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It’s been a while since Flick has made a home visit to me as I don’t want her or Liam to be a part of this and risk them getting hurt. I’d hate that and the guilt I’d feel should something happen to them would destroy me. Flick and Liam are going really well. She’s super happy when I speak to her on the phone, or she comes by the office and we have lunch. She will only come to the office and be in a public area with me because those are the rules now, thanks to Blake and Corban. We’re planning on having a night in over the weekend, which I’m looking forward to. It’s going to be movies and junk food along with lots of talk about babies, boys, and sex. But it will only happen if Blake gives us the okay because we want to include Abby, and he is going to look after Katie for her.

Things between Abby and Blake have been going amazing. It’s so good to see her smile again, although I know she’s sick of being cooped up in the apartment. She knows it’s for the best, though. Katie is such a beautiful little spirit and I can’t wait for my little ones to get here so she’ll have little friends. I know Mum and Dad are going to love her to pieces. We haven’t told them yet about Abby, but Corban and I took a trip to their place about two weeks ago to see them and tell them our happy news. They were so excited to become grandparents and they want updates all the time. I’m forever getting messages from Mum asking how I’m going and when the next scan is.

In fact, I have a scan this morning. I’m waiting for Corban to come out of his current meeting then we are going to the doctors. I’m excited to see our babies again. I’m sure I’m about nine weeks along now. I’ll have my cast removed today as well, which I’m really excited about. It’s been nothing but a hindrance. Dressing myself has been a little challenging as well as always having to wrap it up for showers. I can’t wait to be able to sit in the bath tonight and actually enjoy it without having to hang my arm out. Today is going to be an awesome day.

“I know Mom is anxious about her, that’s all,” Rachel says as she sits down on the corner of my desk.

“Yeah, I think we’re all a little concerned since we all know what that man is capable of.”

She nods sullenly.

Corban’s office door opens and we both jump up and act busy even though I’m sure he knows we were just sitting around talking. We both smile at the client and say goodbye.

“What am I paying you girls to do if you spend your day talking?” he laughs as he comes around my desk, giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

“Oh, what are you on about? We work, you just always seem to catch us in the middle of a conversation,” Rachel laughs.

“Oh, Rach, did you happen to organise that appointment for me this afternoon?”

Rachel looks to balk for a minute, unsure of what Corban is on about, but then she clicks. “Yep, all booked in and ready to go.” She gives me a wicked smile.

What is all that about?

“Did I miss one of your appointments?” I’m a little worried I’ve slipped up now.

“No, beautiful. I had an early phone call this morning while you were in the bathroom and I asked Rachel to take care of it.”

“Ah, all right. I’m feeling pretty useless lately, sorry.”

“It’s fine,” he assures me with another kiss to my forehead this time. His public displays of affection recently have increased, especially in the office. I think everyone now knows he’s dating me. Yes, I do get the death glares from girls, but hey, he loves me. I couldn’t give a stuff about what those other people think. I’m glad he pushed aside his stupid rule and gave us a chance because I love being with him all the time. Once I have these babies, I’m sure he won’t let me come back to work, not ever, or at least until the children are much older. By then he might want another baby, so I guess it’s just a wait and see thing.

“Well, we better go, and I’ll drop you back here once we’ve finished.”

After waiting for what seemed like forever, I finally got my cast removed. The hair on my arm looks blacker than normal and it kind of smells a bit funky. I’m looking forward to a good hot soak in the bath tonight. We’re here now in the doctor’s waiting room anxiously waiting to see our little peanuts. My heart’s pounding in my chest. I just want to know that they’re okay and growing.

Corban takes my hand, sensing my anxiousness. I’m sure he’s probably feeling how I am. He is such an incredible support to me. I couldn’t have made it through all this crap with Jacob on my own. I couldn’t be happier that I’ve met the man of my dreams and now, unexpectedly, we are starting our own little family and my sister is actually here and our kids can grow up together.

“Good Afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews,” the doctor announces his arrival and once again we are mistaken for a married couple. It could be because the oldies like to think people get married before having babies. I notice Corban doesn’t correct him which causes a fluttering in my stomach.

One day it will happen.

We both greet the doctor. After first finding out we were expecting, Corban looked into the best physician with the help of his mother, of course. I can’t say I’m keen on a male other than Corban looking at my lady bits, but I’ve been told by Mum that when you’re giving birth, your dignity is left outside. Let’s just say I’m a little nervous now.

“How has everything been going?” he asks as he prepares the equipment.

“Pretty good, apart from the morning sickness. Hopefully, it goes away soon.”

“It will unless you’re one of the unlucky ones who get it through their whole pregnancy.”

That thought alone makes me want to cry. Throwing up daily for nine months would seriously suck. Definitely no more kids for me then.

“Oh, please, no,” I whine.

Corban gives a little laugh.

“Hey, buddy, it’s not you going through it all.” I smile.

“And I’m so glad it isn’t.”

We laugh.

“All right, let’s get a look at these babies. Lift your shirt a little. The gel might be cold, so I’m sorry about that.”

“That’s all right.” I do what he asks. As he puts the ultrasound wand on my abdomen, and I instantly hold my breath and wait. Seeing the two little peanuts brings the biggest smile to my face. My chest fills with such emotion; these are my babies. I don’t even know them yet, but I already feel a connection to them both. My heart is full of love for them.

As the doctor moves the wand around, I can see that they’ve already taken the shape of little people. He shows me their tiny fluttering heartbeats on the screen and lets me listen to each one. It’s a new song to my soul. I’m sure nothing could wipe the smile off my face. Corban’s face is identical to mine. He hasn’t let go of my hand once and has been gently placing kisses across the back of my hand. So much love is within us and between us.

After all the checks have been done, the doctor prints out a picture of each of the babies for us. We thank him and leave hand in hand.

“How perfect are they? I can’t believe we’re going to be parents,” Corban says excitedly. He picks me up around the waist, spinning us around, his excitement shines through. He will be the perfect dad for our peanuts.

“I know. It’s amazing!” The enjoyment in his voice as he grips the pictures in his hand, his eyes beaming with excitement as he stares down at his babies.

After grabbing a bite to eat, Corban heads out of his office for a meeting, and I go back to the office to finish up some things to prepare for the weekend.