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“Something seems to be written on—”

“Please, allow me.”

Even before Solution could finish he snatched the parchment from her. Using the magic item to read the content, he crumpled the parchment in anger.

“Kidnapped. I will follow them and rescue her.”

“It seems like a wise course of action.”

Sebas’ eyes widened as he did not expect Solution to agree.

“However, Ainz-sama ordered us to return to Nazarick. Shouldn’t that be prioritized?”

“But he did not say without Tsuare.”

“Sebas-sama… If you act on your own again, it will be a bigger incident this time. Plus, how are you going to find them?”

“They conveniently left the time and place for a meetup. It seems like they belong to the criminal group that owned the brothel I destroyed.”

“I see. However I still need to send a report to Ainz-sama before you leave. If you had not touched the brothel in the first place, this would not have happened. That goes against Ainz-sama’s order of being covert. If Sebas-sama acts out again, it will mean you disobeyed him once again… Also, did you forget Ainz-sama’s words earlier?”

It was a poignant reply, especially considering who had guaranteed to protect Tsuare.

“Please report to Ainz-sama that she has been kidnapped and that you are awaiting instructions.”

Part 3

Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 4th, 15:15

“Hmm hmmm hmmm~”

Humming along pleasantly, Albedo threaded the needle. She pushed the needle through, and pulled it out. After repeating this step hundreds of times, she had sewn a black cloth on top of the white figure. Next, she stuffed the white figure and it took on somewhat of more circular shape. Looking at the nearly completed doll, Albedo smiled softly. It was a gentle smile of a goddess full of mercy and love.

“Alright! Ainz-sama’s head is complete!”

She clenched her fist in satisfaction and petted her handmade doll head with the appearance of a skull. Small pieces of cloth were sewed on it to become eyes and mouth, which gave it an overall cute look. If Ainz saw it, he would definitely have been embarrassed.

“Then next is the body…”

She gently sat the skull plushie on a corner of her desk and stood up to grab another spool of white thread.

This was Albedo’s room. Originally her room was the Throne Room, so she had nothing in the way of a private chamber. However, Ainz assigned her the common room the 41 Supreme Beings used so that her work as Overseer of the Guardians would not be affected. Just like Ainz’s room, Albedo’s room was large. Albedo didn’t have many belongings with her, so the room looked rather desolate and empty. After two months of her stay though, it was a different story.

One of the reasons for this was the dressing room she was about to open.

It was a room full of Ainz. She had hand made them all by herself. The dolls were in the shape of Ainz and had different poses; some were full-body pillows, some were miniature plushies. This was Albedo’s top secret space and not even the maids who came to clean the room were allowed to peek inside. It was dubbed the Harem Room.


Albedo hopped around while letting out a strange noises. Then she flapped her wings by her waist and flew straight into Ainz cushion at an incredible speed. It was similar to a rugby tackle. Still hugging the cushion, she rolled around the floor. Because there were countless other Ainz on the floor, it did not hurt. Holding herself in the middle of three Ainz cushions, she laughed creepily.

“Ku-hu-hu-hu-hu, the newest cushion I made from Ainz-sama’s sheets… In another word, I’m sleeping with him indirectly. Ku-hu-hu-hu…”

Albedo buried her face in the cushion and sniffed furiously.

“There is… no smell.”

It was a very sad voice. If someone heard it, they would probably have felt bad for her as well. Because Ainz was an undead, he needed no sleep and his bones had no particular odour to them. He washes his body to remove the dust or wash the blood away, but his body did not excrete anything that could constitute a smell.

“Hm, hmm? This is… perhaps… Ainz-sama’s…!”

However, for a maiden in love like Albedo, it was possible to smell even the faintest of Ainz’s odour. Whether it was her own imagination or not was up to debate.

“Snort snort, sniff sniff”

The way she buried her face in the cushion and sniffed it repeatedly was resembling more of a pervert than the Overseer of the Guardians.

“Ahh~ I’m so happy.”

As the Overseer of the Guardians, Albedo had many tasks to deal with. These included stationing soldiers, constructing the defense network, checking maintenance inside Nazarick, and anything that concerned the Throne Room. There was enough workload to break a camel’s back.

So it was especially important for her to come in here to recharge and feel happy again.

“Ah, I want to see Ainz-sama again! See him again! See him aga~in! See him again.”

Albedo vented her jealousy of Narberal who went on a trip with Ainz while tightly holding onto the cushion. At that moment—


She stood rigidly. She checked around her while shedding cold sweat before realizing it was a voice carried via magic.

『I just heard from Sebas, no, from Solution with ‘Message’ that the girl Sebas picked up, Tsuare, has been kidnapped. Form an appropriate squad to support Sebas.』

Albedo remembered Tsuare when Ainz mentioned her. Ainz became Momon and left for E-Rantel immediately, but Demiurge who remained had told the vague details about her.

“Please excuse my rudeness for questioning your great order, but is it worth forming a squad just to save some worthless being like a human? If it involved those who interfered with Shalltear I would understand, but…”

『No, they probably have no connection with Shalltear. This time it seems to be a criminal organization lurking in the Kingdom.』

“Then even more so…”

『Albedo. I swore to protect Tsuare in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown. Do you understand what this means?』

The atmosphere changed from earlier. A burning sensation of rage could be felt all around the room and Albedo could only make a choked up sound.

『You understand! Right!! I swore to protect her with my own name! They kidnapped her despite that. This is an insult to my name and everyone else in the guild! There is no excuse, even if they didn’t know.』

The rage suddenly subsided at the end of the sentence. Because his emotional threshold had been exceeded, the calming effect had activated.

『… I’m sorry. It seems I became too angry at those scumbags. Forgive me, Albedo…』

Due to the master’s remorseful voice, she could finally calm herself down enough to speak. The Supreme Being’s rage affected even Albedo. Even if it was not directed towards her.

“T, there is nothing for Ainz-sama to apologize about.”

Albedo bowed deeply even though there was nobody standing in front of her.

『… Then I’ll entrust this to you, Albedo. Rescue Tsuare unharmed.』

“I shall do as you command! While rescuing her, I shall make sure to exterminate the vermin who annoyed you!”

『Then I’ll entrust this to you. Speaking of which, Demiurge should still be in Nazarick to receive the wheat shipment. He will be the one in charge…』

“I shall go myself—”

『No, Albedo. You need to protect Nazarick. Send Demiurge. Make sure their identity does not get revealed as well. I shall leave this matter in the Kingdom to you and Demiurge. Be cautious.』

“I understand!”

The ‘Message’ ended and silence returned. Albedo slowly stood up and proceeded to put the cushions away.