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All day long people were lined up outside the hospital. Some had walked many days out of the surrounding countryside to get there. Ruiz took his place in line.

The young nun working the reception table asked him a few questions. Her face didn’t register anything as Ruiz explained that he had a venereal disease.

The nun gave him a piece of paper, and he walked over to another table where an older sister held court with a shiny hypodermic needle. She looked at the paper, dipped the syringe in a dish of warm water, then drew out the appropriate medicine from a vial on the shelf behind her. She jabbed the needle into Ruiz’s buttock and pulled it out. He was done.

As he walked away, the nun dipped the syringe into the warm water, pulled up and down on the plunger to clear out the inside, then checked the piece of paper from the next client, a young boy with an infected hand. She picked up the appropriate vial and gave him a shot, looking up with tired eyes at the line of people behind the young boy. It was going to be a long morning.

Ruiz walked back to the boat tied up on the river and decided to get some sleep. He did not feel well at all, and surely the American had nothing planned for today. He was probably still trying to find a radio so he could tell the world the tragedy of the village of dead Indians. Ruiz chuckled at that.

He noted that one of the small plastic cases that Harrison had had on the rear deck was gone, but there was no sign of the American. Ruiz curled up in the shadow of the boat and pulled a poncho up over his head, slipping into a very uneasy slumber.


Turcotte stood on the edge of a twenty-foot-wide section of buckled ice. Behind him he could hear the second Osprey landing, the tilt wings rotating upward so that the large propellers brought the craft to a hover.

The second one settled down next to the first and the back ramp lowered. The scientists and engineers from UNAOC waddled off, swathed in heavy layers of protective clothing. The tractor had gone back for them.

The lead engineer came up next to Turcotte. He’d been here four days, and the skin on his face was already cracked and blistered from the cold, like the ice that surrounded them.

“That damn foo fighter did a number on the surface.” Below them, in the center of the trench, the ice had been melted, then refrozen, forming a glassy surface.

“How about the base?” Turcotte could see his breath forming puffs of white, the moisture immediately freezing.

“A mile and a half of solid ice is pretty good protection. We’re not sure, but we think it should be in good shape.” He pointed at the jagged gash in the surface. “The foo fighter used some kind of beam. Blasted down about fifty meters, and the shock wave went much farther.”

“How far are you from getting in?”

The engineer tapped Turcotte on the arm and led him toward a plowed track in the ice and snow.

“By the time we get down there, they should be ready to punch through.” The engineer pointed to the right. A twenty-foot-wide cut had been made in the ridge of blasted ice. Turcotte followed him to it. The cut continued down at a thirty-degree slope until it centered over the re-formed ice. A large, two-story metal hangar had been built there. Turcotte held on to a rope as they slithered down to the hangar.

He could hear the steady roar of several generators as the engineer held the door open for him. Turcotte stepped inside, and the noise was even louder. The engineer threw his hood back.

“I’m Captain Miller,” the man introduced himself.

“Mike Turcotte.”

It was only slightly warmer inside. Miller pointed to what looked like a mini oil rig in the center of the shed. “We’ve been drilling for four days nonstop. Since it’s so deep, we had to put in three intermediate staging areas on the way down.”

Miller led Turcotte up the metal stairs to the first-level platform. Turcotte looked into the fourteen-foot-wide shaft — a white tunnel as far as he could see, straight down. Several black cables were stretched along one side of the shaft.

“We reached the proper depth an hour ago. My men went horizontal, toward the base, and they’ve reached the edge of the cavern the base is inside. They’re waiting on us.”

A steel cage rested on the platform. “Ready to go down?” Miller asked. Turcotte answered by getting inside the cage. Miller joined him, pulling a chain across the opening. He gave hand signals and a crane operator lifted them over the shaft.

With a slight bump, they began descending, the steel cable attached to the roof playing out. It took fifteen minutes to reach the first staging area. The open space suddenly widened to a chamber forty feet wide and thirty high.

Another derrick was wedged to the right of where the basket touched down. The chamber was eerie, the walls white ice, the light from the spotlights reflected manyfold. Turcotte felt as if he had entered an entirely different world from any he had ever known.

Two men stood by a heater set on a pallet, warming their hands. “Hey, Captain.”

“Going down,” Miller said, leading Turcotte over to another cage dangling above the other shaft. They stepped on board and the men turned on the winch, lowering them. Stage 2 was reached after ten minutes, and the process was repeated.

“Metal soundings we took this morning indicate we’re right next to the base,” Miller said as they descended. He shook his head. “Those guys who got the bouncers out of there in the fifties did a hell of a job. They had to cut a shaft wide enough to fit the bouncers and put in enough stages to lift them out. We tried to find the original shaft, but the explosion from the foo fighter must have filled it with debris and shifting ice.”

Turcotte knew Scorpion Base was a part of the history of Area 51 even though it was half the world away. When Majestic found the mothership in the cavern in Nevada’s desert, there were two bouncers alongside. Also inside the massive cavern that held the mothership, they found tablets with strange writing on them. It was now known that the writing was the high rune language that had developed out of the Airlia’s own language by early humans, but at the time Majestic had been able to make little sense of the markings. The tablets with the mothership had been warnings against engaging the ship’s interstellar drive or risk detection by an alien enemy, but that had not been discovered until Nabinger had interpreted the runes. Although Majestic’s scientists could not decipher the symbols on the tablets, there were drawings and maps that could be understood.

There was no doubt that much attention was being paid to Antarctica, although the specific location was not given. Just a general vicinity on the continent. Majestic eventually broke it down to an eight-hundred-square-kilometer area.

However, those discoveries were made during World War II, and resources were not immediately available to mount an expedition to Antarctica, although after the war it was discovered that the Germans had made some efforts to explore the seventh continent.

The Germans had been big believers in the mysterious island of Thule. A version of the legend of Atlantis, Thule was supposed to be an island near either the North or South Pole where an advanced, pure civilization had existed in prehistory. The Germans had sent U-boats to both ends of the Earth, even while waging war, to search for any clue to the island’s existence.

In 1946, as soon as the material and men were available, the United States government mounted Operation High Jump. It was the largest expedition ever sent to Antarctica. It surveyed over 60 percent of the coastline and looked at over half a million square miles of land that had never before been seen by man, but it was all a cover for the true nature of the mission — to find the Airlia cache.