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"You will heal here, and from there we will see about mounting another attack."

"Hang on! Does this mean… the guards will be fighting on our behalf?"

The guards had very low fighting strength. It seemed impossible for any amount of them to substitute for an adventurer in combat.

Just as Renner was about to reply, another adventurer spoke up.

"Another thing, there's a fatal flaw in this plan. While retreating, our formation will stretch out, and our defensive power will weaken as a result. What if the demons attack the capital in the meantime? Even a low-ranking demon is far more powerful than an average human. Won't there be a lot of needless sacrifices? Instead, why don't we use ‘Fly’ to penetrate the enemy formation in one movement?"

"I have considered this method as well, but is it not true that demons count many flyers among their numbers?"

The gathered adventurers recalled tales of flying demons and nodded to Renner. Even low-ranking demons had wings, and many could fly.

"The usual application of ‘Fly’ will only serve to draw the eyes of the enemy to ourselves. I had considered starting at a high altitude, then suddenly plunging to the ground and using the buildings of the city to block the enemy's vision while we assaulted them at high speed from cover… but there is another matter to discuss before this. You mentioned earlier that when retreating, the battle lines would spread, and the defense would weaken. The same applies to our enemy. So for this battle, we are not a shield, but a bow."

Shouts of approval came up from the adventurers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you will be the bow of our Kingdom, drawn and loosed, to pierce our foe straight through the heart. Just as the adventurers will spread out, so will the enemy as they follow us. This also means the enemy's defense will weaken. Between a relaxed and a closed formation, I am certain it is easier to break through a relaxed formation. The purpose for forming you up into a line like this is to lure the enemy into weakening themselves. And finally, acting as the arrow will be Momon-sama here. When he sees the enemy lines open up, he will make a low-altitude flying assault to break through them."

"…how about Red Drop? Even if they are adamantite ranked adventurers, I don't see how two people can break through by themselves. To be safe, don't we need someone to screen them before they reach Jaldabaoth?"

"At the moment, they are performing a task within the Republic. We have already used ‘Message’ to inform them of the situation, but returning will still them take half a day. By that time, it would be too late. So this time round, we are not counting their strength into our plans."

"Then how about Blue Rose? Will they be going in with Momon-san?"

"…Our battle strength has been greatly depleted with the loss of two of our members. Tina and I will join the battle line and fight. Evileye will be doing something else."

"…I will be accompanying Momon-sama… Momon-san as he makes his entry, so I have been focusing on restoring my mana up until now."

"Then let me ask another question. I'd like to ask the Warrior Captain something. What about the nobles' house troops and warriors? Blue Rose has already lost two members. You should be taking their place in battle. Couldn't you lead those troops into battle, and let Blue Rose handle the task of clearing the path for Momon-san?"

"Answer us!"

"The house troops are responsible for protecting their masters' estates, and the soldiers look to the defense of the capital. And the warriors I lead are tasked with defending the royal family."

"So you're saying the great Gazef Stronoff doesn't dare set foot on the battlefield?"

"Indeed, that is so. My duty is to stay in the capital and protect the members of the royal family."

The air had changed. It was filled with hostility and frustration. Gazef's words were correct, but even if they understood them on a logical level, it was still unacceptable on an emotional level. The ones who earned their coin in blood were the adventurers, and they were already prepared to sell their lives dearly in the coming battle. The nobles and royalty should have been the same way. Having taken the money of the masses, they should be rushing to their rescue instead of holing up safe in their castles. Especially since they were taking the Kingdom's strongest man as their bodyguard. What the hell?

Hostility against the nobles and the royalty filled the air. Gazef took a step back. He understood that at this point, anything he said would only sound like an excuse.

Therefore, the one who spoke for him was Lakyus.

"Everyone, I understand you are not happy with his arrangement. But before that, I would advise you to keep one thing in mind. The one paying to gather you all here is not the royal family, but Princess Renner herself, out of her own private finances. The one who brought Momon-san here was Marquis Raeven. He is not here tonight because he is on guard against any demons which might be dispersed in the capital. Certainly, I am as unhappy with the nobles and royals as you are, but I would like you to consider that not all of them are cut from the same cloth."

The room calmed down somewhat as Lakyus finished her piece. Everyone was trying to control the anger they didn't want to show to Renner.

"…and there is one more thing. Before we fire the arrow, we must perform one more task. Climb!"

"Yes, Princess!"

His energetic voice drew everyone's attention to the boy in the white armor.

"Although it is a very dangerous task, I must still entrust you with it. When we enter the enemy stronghold, there might be survivors. Please rescue them."

Murmured whispers rose up from the adventurers. "Impossible", "it's too much", that sort of thing. Entering the heart of the enemy formation and looking for survivors wasn't so much dangerous as outright suicidal. And escorting powerless civilians back out through a war zone was practically impossible.

Still, Climb answered immediately.

"Yes, your majesty! I will stake my life to accomplish any task you ask of me!"

Everyone looked at Climb as though he were mad.

"…Princess, Climb is just one man, and there might be some risk. Will you permit me to accompany him?"

"Will that be all right, Brain Unglaus-sama?"

That name raised another commotion from the adventurers. The name of Brain Unglaus was one which nobody who valued strength would ever forget.

"Ah, it's no problem for me."

"Then I will be counting on you. May I now ask the various party leaders to step forward?"

As he watched the adventurers at the head of the room, Ainz was doing some work of his own.

That is to say, he was making introductions.

People who looked like they were second-in-command for their adventuring parties were coming up to Ainz in twos and threes to speak to him.

Their lines followed similar patterns from announcing their party names, admiring his equipment, hoping to meet him again and sharing stories of their adventures. It was similar to how one might exchange business cards at work, but while business cards had physical forms, verbal introductions would only linger as memories.

A good memory was an important skill for a leader. Ainz let his mind wander as he committed every person he met to memory.

The important thing was to remember the party name and what rank they were. And of course, he would only pay attention to the higher-ranking adventurers. Iron and copper-ranked adventurers came to greet him too, but they lived in different worlds, and so forgetting them was not an issue. It was like how a department head would not bother remembering the salarymen of a small company he visited.

Even so, Momon didn't make it obvious that he was taking them lightly. He shook hands with all comers, gave them reassuring pats on the shoulder, laughed at their stupid jokes, and returned the praise he received.