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She looks up into the mirror and sees herself lying stark naked on the floor with hands gently yet firmly spreading her legs and she's watching it all.

Her eyes wander in the mirror, seeing a movie of a man fucking a crouching girl from behind and her breasts shake and quiver voluptuously as the man fucks her with all his might and the camera goes slowly in for a close up of her bucking, rippling, wildly undulating breasts that hang free.

Her eye wanders in the mirror and she sees Bob, her husband, about to come in Mona McKern's mouth, fucking up between her widely ovaled lips with all his might while his head twists and turns to see the movies and the other people in the room.


Bob Hunnicutt lay on his back with his arms lying above his head, a slack smile on his face as his eyes flutter closed and he feels the reverberations of his orgasm pound through his groin and soar in every nerve in his body. He gave a moan of resigned delight as he looked up and saw Mona naked, bending over him, her teeth white and her lips red and wet, her hands playing with his flaccid cock, teasing it once again into an aching swelling thickness.

Resigned, eager to have her suck him again, he let his head loll to one side and he looked across the semi-darkened room and saw figures in silhouette against the wall-screens, moving and writhing with one another. Almost in the center of the room he saw a tight group. He tried to focus his eyes and succeeded in making out five or six men. All of them were naked and they were crowding around someone on the floor. He saw a flash of curving white thigh and saw a foot raised high.

His gaze traveled up to the ceiling and their he saw a girl spread eagle on the floor, surrounded by men. Her face was obscured by someone crouching over her and as he looked, watching his own wife and unaware of it, he saw that two men had a breast each and obscured them from view as their heads bent over the nipples and sucked hungrily on them. Her wide-spread crotch was hidden from view by still another head as Leo bent his bull neck and rammed his tongue in a hot searing streak up into Carol's cunt.

Carol was completely helpless as she lay on her back with hands holding her arms and legs out, with her mind exploding as she felt the two men sucking and nibbling at her distended and quivering breasts as Leo cupped his big rough hands under her buttocks and lifted here crotch up with her cunt slit wide and moist and locked his open mouth over her clitoris and began licking hungrily between her thighs. It was as if fireworks had gone off in her groin and exploded starbursts in her mind. She gasped for breath against the sheer powerful pleasure she was feeling and her loins began a slow upward bump and grind, undulating in a lewd and abandoned way.

Bob's battered cock gave a jump as be saw the beautifully curved body and long spread legs of the girl. A gang-bang, he thought. Why not? He moaned again as he felt the flatness of Mona's wet tongue on his cock. It lubricated the head and he felt it swell as he knew that in a moment her soft lubricated lips would slide back down over it with the tongue probing the tiny seeping slit on the tip. He looked down and saw that Mona was lying her head on his hairy thigh and looking up at the mirror and watching the girl getting fucked by all those men. Maybe he told himself, maybe I'll just go over there and join them.

A cold feeling overcame Bob as he focused his eyes and looked more closely at the lewd group in the ceiling mirror. That man, that neck and those shoulders. He watched as Leo turned his head slightly to one side as his tongue burrowed into her cunt and he saw that it was Leo.

His body tensed and he half-lifted himself on his elbows. Mona, sensing the tensing and the danger looked up. His eyes bored into hers, he nodded across the room. "Your husband," he whispered. She looked at the group so close together, writhing with a mutual rhythm and then up at the ceiling where she saw an image of Carol on her back. Someone placed his cock in her hand as it clasped open then shut again, laying it across her palm and then her hand squeezed shut over it. Mona toyed with Bob's cock as she watched Leo shake his head like a terrier shaking a rat and her own cunt gave a twitch of heat as she remembered what it felt like in her own cunt.

"What are we going to do?" Bob's whisper tore her gaze from the ceiling where she was watching young Carol beginning her first gang fuck. Jesus, she thought, they're really going to give her the fucking of her life.

"Do?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. "What do want to do?"

"Get out of here before he spots us."

Mona gave a shrug and a little dry laugh. "He knows we're here and he looks kinda busy to me." She moved up beside him, lying on her stomach with their heads next to each other, the two of them looking up at the ceiling. Almost everyone in the room had suspended their activities to lie on the floor or a couch and look up at the sax men who were in the middle of the room and the twisting writhing body of the girl in the center of them.

"Yeah, he is busy," Bob said, his breath coming light and quick unconcealed envy in his voice as he watched. Hell, he thought that little bitch is out of her mind, hotter than a firecracker. He felt his cock swelling along his thigh, trailing up into a hard erectness.

"Don't worry about Leo," she whispered in his ear. "We have an understanding and he won't bother you."

Bob grinned at her and kissed her on the mouth. She was crazy and Bob must be insane and the two of them were amoral idiots. But, why should he care? Why not take advantage of it? He chuckled, thinking he was a little like them, enjoying this kind of thing, enjoying the wild swashbuckling I-don't-give-a-damn feeling he got. And the way Mona got him hot by her slut like ways. He would hate to be married to her but so long as she was giving out some of the best fucking he had ever gotten, why not take advantage of it? Why not take advantage of the whole thing. Hell, take a man's business and fuck his wife. Why not?

He put his hands behind his head and gloated as he watched the girl in the middle of the men. Damn, she had some body, he thought. It glistened with sweat from her wild squirmings and be could see her stomach moving like a belly dancer under water as she ground her hips and groin upward. Such a nice long body he thought as he watched the girl's struggles. He couldn't get a look at her face because some guy was crouched over it. Probably, trying to fuck her in the mouth, he thought and felt his own penis harden even more.

He watched their rough male hands kneading her body, driving her ma relentless rhythm toward an orgasm that would hit her writhing working body like a bolt of lightening and she would stiffen as they sucked hard at her breasts. He could see the perfect hemispheres of her breasts above their heads and something about them evoked a fuzzy memory. He saw Leo's tongue lashing in and out of her open cunt and his eyes narrowed as her legs bent at the knees and stretched back and he felt horny watching the girl. "That cute little bitch is really getting hot," he whispered to Mona.

"Yeah," Mona said in her husky voice. She watched the scene and wished it were her with all those men working her over. She'd start cumming and keep cumming, her body twitching and shaking until she passed out. Her hand trailed down over Bob's chest and stomach and found his penis hot and aching hard and she gave it a little squeeze. "How'd you like to fuck her?" she whispered in his ear and found the answer in her hand as his cock swelled even bigger at the thought.