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Rachel shut her eyes. Three years old. Abi… was it you? She struggled to keep her composure.

‘Do you… do you think Alice is dead?’ Bridget looked up sharply at her strangled tone, then shook her head.

‘She ran away. She had enough cause to, if she’d come to accept that she could not marry Mr Alleyn. I never heard from her again after that morning she went out. She loved to walk… it wasn’t strange that she went. I heard the door swing just after dawn, before the sky was proper lit. I thought to myself, “I do not need to rise just yet. Alice has gone out, she will bring the eggs on her way back in. Starling will light the fires.” That’s what I thought, as I lay there all lazy and warm. And that was the last sound I ever heard from my Alice. She should… she should have sent us word! She must have known how we’d worry, and that we would have kept any secrets she wanted us to. She should have sent us a word.’ Bridget settled her chin as she spoke, but there was more pain than rebuke in her voice.

‘It surprises you that she did not?’

‘Yes. But then,’ Bridget shrugged. ‘Letters get lost.’

‘The Alleyns are sure she eloped with another, but Starling insists that Alice had no sweetheart other than Jonathan. That she would never have been untrue to him…’

‘She deceives herself,’ said Bridget, abruptly.

‘What do you mean?’

‘I don’t like it any more than she does, but I know what I saw with my own eyes. I saw Alice, with another man.’

‘What other man?’ Rachel asked, her heart beating harder. Let her be alive.

‘Don’t you think I’d have sought him out if I knew? I was… pleased. I saw him only once, from the back. They’d been talking on the bridge by the inn, and then he went off towards the toll bridge. Their talk was lengthy and… impassioned. A quarrel, almost. I saw him from far away as he went, and only from behind, but I was glad. Surprised, to be sure, but glad. She couldn’t have Jonathan, you see. They must have told you? Josephine Alleyn must have told you? Jonathan was forbidden to marry her; she was nobody. She might even have been his own kin… but even if that weren’t so, she was too far below him. I daresay they made plans to run away, or to wed in secret, but they’d been in love since they were bairns. He’d have done it already, if he was going to. Wouldn’t he? That’s what I tried to tell her, though she wouldn’t hear me. If he truly meant to wed her, he’d have done it long before. Loving him was only ever going to break her heart. So when I saw her talking to this other one, I was glad.’

‘Who was he? What did he look like?’

‘He was nobody! He was a stranger who asked her for the time of day, nothing more!’ Starling’s voice was tight. She stood in the doorway with the full kettle in one hand and a sloshing pail in the other, knuckles crimson from the cold and eyes glittering with anger.

‘I know what I saw, Starling! There was more to it than that!’

‘You know no such thing! What would you know?’

‘What would I know, who raised her up and knew everything she did – even the things you thought you kept secret?’

‘They were planning to run away! She and Jonathan! And they were going to take me with them… If you saw her speak to some man, then perhaps he was helping them, somehow. Perhaps he was a friend of Jonathan’s come to bring her news of a plan he didn’t dare write down.’

‘If you believe that you’re naught but an idiot, girl!’ Bridget snapped, and then coughed, and spoke more softly. ‘Why go searching for a complicated answer, when there is a simple one right in front of you?’

‘Because,’ said Starling, and then stopped, swallowing. ‘Because Alice loved me. She called me her sister. She wouldn’t have just left me here – left me to Lord Faukes. She promised.’

‘She loved you, for sure. And she loved me, in her own way. But we all thought she loved Jonathan Alleyn more, Starling, and yet she betrayed him. I saw her, and I know what I saw.’

The two of them stared at one another. Their argument had the weary, scarred sound of one that had been had many times before, and hurt them both every time. Starling turned away to put down the pail and set the kettle on the stove. Rachel sat in silence, huddling into the shadows by the bed, still electrified by the news that Alice had come into their lives aged three, not newborn. Her heart thumped so hard that it seemed to shake her all over; Bridget turned a beady eye on her, and seemed to see it.

‘But you have not answered my question, Mrs Weekes,’ she said. Rachel looked up at her, feeling absurdly guilty. ‘Why have you come here?’ In the silence that followed the question, Rachel sensed Starling’s listening ears. Suddenly, she wanted to tell them. She wanted to tell somebody what she dared to hope, but that hope was such a fragile little thing – a house of cards that could tumble down if someone trod too heavily close to it. But if she spoke it out loud, it might also coalesce. It might also make it true. Rachel swallowed, licked her lips, and spoke.

‘I had a sister. Her name was Abigail. A twin sister, identical to me,’ she said. In the other room, the silence grew even more acute.

‘Her favourite colour was blue; I remember that quite clearly. Lavender blue; and mine was yellow. On our last day together, Mama tied back our hair with ribbons to match our favourite dresses – lavender for Abi, primrose for me…’ That warm and sunny day; a day of light and air as soft as a gentle caress on your skin; a day of whispers and secretive giggles, caught behind small hands. Their brother Christopher was not yet born; the two girls were their own whole world, and their parents were the stars around which they spun. They had two languages – one for each other, and one for other people. A language of intuition and odd, fluting syllables; in truth they barely needed to speak at all, since the one knew instantly what the other wished to say. They were old enough to walk and run, to climb onto chairs and down steps. They were old enough to loves stories and songs, and to play games with their dolls and toy horses. They were old enough to have a favourite colour, and a favourite food, but they were no older than that. That day they were going to visit their grandparents, a destination not quite as exciting as the carriage ride that would take them there.

The girls loved to ride in the carriage. They could never sit still and straight on the leather seats, as they were instructed to. They fidgeted and bounced here and there, and craned to watch from the window; they knelt on the seats, and played on the floor as it rocked and rattled. Their mother, Anne, just smiled and took pleasure in their delight; she told their nurse not to reprimand their antics too firmly. The girls loved the horses, too. Before setting off, they each took a turn in their father’s arms; he held them near the animals’ blinkered heads and let them stroke the coarse whorls of hair between their eyes.

‘Take care to keep your fingers far from his mouth, Abi,’ warned their father, John Crofton. They loved the pungent smell of the horses, particularly when they’d been running awhile and had sweat foaming on their powerful shoulders. The horses had bright chestnut coats with white legs and cream-coloured manes and tails. Their father had got them for a good price because red horses with four white legs were said to be unlucky. Tosh and palaver, said John Crofton. The little girls dreamed of being allowed to ride outside, on the box, sitting next to the whip. Then they could watch the manes fly and hear the hooves strike and the wheels clatter; they would feel the wind streaming in their hair and see the world rushing by, like flying.