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“There is nothing, Demiurge-sama.”

“There is no need to use — sama for me. Same goes for when we are in front of the Supreme Being, Ainz-sama, as well. What about you, Cocytus?”

“Doesn’t. Matter.”

Sebas showed that he understood the two Guardians.

After five minutes, the room distorted. When the distortion was over, someone was standing there. It was Ainz. He did not have the ‘Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown’ he had a moment ago and Victim was nowhere to be seen either. Sebas, Cocytus, Demiurge, Solution. All four in the room bent their knee and bowed.

“You did well coming here.”

Ainz walked to the back of the desk and sat.


All four stood up to see Ainz who appeared to be in good mood.

“Now, Demiurge. Didn’t this incident show you that you are too careful? I never doubted that Sebas would betray us even for a second. You’re all too cautious. Did we not confirm it in the Throne Room in the first place?”

“I apologize for making you worry. For Ainz-sama to be willing to go along with my worthless suggestion, I am forever grateful.”

“It’s fine. Even I make mistakes. If I know that Demiurge is offering a second opinion, I can rest easy. Furthermore, I am not such a small-minded person to rebuke words of advice.”

Ainz turned away from Demiurge who was bowing deeply.

“Then we need to talk about what to do with that human woman, Sebas.”

Sebas tensed up.


He carefully surveyed Ainz’s expression as he squeezed out his words.

“What do you plan on doing with Tsuare?”

Intermittent silence came before the conversation continued.

Demiurge nodded at Ainz’s glance.

“Ainz-sama, I think killing her will be the easiest solution.”

Solution nodded as if she agreed with Demiurge. On these objections, Ainz sunk into deep thoughts once again. If two people agreed… it may be decided that way. Sebas was taken aback on the inside. If the Master had made a decision, it would be difficult to overturn it. Even if he is forgiven for it, he will lose all standings with Demiurge, Cocytus and Solution. If he disagreed carelessly, he risked earning Ainz’s displeasure.

But now was the time to speak.

Sebas tried to offer an opinion contrary to Demiurge’s, but did not have the chance. It was because Ainz spoke before he could.

“…There is no need, Demiurge. I don’t like killing somebody without a proper reason to do so. Even if it’s a weakling, you can’t use them if they are dead. If they are alive, they will always have some sort of use.”

Sebas held back his sigh of relief. Tsuare’s fate had yet to be decided. There was still a chance.

“I understand… Then should I let her work in my breeding pens?”

Demiurge’s gaze avoided looking at Ainz who was murmuring “Chimaera steak… No, Chimaera hamburger…” and wandered around before returning.

“… The meat’s quality is not fit to be used for consumption in glorious Nazarick…”

Demiurge smiled while not recommending it.

“Of course, we are butchering the dead livestock and feeding it to other livestock. Since it would be difficult to eat whole, we grind it up first.”

“Hmm, cannibalism, is it? I guess they are animals after all.”

“It is as you say, Ainz-sama. That is what makes them cute and playful. However, they are rather omnivorous and eat things like wheat as well. If it is not too much to ask, then may I ask for you to give me any wheat you have left? We’re running low already.”

“They are the precious source for the scrolls. We can’t let them go hungry. Let’s see… Sebas, before you completely withdraw, purchase large amount of wheat and send it to Demiurge.”

“As you command. If it’s large amount, I would like to borrow a warehouse and gather it there. What shall I do to transfer it to Nazarick?”

“Let’s see… Shalltear will use ‘Gate’ to move everything to Nazarick. Is it alright for me to leave everything else to you afterwards, Demiurge?”

“Yes, we will take care of it from then on.”

“Demiurge, your contribution to Nazarick is the greatest. Worthy of praise.”

“There is no greater joy for me, Ainz-sama. Your words give me more strength than ever before.”

“Well, then. Are you sure that you’re not working too hard? You get called over every time something happens, operate the breeding pens for the scrolls, prepare for the creation of the demon king, and several other important matters. I’m wondering if you’re doing alright?”

Demiurge smiled contently. It was a genuinely happy face that Sebas had never seen before.

“It is a great honour for you to personally worry about me. But rest easy, I only get joy from my work and it is not too much. However, if I ever do decide that I need help, I shall request some immediately.”

“Make it so.”

Sebas thought about the true identity of Demiurge’s breeding pens and frowned on the inside. As a comrade of Nazarick who served the Supreme Beings, he knew only too well what Demiurge was like. There was no way he would operate a simple breeding pen. Even if it was a hybrid monster he came up with— Suddenly, an epiphany came to Sebas. He could guess what Demiurge was keeping in the breeding pen.

Was it okay to send Tsuare to place like that? Demiurge would protect her physically, but her mental safety was not guaranteed. The conversation between Demiurge and Ainz paused for a moment. This was the time to speak out. Sebas decided so and said to his master.


“What is it, Sebas?”

“If it’s alright with you—”

He breathed in deep. This was a gamble. A very dangerous gamble. But he needed to do this.

“I was thinking about having Tsuare work in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.”

Silence spread through the room and Ainz asked Sebas.

“In the past, I’ve asked Cocytus a similar question. Sebas, what do we stand to gain from this?”

“Yes, first, she is capable of making meals. Currently, the only ones capable of cooking are the Head Chef and the Sous-Chef. Yuri is an exception. It would be beneficial to Nazarick to have others who are capable of cooking. Also, setting the precedence of a human working for Nazarick would be a benefit on its own. If we show that even inferior creatures like human beings can work for Nazarick—”

“I understand, Sebas.”

Ainz put an end to Sebas pouring out how much Tsuare would be useful to Nazarick.

“Sebas, I understand what you are trying to say. I was also concerned about the fact that we have so few who are capable of cooking.”

“But Ainz-sama, can she truly cook something befitting Nazarick?”

Sebas glanced at Demiurge with knife-like gaze. Demiurge simply smiled back at him.

Bastard— Sebas swallowed the word in his mouth.

Ainz has forgiven him, but Demiurge hasn’t. That’s probably why he was interfering with Sebas on the matter of what to do with Tsuare.

“That has its merits as well. What do you think, Sebas?”

“…Tsuare cooks mostly home-made meals. To say if it’s fitting for Nazarick… I cannot offer a solid answer.”

“Home-made meals. I doubt boiled potato is fitting for Nazarick.”

“I believe Demiurge is being short-sighted right now. Perhaps she can only cook home-made meals right now, but the Head Chef can teach her. We need to look for long-term investments.”

“Then, why not just have her help me in my breeding pens? Grinding up all that meat is also quite a chore.”


Ainz watched the noisy scene quietly. Beyond them, he could see the scenes of the past unfold. The ghosts of their creators, illusions from the past…