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“hOw dArE YoU MeRe hUmAnS AaAaAhHhHh!”

In previous battles she had always fought her enemy with ease. However at this moment she didn’t have such a leisurely spirit.

Well, there was no longer any need to hold back. Time to commence a fierce attack.

“The real battle starts now! Neither of you two should relax! Prepare to launch even more fierce attacks than before!”

Evileye cautioned the other two, but they had already predicted this before she had spoken. To ready their resolve for a fight to the death!

The insect maid’s back suddenly burst out, and four spider legs extended from beneath her clothing. This posture looked as if her back had sprouted new legs.

With these newborn feet, she jumped extremely high. For anyone looking, they would have drawn the conclusion that this was the effect of flight magic.

From above, the monster spat carnivorous flies at the people.

Clicking her tongue, Evileye casted ‘Vermin Bane’ once more.

“OnLy To yOu GuYs! i WIlL Show YOu WhaT TRUe TERrOR MEAnS! aftER KIlliNG YOu GuYS i WiLl TUrN You AlL into COrpse DoLLs!”

As soon as they had reached the ground, the carnivorous flies were completely obliterated. The insect maid used her compound eyes to glare at Evileye’s true face. Indeed, only Evileye was comparable in strength to this monster. If Evileye were to lose, then needless to say victory would be impossible, and both Gagaran and Tia would be massacred. However, it would be foolish to just focus on one thing.

Gagaran’s spiked war pick came from the side.

Even if Evileye had an advantage, they could not afford to waste opportunities against such a powerful opponent.

She knew that it was very probable that she would suffer serious injuries if she was intercepted. That was why she chose to fight alongside her companions. Evileye smiled at them from under her mask. If she were to be unmasked, others would definitely make fun of her smile.

The monster which was about to evade Gagaran’s strike suddenly stopped moving. That was because of Tia’s ninjutsu skill, ‘Immobility Binding Paralysis’. The monster had a high level of resistance, more like a nullifying ability, so it was impossible to seal its movements completely. However creating an opening even for a brief moment would be sufficient support for Gagaran.

The monster spat out white silk enhanced with ‘Powerful Strike’ from her mouth. There was enough to dye Gagaran’s upper body white.

Gagaran found it difficult to break out from the rigid and adhesive spider silk by herself. Her attack was interrupted, and she staggered as she retreated. In contrast, the monster came towards her.

“「Crystal Lance」!”

Although it had embedded deep in Entoma, she did not appear to be in huge amount of pain. She calmly summoned insects which appeared from the darkness and gathered densely on her wrist in a bulging mass.

“「Vermin Bane」!”

The white gas blew over and the insects fell one by one. The monster involuntarily let out an excruciating cry of pain.

The mouth in the equivalent place of a human’s lower jaw spat out the same kind of spider silk towards Evileye as it did to Gagaran.

If I used magic to block this, it would simply be a waste of magic power. Since I can nullify any restraining magic. I can probably take this shot— wait, this isn't—

In a panic, Evileye activated her magic. Yes indeed silky material was spat out, but compared to the ones which were shot towards Gagaran, these threads exuded a rigid radiance.

“「Crystal Wall」!”

The crystal barrier in front of her split apart as if it had been cut apart by a sharp blade, and shattered into nothingness.

“Is that a slashing spider web!?”

“A present for you!”

The black wire mesh Tia threw expanded in mid-air, but failed to envelop the monster. Entoma simply passed through it like a phantom.

“Sure enough, she’s immune to any obstructing techniques!”

“Bah! Combat formation time!”

In order to maintain a distance from the battle maid who was closing in on her, Gagaran, kicked with the intention of pushing away her opponent.

Her boot collided with the maid, creating an astonishing metallic sound.

Gagaran retreated while focusing on maintaining the distance whilst joining up with the rest of the Blue Rose members. They gathered while paying careful attention for any area of effect attack.

"ChIKu, cHIkU, tHesE AtTAcks…… So AnNOyiNg!!"

Whilst observing the maid’s jaw mouth which was muttering non-stop, Gagaran whispered to Evileye:

“Did you hear that sound just now? Her maid costume is just as hard as my armor; truly unbelievable.”

“It must be woven together with sturdy metal wires. Considering how thin it is, its hardness must be far above that.”

“Adamantite… looks like it is far above that too.”

“Oh, so it’s not just at the same level? The equipment is of such an unimaginably high quality that my earth magic is not of much use. She’s probably wearing equipment that reduces magic damage, too. Specialized attacks probably won’t affect her that much..”

“That means?”

Tia’s doubt made Evileye smile under her mask.

“We’ll finish this head on with overwhelming fire power.”

“That’s easier said than done, isn’t it? How do we pull it off? We are done for if we don’t act soon. It also uses talismans to strengthen itself.

“Everybody use your own most powerful technique! I’m going to use the insecticide magic.”

“…That’s easy to understand. Well, let’s go for our final strike.”

Although they said they would strike with overwhelming firepower in a single strike, in reality it was not that simple.

In general Evileye used ‘Sand Field: One’ or ‘Region Petrification’ to hinder the enemy, and support the warriors, but these methods would not work against that maid.

If they wanted to inflict damage, it would best to leave it to warriors like Gagaran to inflict physical damage. Evileye only needed to come up with contingency plan in case this strategy did not work. She had always believed focusing purely on attack magic was wrong, but the situation called for a desperate measure,

Magic casters that rely purely on magic to attack are second rate. This is what I personally think, but this time I will have to compromise.

Evileye began to adjust herself to the magic she was about to use.

Even though ‘Shard Buck Shots’ was the most effective method of attack, but her teammates would also be caught in the area of effect. The mana consumption of her original spell, ‘Vermin Bane’ was extremely large and was best reserved for when the opponent was about to summon insects. This meant that right now the most appropriate kind of skill to use was the hated acid-type magic.

The three exchanged a brief glance, confirming that their preparations were complete, and attacked together.

Evileye used ‘Acid Splash’ as her main attack whereas Tia, who had weaker firepower, mainly relied on her supporting items. Gagaran continuously activated martial arts, executing an unending barrage of attacks.

After a while, the tide of battle began to shift.

The opponent was indeed incredibly strong. Many types of spider webs, talisman-based magic attacks and summoned insects were launched in her offensive attack. Not to mention that her magic items were more powerful than those possessed by the members of Blue Rose.

Eventhough the number of consumables like recovery potions were starting to run out, the insect maid steadily began to retreat.