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“Are you Tsuare-san?”

Climb asked the woman inside. The woman who was lying on the floor stood up. She wore the clothes of a maid, and her appearance matched Sebas’ description. Considering she hadn’t had the time to change since her kidnapping, this was definitely her. Climb felt a bit of relief. Their first objective was complete. Now was the time for the next objective; to escape with her.

“We were told to rescue you by Sebas-sama. Please come here.”

Tsuare nodded at Climb. Tsuare made an astonished expression when she saw Brain and the rogue after coming out of the jail cell. Her gaze stayed especially long on Brain.

“This door — the one in the same direction as the fighting pit — doesn’t have any noise coming from behind it, but going through a place where we’ve never been before is too dangerous. It’s best to go back the way we came.”

Climb and Brain agreed. Considering they were both warriors, they thought it best to leave such a decision to the expert. Climb looked down at Tsuare’s feet and confirmed that she was wearing shoes. Running wouldn’t be a problem.

“Then let’s go before the enemy comes around.”

“Understood. I’ll take the lead again, but since we don’t have invisibility magic this time, I’ll be more careful. Don’t miss my signals.”

“I understa… what is it, Brain?”

“Hmm?…Nothing. It’s probably nothing, Climb.”

Brain frowned but said nothing more. He kept staring at Tsuare, but Climb could find nothing wrong with her. She only appeared like a regular maid who had been kidnapped.

“Ready? Then we’ll head out.”

The rogue went ahead, followed by Climb, then Brain and Tsuare, who went last. Racing past the cell doors, the rogue slowed down near the corner in order to scout the way ahead, but someone appeared from around the corner as if they were leisurely taking a stroll and blocked the rogue’s path. They had anticipated some sort of opposition, but it was hard to react to something as sudden as this. Climb froze at the sudden turn of events, but the rogue showed a reaction worthy of a former orichalcum ranked adventurer. He drew his dagger and ran forward with killing intent.


With a loud noise, the rogue flew back. It was as if he had been rammed by a bull. It was a coincidence, but Climb caught his fall. If the rogue had fallen on the floor without any way to soften the landing, he would have taken massive damage, but luckily Climb and the Rogue hit the floor together when they were thrown back. His mind immediately went to the rogue who was groaning in pain, but he had to pay his attention to the man who suddenly appeared. That man was bound to be the enemy. Climb suddenly realized the man’s name in a flash and shouted in astonishment.


This man was part of Six Arms, the leader of the Security branch and the most powerful man in the Eight Fingers.

“…That’s right, kiddo. You’re that whore’s slave. Hmph, for ants to crawl all the way in here. If you leave honey as the bait, they seem to crawl out from everywhere. Truly disgusting.”

Zero only glanced at Climb and the rogue who was sprawled on the floor, but his real focus was on Brain. He was studying him by scanning up and down to gauge how strong of a warrior Brain really was. Climb thanked the fact that the truly powerful man paid no attention to him and checked the rogue’s condition.

“Are you alright? Do you have any healing method?”

Climb spoke quietly so Zero would not notice, but there was no reply, only a pain filled groan. Surprisingly, there was a fist shaped dent in the armor around the chest. It showcased how strong Zero’s strike truly was. The rogue regained conscious after several shakes and Climb patted around his waist at the rogue’s request.

“I remember your face. Brain Unglaus, someone who fought toe to toe with Gazef Stronoff. There’s no weakness in your stance. Seems like you went through some training after the tournament? I can understand now. The reason why Succulent lost was probably because he fought you straight on. His opponent was too strong. I think I’ll need to forgive his loss. Originally, I would kill anyone who makes me lose face, but I am generous. I’ll make an exception for someone of your skill and swordsmanship. Kneel to me and swear to be my subordinate. If you do that, I will help you achieve whatever you want.”

“Is the pay alright?”

“Well, there’s no harm in thinking about it. Since I won against Succulent, I expect some good treatment.”

“Hahaha! You are greedy. To talk about money before begging for your life. You can’t take money with you to your grave.”

“So, what are you saying? You can’t pay me a good amount? Seems you’re poorer than you look. Or are you pocketing everything yourself?”


Cracking sounds came from Zero’s fist.

“Seems like your mouth is the only thing that’s working right, Unglaus. There are lots of swordsman who’re better at talking than fighting, are you one of them? Or did you get overconfident after defeating Succulent? Then I should apologize about the fact that you are feeling so satisfied after defeating the weakest of the Six Arms.”

Brain shrugged his shoulder as if to show off. He was probably stalling for time for Climb and the injured rogue. So why was Zero playing along with this? Was it due to his confidence that he could win even against all three of them? Or was there something else?

… Huh?

When Climb paid attention to his surroundings, he saw Tsuare slowly creeping towards Brain. If she wanted to be protected, it would have been better to move behind Climb and the rogue. There was no reason to brave danger to stand behind someone who was facing off against Zero. Brain looked behind him once. It was a subtle movement, but his gaze went towards Tsuare and it was not a friendly look either. No, it was more like he was facing an enemy.

Huh? Why there? Did he look this way? No, that wasn’t it.

Something was happening. Climb stood up with an uneasy feeling.

“Hmph, it seems like the ant finally stood up. Stalled for enough time? Then let’s hear what you truly think. No, there is no need for words. Kneel or don’t, there is only one choice. Now Unglaus, make your decision.”

Brain snorted at Zero.

That was all.

“Then die!”

He put his left hand forward and pulled back his right hand to make a fist. He lowered his centre of gravity and stood steady. The way his muscles expanded, one would almost expect to hear the sound of ripping flesh. If one had to describe Zero right now with a simple description, he would be like a boulder, no, a mad bull. Brain also lowered his stance. It was similar to Zero, but also completely different. If Zero was like a rapid stream, then Brain was similar to calm and clear flowing water. If Zero was offense, Brain was defense.

“I told them not to kill the old man, but they are very lively. They might overdo it and kill him. That would put me in a difficult spot, because I’m supposed to kill that old man as an example for what happens to people who dare oppose us.”

Zero’s face crinkled with anger. It was as if his face was proof that rage could turn a person ugly.

“Unglaus, your death will be proof that I am the strongest. Your grave will serve as a reminder for anyone foolish enough to challenge the Six Arms! As for that whore’s slave, I’ll decorate his head and send it to her.”

Enough killing intent flooded the hallway to make Climb’s body shake. However, compared to what he felt from Sebas yesterday, it was nothing. Climb turned sharply and Zero showed the tiniest bit of concern at that.