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"Same here, Jaldabaoth."

Jaldabaoth smiled under his mask, and then gathered the maids around before they vanished via ‘Greater Teleport’.

"They're gone…"

Evileye floated in the sky, her eyes looking to where the wall of fire had been. Nothing was left; only a slightly livelier patch of the night skyline.

The curtains were drawn on this disturbance. But what had been born of today's sacrifices?

The fact remained that Jaldabaoth existed, a demon with power surpassing the Demon Gods by far. And against him stood Momon, a top-ranked warrior. What would the world make of these two once the word spread, and how would the world change after that?

Evileye shook her head to scatter the thoughts which had blended into a big pile inside it. She would consider these things slowly, in the future.

There was something far more important than this. Evileye landed on the ground and opened her arms.


With a joyous cry, Evileye broke into a run. Although her ‘Flight’ spell's duration had not yet expired, this was a situation which called for running.

Evileye ran toward Momon. Perhaps out of surprise, Momon took a ready stance with his swords. Ignoring this, Evileye leapt through the air toward him. Since she had been running at full tilt, it felt like she had hit a wall. But because of her vampiric physiology and endurance, no harm was done.

And so, Evileye tackle-hugged Momon.

"You did it! You won! You won! As expected of Momon-sama!"

"I… uh… do you mind, I'd like some space here."

Momon spoke calmly to Evileye, who was hugging him like a koala. Maybe he was embarrassed.

I win as long as I hug him.

Evileye was banking on a piece of trivia she had heard of in the past. Some men would use members the opposite sex to bleed off tension after a battle. She was hoping that Momon would be such a man, and that he would pick her for that duty.

Evileye glimpsed at nabel who was glaring at her.

First girl wins.

Although Evileye was grinding her soft body against Momon, his armor meant that he probably didn't feel anything, and if she bumped a wound, it would hurt.

"Ah… forgive me, Nabe, hold my swords."

Realizing that this was just wasting her strength, Evileye let go, falling from the tree that was Momon.

Well, that's true. I should keep an eye out for a good opportunity next time. Now that Jaldabaoth's seen Momon-sama's power, there's no way he'll break his part of the bargain. But even so, there's still fighting, and people left hanging… ah, pursuing my own desires will be bad in so many ways.

The battle for the capital had ended.

But her battle as a woman had just begun.

Evileye, who was thinking of her next move, turned at the sound of ringing steel.

Before her was a group of people. They were adventurers and soldiers and-

"Is that the Warrior Captain? With everyone else?"

Beside Gazef Stronoff were Lakyus and Tina. Gagaran and Tia were there too. Everyone was covered in grime, a testament to the vicious battles they had fought to get here. They looked around at the aftermath of the intense battle that had taken place here, and then, with an intake of breath, they all looked to Momon.

Sensing the meaning of that gesture, Evileye whispered to him.

"Momon-sama, lead us in a cry of victory."

But Momon did not do so. Just as Evileye was starting to get suspicious, she heard a still, small voice.

"I'm feeling a bit shy right now."

The surprisingly human reaction from the superhuman warrior made Evileye laugh out loud.

"…but, doesn't that honor belong to the one who did the most for us? Don't let this chance go by."

Momon gripped his sword tightly and thrust it toward the sky.


In the next moment, everyone in the plaza raised their fists to the sky, shouting in celebration of their victory. In everyone's mouths was the name of Momon, the hero who had saved the nation.


Month of Descending Fire (9th Month), 6th Day, 08:45

The maids were formed up in neat lines in front of Sebas. There were 41 of them in total, and all of them were homunculi. At their head stood the dog-headed chief maid, Pestonya S. Wanko. Thus the domestic maid staff of Nazarick was assembled.

"Everyone, this is Nazarick's newest maid."

"My name is Tsuareninya, pleased to meet you."

The head maid greeted Tsuare, whose head was bowed low, as a representative of everyone else.

After speaking with the maids, Tsuare had not shown any signs of fear.

Apart from the stitching that ran down the middle of her face, Pestonya had kind eyes and a gentle expression. Additionally, the maids behind her were all human, without any frightening facial features.

Even so, judging by Tsuare's condition, it seemed her fear of others would never truly vanish. Although she looked like she was getting along well with others, she knew exactly what kind of situation she was in, and she was trying to distract herself from it by forcing herself to work hard.

If I don't watch her carefully, she might break.

While Sebas was pondering these questions, the meet and greet session ended, and one of the maids brought her outside. Along the way, Tsuare turned to look at Sebas. Sebas nodded to her, and she nodded by way of reply, before turning away and leaving.

"Sebas-sama, how much training will that human need-wan?"

"Train her until she qualifies to be a maid of Nazarick. However, she is a mere human, so when you train her, please don't push her beyond her limits."


Pestonya's dog-like face tilted, revealing her canines. Although her expression made her look like a beast whose prey had escaped, her eyes were still filled with warmth.

"I think that for her, being a maid is just a first step."

"What do you mean?"

Pestonya answered Sebas, who had not quite grasped her meaning and was wondering what she was talking about.

"…wan. That is to say, I meant she would probably retire after marriage-wan."


As Sebas' face seized up, Pestonya's gentle laughter echoed throughout the ninth floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

♦ ♦ ♦
Month of Descending Fire (9th Month), 7th Day, 16:51

After making sure there were no guests present and that the time was right, Climb opened the doors to Renner’s chambers.

The princess sat in her usual place, her room dyed red by the rays of the setting sun. They illuminated her like a spotlight.

“Welcome, Climb.”

That gentle beauty calmed Climb’s pounding heart, and he felt as though he had been healed. Climb tugged down on his relaxed face, and went over to Renner’s side.

“Come, have a seat, Climb.”

“There is no need, Renner-sama. I have to help with the cleanup of the demon attack in a while.”

Renner’s eyes sparkled. She had originally given that order, so replying this way seemed to be the correct answer.

Climb’s next task was to take over the security detail responsible for protecting the Magician’s Association.

This was because of a certain item.

Although the whole picture of the demon invasion had not been fully revealed yet, a very disturbing magic item had been found in a warehouse. The Magician’s Association was still analyzing and investigating it, but considering the fact that it had been imbued with abnormally powerful magic and the information Jaldabaoth had let slip, it seemed likely that it was the item he had been searching.