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♦ ♦ ♦

“Then where shall we go today?”

“To the Fire Giants.”

“To the Ice Dragons.”

“…Ha… Ulbert-san, don’t you remember that some people need the rare drop from the Fire Giant Boss, Surt?”

“It seems like Touch Me-sama is the one who doesn’t remember that there are people who need to kill the Ice Dragon to fulfill their class-up requirements.”

“…That may be, but Yamaiko-san needs the rare drop to enchant an item.”

“No, I’m not particularly…”

“…Thanks to all the cash items, it has a high drop rate now. Compared to the Dragons, Surt has a lower drop rate, so let’s get that out of the way first.”

“…But, but, but…”

“…How about going for some erotic monsters like Succubus?”

“…Touch Me-sama, stop trying to solo-play this. Considering the members we have now, it’s most efficient to go get the Ice Dragons.”

“No, no, isn’t it you who’s trying to solo-play, Ulbert-san? When did we ever care about efficiency?”

“Can the top mage and top warrior stop fighting…”

“They were like that from the start. Ever since I invited them to join the guild.”

“To be talking with that weird, pink slab of flesh, Touch Me-san is brave.”

“…Teapot-san, Peroronchino-san, should I use the Guild Master’s authority for the no weapon loot?”

“Didn’t some guild put up the guide for the Lords of Seven Deadly Sins before?”

“Nuuboo-san, shouldn’t we focus on weapons?”

“Making armour isn’t bad either.”

“Shouldn’t we think some more about this? Since it’s an item we can ask the GMs for, we should consider it some more.”

“Isn’t that right? Momonga-san?”

“I know how to get more ‘Caloric Stone’, but we already spent so many minerals from The Seven Hidden Mines.”

“Speaking of the Alliance, it seems he’s hatching another plan against them.”

“What? Why?”

“It seems like they stole a World-class item from some guild, which is now really mad at them.”

“—Then can Momonga-san decide?”

“…Eh? Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention… What were we talking about again?…We’ll just go with a vote like last time.”

“No objection.”

“Me, too.”

“Then new gold coin to vote for Ulbert-san. Old gold coin to vote for Touch Me-sama. Now they will pitch their plans to you guys.”

♦ ♦ ♦

“Be. Quiet. You’re. Before. Ainz. Sama.”

It was as if Cocytus had splashed cold water on both of them. Both looked over at Ainz and the colour of their faces changed. It was impossible to read any emotion from the red flame that lit his empty eye sockets, but they could feel something strong coming from his gaze. Both acted before a strong reprimand came their way.

“I have committed a grave mistake in front of Ainz-sama.”

“I have no excuse for such poor behaviour.”

The reaction they received was an incomprehensible one.

“— Hahahahahaha!”

Bright laughter echoed throughout the room. Very happy and bright laughter. Sebas, Solution, Demiurge, Cocytus, no one could remember Ainz laughing so happily and blinked in surprise.

“Of course, of course, you are forgiven. That’s it! Fighting like that! Hahahaha!”

Sebas had no idea what had struck Ainz right now, but let out a breath of relief.

“Hahaha… che, passive skill kicked in.”

His master returned to a calm mood like a puppet whose strings had been cut. But everybody shared the thought that Ainz was in a good mood. Ainz spoke to Sebas with a bright tone.

“Sebas, I understand what you are talking about, but to bring a human to Nazarick… Very well, I shall see her before I decide. Bring her.”

“Yes? Ah, yes. As you command.”

Sebas was puzzled at Ainz’s strange orders, but brought Tsuare over immediately.

“Ainz-sama, I have brought her.”

“Good work bringing her—”

Suddenly, Ainz leaned forward from his chair. The way he studied Tsuare was peculiar. Wondering if it was out of displeasure, Sebas glanced at Tsuare. There was nothing different about her from earlier and couldn’t understand why his master was suddenly treating her so.

“…Looks alike.”

The small murmur that leaked out probably wasn’t intentional.

“…Welcome, Tsuare. But I will remind you that I do not give second warnings. It is because I respect choices, even if the outcome is bad. Now if you understand this, I will pose my question. This will all be over if you lie, and it will also be over if it’s not the answer I am looking for.”

Sebas could hear Tsuare gulping beside him. With such threats, it was impossible to tell what would happen next.

“Then, what is your real name?”

He could not understand the intent of the question. Why ask something like that? Sebas could see her eyes racing from side to side. Her attitude told the full story.

Please answer honestly.

Sebas prayed in his heart.

If it was something she didn’t tell even to him, there must be something about her true name. Even so, to lie to the Master would only result in the worst situation. Silence continued, and after some time had passed, Tsuare replied in small voice that resembled mosquito buzz.

“T, Tsuare… Tsuareninya.”

“Last name?”

“It’s Tsuareninya Beiron.”

It was an almost unnecessarily generous offer, but Tsuare did not hesitate for a moment to answer.

“I, I wish to live with… Sebas-sama.”

Ainz nodded slowly, and the flame in the empty eye socket weakened.

“Very well then. Heed me, my loyal servants.”

Everyone bowed their head and Tsuare followed suit.

“From now on, I shall protect Tsuare under the name of Ainz Ooal Gown. I could also treat you as a guest of the Great Tomb of Nazarick if you wished, you know?”

“T, thank you, but I wish to work alongside Sebas-sama.”

“…If that is what you wish for. Then I shall place you under Sebas’ direct command as a temporary maid. Sebas, assign her appropriate work. Also, for Pleiades, switch from Six Star System to Seven Sister System, and change the leader accordingly. However, we won’t move her and Yuri Alpha will be the temporary leader instead.”

Solution bowed deeply.

“And let all in the Great Tomb of Nazarick know that Tsuareninya is protected under the name of Ainz Ooal Gown, not to mention she will be a comrade as well.”

All except Tsuare and Ainz bowed.

“Is there any objection, Demiurge?”

“I have none. Your word is the law in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. However, I believe there will be those who cannot understand why you let a human into this blessed land. What shall I tell them?”

“…Strictly speaking, Yamaiko-sama’s younger sister, Akemi-sama, was a dark elf but still welcomed at Nazarick. Just because she is a human being, I don’t think there’s much of a difference.”

Ainz looked at Solution before continuing.

“If that wasn’t the case, we would probably need to kick out your youngest as well.”

“I am unsure if an immortal would qualify as a human being.”

“That might be so, Solution. Well, Demiurge, announce my decision. If anyone objects, tell them to come to me and I shall explain it to them personally.”

“As you command. I have no more questions.”

“Then I will confirm everything. We will start withdrawing from the mansion. All guards assigned to the mansion will return to Nazarick immediately. Sebas and Solution will tie up all loose ends in the capital and Demiurge will transfer the wheat. As soon as everything is ready, I will send Shalltear to use ‘Gate’. Any questions?”