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The doctor checks Corban’s chart and then examines his current readings on the machines that are hooked up to his body. He takes a few notes before he finally speaks. “Well, he looks to be healing well by the results I see before me. He should wake up soon. There will be no permanent damage from the bullet, but he will be tender for a few more days. I’ll remove the tube now so he doesn’t struggle when he wakes up.” He asks a nurse to assist him and we watch anxiously as he removes the tube from Corban’s mouth. Once he’s finished, he walks out the door. Corban looks more like himself without that tube.

Doctors definitely aren’t ones for small talk and this doctor was no different.

“How are you doing today?” I’m sure she’s been asked this a heap of times over the last few days and is sick of hearing it and repeating herself, but I want to check.

Her eyes never leave Corban when she answers. “Yeah, I’m okay or as good as I’m going to be until he wakes up. How are you? How’s the leg?”

“It’s getting there. There was a small amount of damage to the muscle which I’ll need some physio for, but it’s all good.”

We are both sporting bruises over our bodies, especially our faces. Jacob wasn’t kind to either of us. I look at Melodi with her dark bruises on her perfect face. I can’t even bring myself to look in the mirror. I can feel my busted lip and I know how many stitches my face needed, they weren’t very pleasant at the time. I still remember the little jabs of pain even though it was numb.

We sit in silence for a short while. I’m about to speak when a very familiar face comes rushing into the room, stopping dead in her tracks. My heart stops, it’s as though my world is spinning but moving in slow motion at the same time.


“Mum,” I whisper breathlessly. My breathing is rapid. It’s possible my chest is about to explode. The one woman who’s constantly been in my thoughts throughout the last few years, and a lot more recently, knowing that she was going to be here any day. I’ve waited anxiously for this day. Tears begin to well in my eyes.

“Wh..what! Oh m…my goodness!” she screeches and clutches at her chest. “You’re meant to be…” The word hangs in the air. “I need to sit down before I fall down.” Blake quickly assists her to a spare seat. Her eyes never leave mine. “Is this real? Am I still dreaming?” Her hand still clutching at her chest, and she sounds breathless unable to breath.

“Just breath, Mum, it’s real.” Melodi rushes to her side encouraging her to breathe by breathing along with her. She’s doing some deep breaths like one would do while they’re in labour.

My beautiful Mum is right before me and she looks fantastic. She continues to watch me, tears streaming down her face. As I’m about to go to her, Dad comes around the corner to see what the commotion is all about, and stops instantly, just staring. Before I realise what’s happening Dad has collapsed into a heap on the ground his head in his hands sobbing, loudly. It breaks me, seeing my dad so emotional, it’s not something I’ve ever seen. A lump forms in my throat making it hard to swallow.

“Hey Mum. Hey Dad,” I manage to choke out. Melodi looks between us smiling. I slowly make my way toward Dad, who’s still on the ground. He gets up and engulfs me in his sweet embrace. Mum doesn’t hesitate and collides with Dad and me. We pull Melodi in as well. My family is back together, we may be a little bruised and worse for wear right now, but all that will heal with time.

“Where have you been? What happened to you both?” Mum asks, not releasing me but holding me to her.

“I will tell you, but not here. Melodi needs you right now.”

“You both need us. You’re our daughters and we’re here for you both. My heart hurts looking at you with these marks on your bodies.” Her knuckle glides down my cheek over the tender bruise that’s there; it’s a gesture I’ve missed. She moves towards Melodi who’s in Dad’s arms and gives her a warm hug that only mothers can give. They make you feel safe and secure.

After a moment, she looks around the room and her eyes settle on Blake, recognition sweeping across her face.

“Aren’t you that police officer that came to us after Jacob’s court hearing all those years ago?”

“Yes ma’am, that’s me.” Blake doesn’t elaborate. Mum and Dad simply nod, but I know I need to give my parents the answers they need and soon. Their minds are already buzzing. I can feel the questions in their eyes as they watch me and Blake, then Mum’s gaze falls to Katie.

“And who is this little angel?” Mum coos at Katie, who beams brightly at her.

“Mum, Dad, this is Katie. She’s mine and Blake’s daughter.” The air becomes stagnant once again as silence fills the air.

Mum’s face is one of shock. Her eyes jump out of her head as her hands go to her face holding it and rubbing it as though she’s trying to wake from a dream.

“Oh, I need to sit down again. This is all so much to take in at once.” She breathes. I can only imagine how she’s going to react to the next bit of news after only seeing her for about five minutes. “Oh, and I’m getting married.”

Melodi’s face registers surprise as does my parents. I smile because I know they’re happy for me, even if they might pass out from all the news they have received. Knowing they’re glad to see me standing here alive and well before them, the grins on their faces is enough for me to know I have their support.

They need to hear the story and then they’ll understand why I had to do what I did. As they look between us all, Mum is speechless and Dad is in awe.

“You’re getting married?” Melodi asks quietly.

“Yes, it wasn’t a huge thing, but after Corban proposed to you, Blake unceremoniously asked me. And I said yes,” I beam. I’m so excited to be marrying him and euphoric that I can now have my family be a part of it. More hugs and congratulations go out around the room.

Chapter Thirty-Three


We hug and congratulate Abby and Blake, the excitement that fills the room puts a hold on the dismal emotions that have been swirling around me for the past three days. Mum full on wraps Katie in her arms, squeezing her tightly. Poor Katie, I hope she can still breathe. I giggle to myself. I don’t think Mum or Dad will ever let her, or Abby, out of their sight again. My family is back together—almost. I’m only missing one person. Glancing at the figure lying on the bed, my heart is dipped in reality once again.

“Well, this has been one crazy morning,” Mum announces. “Let’s go—”

She’s cut off by groans coming from the bed. My stomach flips and my heart drops.

Corban! He’s stirring.

I race to the bedside, taking his hand. “Corban, babe, please, squeeze my hand if you hear me,” I plead. The pressure on my hand increases and excitement doesn’t even begin to explain how I’m feeling. This is amazing and I’m so happy. Everything is perfect. I have my family and now Corban is waking up; the love of my life is here and awake. Everything is slowly coming back together and my life is now whole. Yes, there’s lots of mending to happen but in this moment I’m content. I have my babies to look forward to and my wedding to the most amazing man.

Everything is how it should be, it’s beyond perfect.



One Year Later

“Abby, will you quit mucking around? We need to get to the church!” I yell at her. Excitement is bubbling through the air. Looking around, Catherine and Paul’s place is a disaster zone. There are dresses strewn over the couches and bouquets of beautiful pink and white roses waiting for us to pick up as we walk out the door, their aroma filling the room. Flick and Rachel are running around like crazy people who have lost the most valuable thing they own, and Abby has gone missing in action.