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“Hey now, don’t go thinking like that. You and I are a team and it’s not just us we need to think about.” He reaches out placing his hand on my tummy. “I’ll look after us and I’m sure Rach and Flick will be just fine with Axel and Liam. We will all look out for each other because that’s what family does.”

I give him a nod because I don’t trust myself to speak since the lump that’s formed in my throat is clogging my air supply and I just might cry. How did I become so lucky? Going from a random kiss in a nightclub to expecting babies together, it’s all so quick and I’m sure people think I’m the stupidest woman, but when I look at what I have right in front of me, everything is perfect. I’m waiting for that perfect bubble to pop, and the honeymoon period with Corban to be over, which I hope like heck it never is.

Chapter Twenty-Three


As we pull up, the nerves kick into overdrive. I know I shouldn’t be nervous, but I don’t want them to think that I planned to fall pregnant to trap their son. I’m sure they wouldn’t think that, but Athena might. I notice her car is here, along with Rachel’s. I already know Rachel is over the moon and excited about becoming an aunt, but I’m not sure how the rest will react.

“Don’t worry, beautiful, they will be thrilled with our news. Trust me, I know Mom is going to be ecstatic,” Corban voices my thoughts. Once again, my emotions must be readable like an open book as he doesn’t miss anything.

“I know, but with something like this I can’t help but worry. Especially about what Athena might think. We have only just sort of connected and I don’t want to ruin that.”

“I’m here for you every step of the way. No matter what anyone says, I love you and these little ones of ours.” He leans over, kissing me lovingly on my lips and lingering for a short time.

Making our way inside, aromas of what’s cooking fills my senses and it smells wonderful. All my senses have become heightened. I’m still waiting for it to take a turn for the worse, but maybe it’s a little early, so I’ll enjoy the good while I still have it.

I hear voices and laughing coming from the kitchen. We make our way there and see Rachel, Athena, and Catherine working together to prepare dinner. I’m really surprised at the one-eighty that Athena has made, and Rachel isn’t even biting at her.

Have I stepped into another world?

“Hey, everyone,” Corban announces.

They turn and all their eyes light up, especially Catherine’s. Yep, she knows.

“Oh, my dear boy, how are you?” She reaches Corban and gives him a tight, excited squeeze. “And you, little miss, how are you feeling?”

I glance over her shoulder at Rachel, giving her a small glare. How could she tell her mother before us? She needs a gag. It won't surprise me if she and Axel are actually into that stuff.

“We’re going good, Mom. I guess by your reaction that Rachel has already gotten to you both.” He looks between his mum and Athena, who just smiles and nods.

Wow, so she approves?

“Yes she did, and I’m extremely excited to become a grandma!” she squeals as she wraps me in an embrace. “Now you need to be taking care of yourself, dear. I’m sure your boss won’t mind if you drop back a few days, especially during the morning sickness stage.” She gives Corban a little glare.

“I’m all right for now, but if it becomes too much, I’m sure he’ll look after me.” I smile.

“My dear, what happened to your arm?” She instantly becomes concerned, the worry written over her face.

“We went out the other night—” I begin and I’m cut off.

“You were what? While you’re pregnant?”

“Stop, Mom, before you get too far ahead of yourself,” Corban interjects. “Keep going, Mel.”

“Okay, so I should say that this was all before we found out I was pregnant. We went out, I tripped up some stairs and landed funny, coming down on my wrist and breaking it, hence the cast.”

“How long are you in the cast for?” Catherine asks as she busies herself once again.

“About four to six weeks. I’ll get a check-up at four weeks and they’ll decide then what will happen.”

She nods and keeps preparing dinner. “How are you feeling? I know it’s early, but I do hope that it’s not too bad for you.”

I knew the pregnancy questions were coming sooner or later. “I’ve been all right. I think the sickness has started to kick in, but I guess that’s to be expected with twins, so—”

“Twins?” Catherine squeals in excitement. Rachel must have missed out on that tiny detail. “Oh my goodness.” She actually looks like she needs to sit down for a little while. If only she knew how I was feeling.

“Ah…yeah. Sorry, I thought that Rachel had already told you all the details.”

“I think that little piece of information was overlooked. Rachel!” she calls out, startling me.

Less than a minute later Rachel comes in giving her knowing smile. “What’s up, Mom?”

“Did you forget to mention anything…any tiny details perhaps?”

Rachel just keeps smiling and shrugs her shoulders. “Well, I couldn’t ruin it all for them, so I left the major details out,” she laughs.

I didn’t see Athena leave. Corban has stepped outside and is talking with Axel, who I hadn’t even noticed was there. I hear voices coming towards the kitchen. As I look to the doorway, my blood turns cold as I’m face to face with Jacob.

Why is he here?

Why is Athena cozy with him?

I look at her standing beside him and how she’s all caught up in what he’s saying. He looks up and gives me his most evil grin, as though he knew I’d be here and honestly, I can’t think why he’d be here. I don’t move from my seat. I just stare at him.

“Oh. Athena, honey, who is your friend?” Catherine is oblivious to what this man is capable of and, of course, has no idea of the devil that’s walked through her door. Athena has invited him in, allowing him access to Corban’s family, and me.

Before she can reply, a door slams behind me. I already know who it is and I’m sure I won’t be able to stop him, especially after what I’ve been put through lately with Abby showing back up and being threatened by him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Corban storms across the room and grabs Jacob by the scruff of his shirt, getting up in his face.

I move quickly, trying to defuse the situation. This is not that time, or place, to get revenge. Even though it would give me immense pleasure to watch Corban beat the living crap out of him. I don’t think his mum would approve since she’s already yelling at Corban to get off Jacob.

Once Axel has Corban held back and settled, everyone is in the kitchen now and Corban’s parents are oblivious to what vile creature has been welcomed into their home.

“Corban, you better have a good excuse for acting like that!” Catherine says in her take-no-crap tone.

“This is the man responsible for causing so much pain to my family and the loss of Abby, my sister,” I say before Corban gets a chance to reply. He’s just too angry to respond reasonably and as I say the words, I see the shock register on her face.

“Athena, how could you?” she breathlessly asks her daughter. Her shoulders slump as she heaves a heavy sigh and looks away from Athena, who’s unable to meet her eyes again.

I can just imagine what I must look like. I actually feel like I’m having an out of body experience. I kinda feel for Athena, because obviously he’s brainwashed her into thinking we are the bad guys.