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Tiny bit my ass.

Just like before, everyone thought this on the inside.

“Either way, since we rescued her, it would be best to retreat.”

“Uh, no, about the Six Arms… did you really?”

“Yes, I killed them all. They were too many and strong opponents. I regret I was not able to give them any quarter.”

“Is, is that so. It was inevitable, please don’t dwell too much on it.”

All three of their gaze immediately shifted to Zero’s corpse. They could not even suggest that it was a lie.

“T-then we should call in the soldiers to search rest of the building.”

The soldiers were originally there to search the building. The fact they could clean out a stronghold with Sebas was an incredible stroke of luck. If Sebas’ statement was true, and it probably was the truth, there would also be the additional bonus of having destroyed Eight Fingers’ most powerful fighting force.

The only real minus was not being able to capture Zero, but they had calculated they would not be able to arrest him in the first place, so there was no real loss. Anyone who argued about the result would be a fool.

Climb spoke with an excited voice and Brain nodded as if it was the correct decision, but there was someone who stood with rigid expression.

“What is it, Sebas-sama?”

“N-no. It’s nothing. There’s just something that doesn’t sit well with me… But before that, it seems the air in here is not a good one. Would you mind stepping outside with me?”

“Yes, of course.”

Looking at Zero’s corpse and Tsuare, everybody agreed with Sebas. Sebas approached Tsuare who was near a jail cell door and held her in a princess carry. Her white feet, which didn’t have a lot of meat between their bones and their skin, kicked at the air for a bit and they could see Tsuare’s thin arms grabbing Sebas.

They could feel that the relationship between the two of them wasn’t just that of a butler and a maid.

You should stop prying into their personal life. It’s not befitting you Climb. It doesn’t matter what their relationship is.

“Then let’s go.”

Climb spoke and headed out first.

The other three followed. They could start the investigation after Sebas had left and there wasn’t much chance that someone would jump out and attack Sebas, who had both his hands full. He was tense for a moment, but there was no need to.

The building, which had been bustling with activity when they first infiltrated, showed no sign of anyone being there. Logically speaking, there wouldn’t be anyone brave enough to challenge Sebas when he had just taken down Six Arms. Chances were that most of them had fled, and if that had been the case he hoped the group outside would capture anyone who tried to run.

Climb’s shoulder felt lighter with a sensation of relief.

However, someone tapped Climb’s shoulder. It was the rogue. He was looking at completely different direction and his expression was similar to the one he had made when Sebas defeated Zero with a single strike. Following his gaze, Climb’s eyes also widened when he saw it.

“A wall of flame?”

Climb nodded at Brain’s whisper. If a house was burning, then flames would be a natural occurrence, but if it was a regular flame, Climb wouldn’t have been so surprised. However, a gigantic wall of flame over 30 meters tall had sprouted and was surrounding part of the capital. Lengthwise, it would be well over several kilometers long.

“What do you think that might be?”

Three people snapped out of it when they heard Sebas’ curious, but relaxed voice.

“What should we do, leader? That looks like the warehouse district. Which group was in charge of that location?”

“The leader of Blue Rose, Alvein-sama… We’ll consider this an emergency, cancel all plans and retreat to the royal castle. We’ll follow the orders from high-up afterwards.”

“That seems like the best course of action… Ah, for Sebas-sama…”

“I’ll be taking Tsuare to a safe place, so that nothing like this can ever happen again.”

“I understand, Sebas-sama. Thank you for yesterday and today.”

“There is no need to worry about it. Our goals just happened to have coincided… I shall repay the debt for helping me rescue Tsuare one day. Now then, please excuse me.”

Chapter 9 Jaldabaoth

Part 1

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 4th Day, 21:10

Because of her thirst, the woman woke up and opened her eyes.

She slowly moved on an especially large bed and reached out for the water jug placed next to the bed, but failed to touch anything.

Then she recalled that no water jug had been placed next to the bed earlier today, and involuntarily clicked her tongue.


She yawned. Like an elderly person, she was accustomed to sleeping and waking up early, therefore having been asleep for just one hour was certainly not enough rest.

Swallowing, she placed her hand on her throat, and only got down from the bed when she felt the saliva going down her throat. Taking a thick bath towel placed on one side of the bedcover, she wrapped it around her naked body, put on a pair of slippers and walked outside.

This mansion was the main base within the Capital and was the property of Hilma, head of the drug traders. Logically speaking, the ten or so people positioned within this mansion ought to be quite busy, but it was eerily silent, as if nobody was around.

Hilma was surprised as she walked along the corridor. If all the nobles had left, then sooner or later this mansion would be quiet. Even still, wasn’t it a little too quiet?

In this mansion, calling out to the nobles would definitely elicit a response.

Speaking of nobles, even if they were the eldest son and wanted to succeed the family, this would usually happen rather late in their lives, when they were roughly thirty years old.

Prior to this, they were given allowance to spend as they wished, by their fathers who were the head of their families. Because they were already married adults with children, they were invited to this mansion for their entertainment.

Wine, women, drugs. Flattering compliments were spoken into their ears. Conversing with other nobles in the same situation resulted in them building closer relationships with each other. In doing this, they enjoyed themselves and established connections at the same time.

Once that noble took over the family, it was time for the harvest. If the noble tried to stand up against them, they would be given the stick. On the other hand, if the noble was willing to support them, they would be given the carrot. Like this, the circles of nobility were slowly being infiltrated.

She walked along the silent corridor to find some water to drink.

In fact, she didn’t despise silence, she even preferred it over noisiness. Her entertaining personality when nobles were noisily forming friendships was only a facade. However, the atmosphere right now was simply too unnatural. This silence cast a chilling sensation, causing her to feel as if she was the only person in the mansion.

“…What happened?”

The guards could not have left this place without saying a single word. If there really was an abnormal situation that happened, shouting would immediately give away her own position, which would be a really bad turn of events. Hypothetically, if she were to return to her room and hide under the covers, what then? Doing that would be too passive.

It was necessary to take action when the situation called for it, otherwise one would be devoured like prey. This was her belief and she had been able to climb all the way from being a high-class prostitute to her current position because she strongly adhered to this way of thinking.