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He just stared. “I dunno, Mick. If you say it wasn’t to take you off the case, then the only reason… ” he trailed off as his eyes widened.

I nodded. “Now you’re getting there, kid. This shadowy chump might know a little about me, but he could’ve hit me any time. I don’t think this was for me.” I gestured to the wreckage behind us. “I think it was for you.”

“Me? But… I’m nobody. Why would anyone wanna rub me out?”

“That’s the question of the night, Ace. I’m just taking a stab at this, but the way I figure is we’re dealing with a meticulous killer. Somebody with a nasty, serious beef against your uncle. I think this person has been nursing this grudge for years and doesn’t mind taking their time to pursue their vendetta.”

He took a wary look around. “So, you’re sayin’ this is just beginning?”

“That’s right. This isn’t gonna stop anytime soon. This person is starting at the fringes, working their way from the outside into Flacco’s inner circle. Sophia was first. Looks like you were meant to be next. But then… maybe Scars gets iced next. Maybe No-Nose Nate or Electra. Only a matter of time before the target is placed on Moe’s wife, and then Moe himself.”

Benny scowled so fiercely I almost believed his non-existent reputation for a second. “That’s not gonna happen.”

“You bet your balls it’s not. Because we’re gonna get to the bottom of this. Now, you were at the funeral. Anyone there got something against Flacco?”

He stared as if I’d cursed my mother. “Only about half the mooks in there, Mick. You know the deal. Even if they hate you they still gotta show up for weddings and funerals. It’s a sign of respect. Anyone who skips the party will stand out, and standing out is bad for business.”

I lit another gasper. “Ok. So, did you notice anyone significant who pulled a no-show?”

His eyes narrowed. “I sure did. Oscar Greco. His whole crew skipped the event. And don’t think it wasn’t noticed, either.”

I slapped him on the back. “See? You’re already off to a good start. Remember what I said about kicking ass and taking names tomorrow?”


“Nix those plans.” I took a hard look at the wreck we climbed out of. “Someone tried to rub me out tonight. I tend to take that kind of thing personal. We start right now.”

Chapter 7: Taking Names

I tagged Maxine to swing by and pick us up. A few minutes later we cruised to Neo Luxe, a nightclub positioned near the Red Light District. It was the type of joint upscale enough to attract clientele from the Uppers looking for thrills while remaining gritty enough to appeal to the regulars. The interior was dimly lit by white and blue neon lines that ran along the walls in asymmetric patterns, concealing as much as they illuminated. The haze of gasper smoke further shrouded its innards, rendering the occupants to ghostly silhouettes at their tables and booths.

We opted not to check our coats at the door. I already told Benny we might end up taking a quick heel-toe outta there if things went south. I didn’t really trust the odds of meeting up with gangsters at nightclubs after the encounter with Tommy Tsunami at the Gaiden. Come to think of it, my little meeting with the Red-Eyed Killer at the Black Dahlia didn’t end up too well, either.

I turned to Benny. “Take the dog for a walk. See what you can sniff out.”

He hesitated. “Uh… we don’t got no dog, Mick.”

I shot him an irritated glance. “Take a look around, Ace. Bump gums with the locals, get it? Try to keep up with the lingo.”

“Hell, Mick. Why didn’t you just say so?” He glowered before stalking off, muttering.

I shook my head and took a seat at the bar. The barkeep was a short, full-bosomed Mexican dame with a pleasant manner that banished all my pent-up aggression like smoke. A dame’s persona can have that effect if she knows what she’s doing. Esmeralda obviously knew what she was doing.

She set up an order for the barmaid before coming over to check on me. Her long hair was pulled back and gleamed like rippled onyx. A few drops of perspiration beaded her brow from the nonstop orders, but she still took the time to greet me with a warm smile. “Hola. You’re new.”

I tipped my Bogart politely. “Beg pardon, but I’m anything but new, miss. Got quite a few miles on me, in fact.”

She laughed, placing both arms on the counter. Her big brown eyes beamed, making me a prisoner of the moment. “Guess I earned that. But you know I meant I haven’t seen you around here before. You slummin’ tonight? Some vaquero from the Uppers come to blow his hard-earned dinero on women, booze, and more women?

“Not in that particular order.” I winked and offered her my most flirtatious smile. “But a drink would be right on time, if you don’t mind.”

“What’s your poison, vaquero?”

“Bulleit Neat.”

She rolled her pretty eyes. “Tan aburrido! Live a little, vaquero. I will brew you something much more exciting.”

I grinned. “Bring it on, darlin’.”

I almost regretted it when she whipped up the ingredients, which included ground chiles and a few dashes of hot sauce blended with a Bloody Mary mix, lime juice and tequila. She rimmed the rocks glass with ground chile and salt and garnished it with a red-hot chile pepper.

Sangrita de Toro.” She set it in front of me with an evil grin. “Are you man enough, vaquero?

“Haven’t had any complaints so far.” I downed the drink in one shot. It felt just short of swallowing a dose of flaming magma with just the right kick of tequila. “Not bad.” I set the glass down and bit into the chile pepper. “Another. Don’t hold back this time, ok?”

She laughed delightedly, setting a glass of water on the counter before preparing my reload. I gulped the water down as soon as her back turned, hoping the steam didn’t fog my eyeballs.

Thankfully Benny shuffled over. “I got nuthin’, Mick. Shooting blanks. Everybody I tried to gab with just gave me funny looks. Guess small talk isn’t the thing for me. What a trip for biscuits this turned out to be.”

“You mention Oscar Greco in any of your attempted conversations?”

“Of course.” Benny had the nerve to look offended. “How the hell else do we find the mook ‘less we ask?”

“Not to worry, Ace. We’ll be enjoying some company real soon, I expect.”

Benny’s mouth twisted. “How do you mean?”

Right on schedule, a couple of trouble boys made their way to the bar. They were pretty big lugs, which meant they were almost as massive as Ben the Bear. With their dark suits, slicked-back hair and blank expressions, they could have been twins.

“You two are to come with us,” the lead goon said. “Someone would like a word with you in a more private environment.”

I downed the second Sangrita de Toro before I remembered what was in the glass. Luckily I managed to get it down without my head exploding. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “And if we don’t feel like going?”

The goon pulled his jacket to the side, giving me a view of the sawed-off hanging from the holster under his arm. “We insist.”

“In that case we’d be glad to. Gimme a second to settle up with the lady.”

“It’s on the house, vaquero.” Esmeralda gave me a considering look. “You make it out in one piece, you can come back and square up with me.”