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Heap/can: vehicle, usually a wheeler

Heat: pressure, usually from the brass.

Heater/bean shooter/cannon: firearm

Healed: packing a gun

Heel-toe/dust out/breeze/rotate heels: leave, exit

High pillow/high hat: high society, top dog, filthy rich

Holoband: computerized instrument worn around the wrist, uniquely synched to the individual and powered the body’s energy. All personal information is stored in its databanks. Erases nearly all info upon the individual’s death.

Hunter-killer/HK: flying drone deployed to lock on a target and destroy it

Jaw/bump gums/gab/: talk

Jamook: worthless, idiot, screw-up

Labcoat: scientist

Large: a thousand dibs, someone who’s loaded with cash

Lead/slugs/heat: bullets

Lead poisoning: to get shot

Mandroid: humanoid robot

Meat locker/slammer/cooler: jail

Medimech: mechanical doctoring unit. Capable of dealing with most injuries that don’t require specialized surgery.

Mech gun: mechanized firearm that fires specialized rounds

Mug: man, or a man’s face

Nance: effeminate man

New Haven Blues: death

New Haven trench coat: coffin

Nimrod/triggerman: bounty hunter and assassin rolled into one

Nix: cancel, quit

No kick: no problem — I got no kick with that

Omerta: Mafia code of silence/in-house management of problems

On the square: dependable, trustworthy

Oobatz: insane, wild

Oyster fruit: pearls

Perp: perpetrator, criminal

Picjector: holographic entertainment system

Pipe that: do you understand?

Plug/clip/throw lead/clap/spit lead/fog/haze/hose/spray/squeeze off: shoot a gun

Pro skirt/chippy/skater: prostitute, although ‘skater’ can also refer to a dame who gives it up easy

Puttana: whore

Rags: clothes, outfit

Rube/mark/sap: sucker or patsy, someone easily rolled up on, although ‘mark’ can also mean a clue

Scattergun: mech-powered shotgun

Score: loot, payoff, important info

Secret Service/SS: clandestine agency of the United Havens. Notorious for their ruthlessness and highly skilled agents.

Shamus: detective, usually an inept one

Shoot the woo: sexual relations

Shylock: loan shark

Skate around: sex with multiple partners

Skel: short for ‘skeleton’. Reference to a good for nothing mug who is marked for death.

Skid rogue: bum, loser

Skimmer: hovercraft automobile

Soldati: soldier

Stiff: corpse, body

Stoolie: snitch that takes bribes for info

Streetsweepers: android storm troopers deployed to indiscriminately kill everything at a pinpointed location.

Synoid: synthetic humanoid

Tan aburrido: so boring

Tesla cells: electromagnetic fusion battery units

Thompson: mech-powered Tommy gun

Ticker: heart

Tip your mitts/spill: show your hand, give up the info

Trip for biscuits: waste of time

Troubleshooter: freelance operator. Duties vary, from investigation to protection to generally getting folks outta jams.

United Havens/UH: Thirteen Havens located in the remaining territories of what used to be the United States.

Vaquero: cowboy

Wheeler: automobile

Wire: information, news

Yard: a hundred dibs

Zio: term of affection, uncle