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Tia shouted out the masked girl’s name. Entoma spoke towards the enemy whom she was already determined to exterminate with her full might:

“I was wondering what you two were doing…my, my, remember lesson one. Assessing the difference in strength between you and your opponents. This one is stronger than the two of you… but weaker than me.”

Evileye then shouted:

“So my companions really were under your ‘care’? You monster. Come, allow me to give you a taste of being the victim of abuse.”

Entoma had no idea that a fierce rage was burning under the mask of her opponent.

Entoma, who was seriously wound up with the intention to kill, ran forward. In her mind dominated by hatred, the other two persons had already become annoyances on the same level as pebbles by the roadside.

She actually said that nobody would enjoy my company!?

The same words repeated over and over again in her mind.

At the same time, the insect whip began to move. Entoma left about one-metre, and formed the rest into a large sphere. Of course Gagaran was in the core part of this shape.

“Die alongside your companions, you unpleasant woman!”

She swung the thousand whips insect down like a hammer.

“Hmph. What a boring attack.”

Evileye remained relaxed.

“「Reverse Gravity」.”

Entoma resisted the magic, but the insect whip lost its gravitational weight and floated upwards.

If the equipment user had successfully resisted, the equipment would likewise be resistant. However in the case of insect weapons, it was not the equipment user but rather the insects themselves which had to do the resisting.

Since it was like this, even if Entoma would not be affected, it would still influence the insect weapon. This was one of the shortcomings, although the insects could attack autonomously.

Even if it was Entoma, she needed to discard her original plan when facing magics like this.

Sensing Entoma’s intention, the insect whip gracefully removed itself from Gagaran. With the speed of a retracting measuring tape, it had formed a ten-metre long insect whip stance. While this was happening, Evileye gave directions to Gagaran who was still tumbling on the ground.

“Gagaran! Get out of the way! Go and quickly tend to Tia’s wounds! If you already used up your gauntlets’ power, then use a recovery potion!”

The injured humans had recovered. If it was only that, then there would be no problem. The fact that the two people were Entoma’s enemies had not changed, but considering the words of the magic caster in front of her, the situation was different.

Evileye and Entoma were on the same level. If they were to help the magic caster, the situation would become unfavourable.

This time, Entoma decided to make use of her ultimate trump card which she was reluctant to use.

She had already used it to eliminate all enemies inside the mansion with a single breath, leaving behind two more instances when she could use it.

That was the breath given off by carnivorous flies, fly breath.

Such breath wasn’t emitted for the sake of eating the meat, but flies would embed their maggot offsprings into the flesh. The maggots would continue to inflict damage from inside of the victim’s body. Even more terrifying was the next step, where a large swarm of flies would emerge from the corpse, then indiscriminately attack other beings inside the area of effect, with the exception of the ability user.

Entoma widened her throat. Her true mouth which did the speaking was in fact her lower jaw. To others, it was a terrifying sight, as if her jaw had slip apart.

From there she spat out swarm of flies.

“You! Could that power be associated with the demon gods! In that case!”

Evileye, who was retaliating released a white mist.

Although using cold gas to counter the attack was an extremely clever move, to completely nullify the effects was very difficult. The most appropriate magic to use would have been explosive magic to roast the entire swarm of flies.

Her opponent had made a mistake.

Entoma’s mind had already visualised a scenario where Evileye was devoured by the maggots, but the counter-magic used was far beyond her expectations.

All of the flies coated in the white mist fell out of the air, then the mist engulfed Entoma. In that moment, Entoma felt unbearably intense pain.


The entomomancer maid’s face steamed as if acid had been splash on it.

At first the objective had been to nullify the opponent’s gas spittle, and they hadn’t expected that it would even reveal the enemy’s true face…

“Hey, hey, could this be our chance?”

Gagaran who had assumed a fighting stance with her war pick and searched for an opportunity to decisively end the fight. If she had realistically estimated her opponent’s strength, it was necessary to end the fight in one fell swoop.

Gagaran did not pursue with an attack because the ten-metre long giant insect whip began to move violently, not permitting her to get any closer. However, this was nothing but the spasming of a defeated person.

“This…what kind of magic is it?”

Evileye replied to Entoma’s question.

“Insecticide magic ‘Vermin Bane’. Two hundred years ago there was an insect demon god, and this magic was developed for the purpose of repelling the insects used by that individual. Well, it’s an original magic I came up with.”

“Hey! It should be harmless for us right?”

“Harmless indeed. It is especially effective on insects, but doesn’t cause the slightest harm to other organisms.”

“…Her face has melted.”

“Tia, that is her true face… Huh! No, that’s not the face!”

As Evileye shouted out, the maid’s entire face fell off, like a scene where the facial skin had been stripped off and dropped onto the ground. There was a difference though. The facial skin which fell onto the ground had many insect legs on the backside.

“That can’t be… it’s a mask shaped insect…”


The maid’s throat exposed itself. A single crack appeared in the seemingly hard throat, and a large liquid chunk of matter fell out. It looked like vomit, but the biggest distinction from that was the fact that this object was still crawling on the ground.

“What the…”

This really was startling, even for Evileye who was stunned by surprise. It was the first time she had seen such a sight in her long existence.

“—Lip insect.”

Tia exclaimed towards the mucus-covered leech-like creature which had fallen on the stone-paved road.

“An insect which consumes human vocal chords and imitate the voice of its victims.”

The front end of the flesh coloured leech had a section which looked like a human’s lips. With an “ah, ah”, it gave out the maid’s cute voice.

In full gaze of everybody, the maid’s hands which covered her face slowly lowered, revealing an appearance that was exactly the same as an insect’s.

The frightful appearance made the Blue Rose members involuntarily take a step backwards. Although they had already experienced terror when the mask insect fell off due to the insecticide magic, this sight ignited their fear again.

A monster from beyond this world had invaded. They couldn’t help but feel a shadow cast over this world.

“yoU ACTUallY, YoU actUally Dare…”

The rigid voice difficult to listen to.

“Didn’t her voice become rather cute? Personally, I rather like this voice.”

Gagaran’s hostility was on the verge of eruption. She was the most humane member of the Blue Rose. She was filled with an emotion as she prayed for the soul of the young girl who was sacrificed to give the mouth-lip insect a voice and clenched her weapon even tighter.