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A woman was riding in back, but I couldn't get a good look at her through the dark glass. Nevertheless, I had an uneasy feeling that under more favorable circumstances I might have recognized her, although at the moment I couldn't think of any female acquaintance Mr. Solana and I might have in common.

"What's the matter, do you know that man?" Carol asked.

"What man?"

Carol laughed tolerantly. "You're very stubborn, aren't you, darling? I'm just going to have to learn not to ask any questions at all. How much farther do we have to go? I thought it was only sixty miles from the border. It doesn't look as if you could find a cup of water in this wasteland, let alone a whole gulf of it."

We came upon the town almost without warning. The character of the landscape didn't change much, but suddenly there were some dark objects on either side of the straight, paved road ahead. Reaching them, we discovered that they were mud houses, and that we were at the outskirts of Puerto Peсasco. Half a mile farther, and we could see the water ahead: a blue bay with a sandy beach curving towards a rocky point sticking out to the left, where most of the town seemed to be located. There were docks and warehouses and a number of sturdy-looking fishing boats.

The place that had been recommended to us by an Arizona filling-station attendant who'd been there was called the Motel Playa Hermosa-the Beautiful Beach Motel. We turned off at a big sign before reaching the town proper, and bounced along an unpaved street leading to the beach. The motel area, on the waterfront, was enclosed by a wall, inside which we found a number of low buildings and a larger structure housing the office, restaurant, and bar. Driving up to this, I saw Solana-Ruiz's Oldsmobile parked in front, looking like a blind monster from the ocean depths-or maybe it was just taking a nap with its eyes closed.

Several tables on the veranda by the front door were occupied. At one, a girl sat alone. She was wearing very snug, ankle-length, elastic pants, kind of orchid in color, and one of those skimpy sleeveless white jerseys that look like a man's undershirt. It bulged in an interesting way although she was not, in other respects, a bulgy girl. She had thick lipstick on, and heavy eye-makeup. The elaborately formal arrangement of her piled-up brown hair contrasted oddly with the scanty informality-if that's the word-of her costume.

I didn't look at her too hard. In the business, it's considered impolite to recognize people you know until they've indicated that they're willing to be recognized. I looked just long enough to make quite sure that this bosomy tight-pants chick was really my slim vestal virgin from Mazatlбn, the sweet young girl who'd called herself Priscilla Decker.

As I started past her Priscilla looked up and said, clearly, "Well, if it isn't the super-spook himself! What are you doing here-as if I didn't know!"


CARRYING THE suitcases into the unit that had been assigned to us, I was surprised at the icy sharpness of the wind off the gulf. I remembered the sweltering heat of Mazatlбn, only a few hundred miles south on the same coastline-well, seven or eight hundred. Apparently the weather had changed drastically during the couple of days I'd been out of Mexico.

I set the bags down and went over to investigate the primitive gas heater set into the wall. The room was just a cinderblock cell, gaudily painted and cheaply furnished; and like any beach house in autumn, it had a damp and clammy feel. I felt Carol come up to stand behind me.

"Matt, what's a spook?"

"I believe the word is a colloquialism for ghost or disembodied spirit, ma'am," I said without looking around.

"But it's also slang for intelligence agent or spy, isn't it?" Carol laughed softly. "She really let your cat out of the bag, didn't she?"

I turned the valve, applied a lighted match to the outrushing gas, and closed the battered cover of the heater. "I've never seen the dame before in my life," I said. "It was a simple case of mistaken identity. You heard her admit it."

"Of course, darling. There are so many men six-feet-four running around these days, you just can't tell them all apart."

I got up and turned to face her. She looked at me for a moment, smiling; then her smile died, and she reached out and touched my cheek with her fingertips. "I'm sorry. If you aren't allowed to tell me anything, you aren't, and I shouldn't tease you. Matt, do you love me? Or is that classified information, too?"

I made the standard response to that ancient question. I took her into my arms and kissed her hard. Her lips were warm and responsive, and as I held her I couldn't help the thought, that comes to us dangerous gents from time to time, that it would really be pleasant to have an understanding woman to come home to between assignments-particularly if the understanding woman were blonde and lovely and nice to be with like, say, Carol Lujan. After a little, she held me off gently.

"That's not… not answering my question!" she said, rather shakily.

I grinned. "Why are women always so dead set on having it put into words?"

"Maybe-" She licked her lips, looking up at me. "Maybe because they're afraid. I'm scared, Matt. I've got a funny feeling… I don't like this place. I don't like that girl on the veranda. It isn't really going to be romantic and exciting, is it? All right, all right, I know you can't tell me anything. But I wish we could just turn around and drive back across the border to that nice motel in Lordsburg and forget the whole thing." She laughed abruptly. "There! I've got it off my chest. Now I'll let you wander over to the bar for a beer, or something, while I rinse the alkali dust off the face and body."

I looked at her suspiciously. "Why the sudden modesty?" I asked. "I'm a big boy now. I've seen girls undress before, present company included."

"You're being stupid, darling." Her voice was a little sharp. "Don't you see that I'm giving you an opportunity to make contact with your fellow-agent without my embarrassing presence? Run along now like a good little spook. Shoo. Scat!"

The late afternoon sunshine struck me as I stepped outside, but so did the wind, making me wish I'd taken time to grab a sweater or jacket. I walked along the low wall separating the motel compound from the beach. Down at the shore, some kids were playing in the breaking waves. I noticed that several of them were wearing those black-rubber wetsuits for warmth. I didn't blame them. It wasn't exactly what I called ideal swimming weather. Other kids were setting off the usual Mexican firecrackers. A couple of beach buggies were racing around on the sand: stripped-down Volkswagens, by the look of them, with little open bodies and big tires.

I turned into the bar, which wasn't crowded, and found myself a stool without really looking around.

"Una cerveza, POT favor," I said in my best Spanish, which isn't very good. I was aware that somebody was taking the seat to my left, and I caught a whiff of cheap, strong perfume. "Make that dos cervezas," I said.

"How do you know I want beer?" Priscilla Decker asked.

"If you don't want it, I'll drink both of them, and you can buy your own damn booze," 1 said. "God, you stink! What is that stuff you've got on, insect repellent or varnish remover? And just what the hell are you and that smoothie boss of yours trying to pull now?"

"What do you mean?"

I put some American money on the bar, and tasted my beer judiciously. After the long, dry drive it tasted very good, but then, beer is something they always do very well down here.