistake has a price… Kill it.”

The room’s atmosphere tensed up again and it felt as if the temperature had dropped a couple degrees. No, it wasn’t truly so. The only one who felt it was Sebas. Everybody else from Nazarick were unmoved.

Sebas gulped.

What did he order to be killed? No, there was no need to ask. The fact things had to turn out this way made Sebas’ heart and mouth equally heavy.

“…I beg your… pardon…”

“Hmm… I mean for you to eliminate the root of your mistake, thus redeeming yourself. If any trace of your mistake remains, it would set a bad example for the others. You are the butler of Nazarick. One who stands above many. If someone of such an important position does nothing to rectify his mistakes…”

Sebas let out a deep breath and breathed in again. He who did not shirk before even the strongest of opponents felt like a small prey cornered by a predator.

“Sebas, are you someone who follows the decisions of the 41 Supreme Beings, or are you someone who follows his own decisions?”

“That is—”

“There is no need for words. Show me through your action.”

Ainz closed his eyes and opened them again.

Hesitating just for a second, no, even a second was a long time to hesitate. It was enough time for loyal servants like Cocytus, Demiurge and Solution to show hostility once more. In that amount of time, Sebas came to a conclusion.

Sebas was Nazarick’s butler. He was nothing more than that. His foolish hesitation caused this situation. If he had asked for a permission earlier, this would not have happened. It was all his fault.

Sebas’ eyes emitted a steely look. He turned around to Tsuare and her hands released their grip. They floated in the air hesitantly for a moment before slumping. Tsuare could understand which conclusions Sebas came to after looking at his face.

She smiled and closed her eyes. There was no signs of fear or desperation on her. She had the face of a martyr who was ready to accept her fate. Sebas’ movements had no hesitation in it either. Sebas was calm. His action was how a loyal servant of Nazarick should act. There was no reason to disobey the master’s orders.

There would be no regret. There could only be loyalty.

Sebas gripped his fist tightly to grant her the only mercy he could afford to give, a quick death. His fist flew towards Tsuare’s head.


— Something hard intercepted his first.

“—Why are you interfering?”

Sebas’ fist, which was supposed to blow away Tsuare’s head had been blocked. One of Cocytus’ arms had caught his fist. Preventing him from carrying out his order, wasn’t Cocytus disobeying the Master? But Sebas’ astonishment was cleared up immediately.

“Stand down, Sebas.”

As he was about to strike for the second time, Sebas obeyed Ainz’s words. There was no reprimand for Cocytus, but only an order for Sebas to stand down. In another word, the reason Cocytus stopped Sebas was because it had been planned so.

Everything had been an act, designed to test Sebas’ loyalty and will. Tsuare opened her eyes slightly and confirmed that death was not going to happen immediately. As the threat of death went away, so did all her tension and Tsuare sniffled as her body started shaking. Her legs looked as if they would give in at any moment, but Sebas did not hold her. No, he couldn’t hold her. What could he possibly do? He was a man who had abandoned her. Ignoring Tsuare, who was gripped in fear, Cocytus and Ainz started talking to each other.

“It was. Indeed. A killing. Blow.”

“Then I will declare that Sebas’ loyalty is no longer questioned. You did well, Sebas.”


Sebas bowed deeply with a rigid expression.

“—Demiurge. Any objection from you?”





“!rewop eht evah I……lluksyarG fo rewop eht yB (There is none.)”

“Then we shall move on to the next matter.”