Despite herself, she found herself the victim of jealousy. A quick adding of their incomes combined told her they were making more money than ever before. More than enough money to move into a house, get a newer car. Yet she felt jealous. She seldom saw Leo McKern and when she did he was always busy and brief.
When Bob was in town, he was a changed man. He was on the phone all the time, calling someone or answering a call. Always he was making appointments to meet for lunch or cocktails after work and many of the nights during the week he was out selling to clients. He was suddenly a success and he spent less and less time with her and didn't seem at all interested in her job or life or mother or anything.
One night he came home late, found her in bed and she could tell from the way he talked he had had too much to drink. He was boastful and belligerent and claimed to have made a big sale. "Wanna celebrate," he slurred, leering at her. He had been rough and made filthy demands on her and they had quarreled and he had finally gone out, to the couch where he poured himself more to drink until he finally passed out and work the next morning with a terrible hangover.
They had more money but they seemed to have more problems. Carol didn't like the way the marriage was going at all and she thought of quitting, giving up and staying at home and being a wife and adore her husband. She talked to him about it. It seemed the only time he had to talk was over cocktails and when she brought the subject up, when she suggested quitting, be had leered at her and said, "Sure, but you love to wear that costume too much and shake it, baby."
She hated him when he talked that way and she always changed the subject and went back to her job resolved to do better and get attention for herself. She was going to be the best manager of the chain. Managers had the option of whether or not they wanted to work the cars.
Carol went back to the cars with a vengeance, wearing the tightest pair of hot pants she could wiggle into, strutting on the parking lot and bringing an aching erection to many a man. She envied Bob and his sudden success and preoccupation.
Yet Bob was far from happy. In the two weeks since that first time, he had been to L.A. three times and met her at a motel outside of town once. The McKern home was not to be believed with closed-circuit color TV in every room with the master console down in the rumpus room. The rumpus room was a gadget world in itself. The entire ceiling was a mirror so that, lying on the floor, you could see the entire room in the ceiling above.
The console, like the bar and the furniture, was all above pits that they could sink into. Couches would only sink to floor level when you first walked into the room, the walls attracted your attention. They were stark white and nothing, no pictures or draperies hung from them. The door fitted the wall perfectly with barely a line showing. In fact, all four walls were white with no decorations at all and none of the furniture was too close to the walls. It gave the room a naked, half-finished look about it and bothered guests when they first saw it until Leo took a seat at the console and began flicking switches and pushing buttons and turning dials.
Music, usually cool jazz came on, lights dimmed and the walls began to flicker. Suddenly, they seemed to leap to life of their own. The room was now devoid of any light except the vivid color movies that leaped at the people in the room from every wall. Full sound was used either having a direct bearing on whatever was going on at the time or was music designed to fit the mood. Trial and error had taught Leo that music was the best.
Twist more dials and the couches would slowly sink into the floor, their backs opening out flat until they were nothing more than a bed on floor-level. From these couches, reclining viewers could see four walls of full color hard-core pornography. They could see four different films at once or the same one on four different walls. Viewers could lie back on the couches and look at the mirrored ceilings and see themselves deep in a pit, surrounded by movies or cunts and cocks and buttocks and breasts and fucking and sucking with groups and individuals swirling around, seeming more like eight movies going all at once from the reflection from the ceiling mirror.
But that wasn't all. Flicking switches and adjusting dials, Leo could turn off the movie on one particular wall and, used their elaborate and very costly closed-circuit TV system, he could, at whim or will, cut off a movie and focus in on any room in the house – like one of the guest bedrooms. A viewer in the room could suddenly become conscious that not all they were seeing was on film, that some of it was actually happening and was happening between people that you knew. It was happening not too many feet away and there it was, larger than life, happening on the wall, reflected once again in the mirrored ceiling.
Exposure to the room working at full tilt did things to the people that were occupants of the room. It did things to them. The women seemed to have a common happening: they seemed to get confused and feel that they were in the movie and reflected in the mirrors themselves as they saw their bodies doing obscene thing. In flickering height up on the ceiling it was as if they became the fifth wall of the movie and clothing and inhibitions were shed.
No one who ever saw the room for more than a few minutes ever forgot it and no one who had ever stayed in the room for more than ten minutes ever forgot it. Anyone staying up to ten minutes in the room spent the rest of their lives walking around with the desire to go back – just once more – and experience Leo McKern's rumpus room.
Few people ever saw the room. Those that did enjoyed it and contrived to come back again. Each time it was different and more daring. It became like an addiction and men found themselves bargaining their wife's bodies in return for an invitation for an evening with the McKern's. Men were known to shade business deals in a way that would please or aid Leo McKern in order to wrangle an invitation.
But Leo couldn't be bought. The mere hint of a bribe and Leo became frosty and aloof ever after. Excitement was the ticket to Leo. Offer him excitement and he opened his house to you: nothing was forbidden.
Regular meetings were held among a certain select group. There were no dues, no rules other than a few they agreed on, all of them had one thing in common. Success. Each of the men were successful in their own fields. All had this in common: they were young and attractive. Sensuously oriented, it was only natural they found one another. Leo was the center and silently acknowledged leader of the group. The meetings were held at his house, the evening was decided by him. At the last meeting he had arrogantly promised them that be would supply the seduction of a young couple, that the husband would be lying naked in what had become known as "The Pit" and watch his wife being fucked in another room, watch his wife in living color all over one wall or maybe all four, being fucked out of her mind. He, Leo, he announced would personally be fucking the young wife. "In one month," he had said. One month with Leo was exactly thirty days.
Now Leo found himself well underway when it came to fulfilling his master plan. Bob would be there at the appointed time, Mona would see to that. All that remained was to get Carol, luscious moral Carol Hunnicutt into the romper room. That job fell to Leo and he was never more sure of anything in his life.
Actually, he had planned very carefully. That, combined with his uncanny ability to judge human nature, made Leo sure of Carol. From tapes he had made of Mona and Bob he knew that Carol, despite her appearance, was a very moral and inhibited girl. He also knew, from watching her at work, that she was a very ambitious girl. She filled the job of manager beautifully. Leo had watched her work the cars, taking orders in that revealing costume she had to wear. Carol did not approve of showing so much of her body but she did it. Moreover, when she knew that there was money to be made and places to go with the McKern organization, her attitude changed. She flirted more with the men even when they were with women, she bent lower at a car window to take an order, revealing more cleavage and her walk from car to order counter was something to see with her buttocks twitching provocatively back and forth.