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“Abby, I don’t want you because you’re his. Honestly, I had no idea who your boyfriend was until I saw him with you at the park after our date. When I saw the way he treated you, it just made me more determined to get you to see that there are decent guys out there. Please give me a chance to show you,” I heard the pleading in his voice and it crumbled away the anger and fear I was previously feeling.

I wanted to give him a chance. Everything he’d done so far wasn’t much, but somehow he’d always managed to show up right when I needed him. He could be my something better. He could show me what a real relationship was like. I knew my parents, and especially Melodi, would be genuinely happy for me. Even though my parents never saw the bad side of Jacob, I knew Melodi had her suspicions. I needed to fully end it with Jacob and then move on, but tonight I didn’t really care. This man sitting before me was my chance to be happier.

“It’s okay, Blake. It’s just been one hell of a day with what happened at the park and then dinner tonight. I can’t seem to catch a break.”

He leant over claiming my lips and a new warm feeling spread throughout my chest, running rapidly through my veins. I pushed harder against his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck, and his wrapped around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. His arms left my waist and moved to my legs.

Well, maybe the dress is good for something.

Each of his hands ran up my legs, climbing higher and higher. Our mouths hadn’t lost their connection. He tasted so damn good. I could have devoured him forever. I claimed his lip in between my teeth, biting a little, and a slight groan escaped his throat. My hands found the hem of his shirt, and I quickly pulled it up and over his head. I took in the sight before me, Blake wasn’t the biggest guy, but he had a medium build and a very toned, delicious body. One I couldn’t wait to kiss every part of. I grazed my fingers over the contours of his chest, taking in every inch of him.

“Are you okay?” he asked with a cheeky grin on his face. He knew exactly what was running through my mind.

“Yep, just taking in the view.” I leant over pressing my lips to the nape of his neck. I could see the goosebumps rising on his smooth skin.

“I’d like to get a better view of you,” he stated, wiggling his eyebrows.

I smiled brightly and nodded.

He reached around undoing my zip ever so slowly. As I waited, I felt the cool air hit my skin, then I felt his fingertips dancing over my bare flesh, sending a chill down my spine.

I had a million butterflies dancing in my belly. I was as nervous as hell and eager to feel the magic between us. He took away any ounce of worry I had carried with me from Jacob and he made me feel like I was the most important person in the world to him.


“Mmm…” I breathed into his neck as a planted a light kiss there.

“I want you to stay the night…with me.” A surge of emotion clutched my chest. A bright smile wiped across my lips.

I sat up and looked at his worried face. Worried I would say no. “I want to sta—” I don’t get to finish my sentence before his mouth ravaged mine. I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to taste me.

“Are you on anything?” he breathed through our passionate kisses.

“Yes.” That was all I said. He then stood up with me still wrapped around him. He began walking toward a room, his room. My stomach twisted with anticipation and swirled with excitement. I was about to be shown and treated how a girl should be and I couldn’t wait. I reached for my left hand and removed the ring, dropping it to the ground with a slight tinkle as it hit the floor. As we entered the room, I left behind all the negative experiences and I was only interested in the man before me who’d made every sense within me sing. Blake closed the door, our lips collided and we were lost in each other in every way possible.

Chapter Twelve


Three Years Ago

Wow! Was all that was racing through my head. Last night with Blake was something out of a princess fairytale. His gentle caresses explored my tender skin as the soft touch of his lips pressed against mine. We were one person, and we wanted to please each other in each and every way possible. He made me feel things I never knew I would enjoy. Each moment was blissful and he took my breath away with each touch.

Jacob was a wham-bam thank-you-ma’am kinda guy. Never let me have the enjoyment a girl should have. We hadn’t been together intimately in about a month. It was a relief actually, it made me question if he was going elsewhere because he always took it when he wanted but not lately. I wasn’t complaining, though. The thought of him touching me repulsed me, literally making my skin crawl. I was never going back to him, no matter how much charm he used or how much begging he did. I wouldn’t fall for it like I had in the past.

I rolled on my side gathering the blankets up around my neck. I laid there watching Blake sleeping. His breaths were even and relaxing to listen to. I could’ve laid like that all day.

“Taking in the view again, huh?” he asked out of nowhere, scaring me half to death.

“You could’ve just let me know you were awake.” I giggled as I moved closer to him. He wrapped me in his arm and placed a loving kiss on my forehead.

“Now, where would the fun be in that?” He opened his eyes, glancing down at me. When our eyes met, a brilliant bright smile crossed both our faces. I was unable to wipe the smile off my face. “How are you feeling?” He rolled onto his side, pulling me into his chest, our bare legs entangling each other’s.

Last night felt like a dream.

The proposal didn’t happen, but the night with Blake did.

I remember the sweet, kind words he’d whispered to me during our time together. There was no way in hell I would ever be returning to someone like Jacob. Blake had shown me in one night how a girl is meant to be treated. He could definitely be my new future. I just had one final thing I needed to do. I had to officially finish it with Jacob and give him back his ring, then I could move on. I still felt very uneasy about him. I knew he wasn’t going to be happy. I recalled him telling me that he was going away for a week, so I think in that week I might need to have a backup just in case things go south. Backup as in preparing to possibly leave if everything goes wrong with the breakup.

“What are you thinking?” Blake asked as he glided his finger slowly up and down my arm.

“Just wondering what I’m going to do now. I kinda feel like I should have a backup plan, ya know? Just in case things go south with Jacob.”

Blake was silent for a moment, so I laid there just listening to his breathing.

“I know a guy that could help us out. He could get us some new papers and we could leave together.”

That didn’t sit right with me, taking Blake away from the life he’d created for himself.

“No, it’s okay. I’ll figure something out.”

He merely nodded accepting my answer, but I could see in his eyes that he was thinking about things. A plan was forming in that mind of his. I knew I had to work something out for myself, even if it meant me starting afresh. I would let my family know I needed a change and go. I was sure they would understand when they found out what had been going on in my life.

“Let’s go out for breakfast,” he said, beginning to get up. My heart leapt into my throat.