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"Cass led me into a cabin that had three mirrors, all very interestingly interreflecting. But Cass turned the lights down so low it was difficult to see anything in them. 'I know I'm just a pudgy little man, but I don't want to be reminded of it. Not when I'm with a beautiful woman, certainly.'

"He wasn't very adept, either. He tried too hard, compensating for his pudginess. Still, I got a real kick out of him, even though, at one point, he nearly smothered me with his stomach. It must have been nearly three o'clock when we finished up, with Cass practically gurgling over how wonderful I was and we must do it again some time.

"After that it was a sort of free-for-all. Any time a girl stepped out of a cabin, she was available for grabs. I got grabbed three more times that night and had one really wonderful time. George, however, pooped out early and was sleeping it off in Laurette's cabin.

"Six times! Sucked and sucking! That may not have beat the old fraternity record-I think one girl is supposed to have taken on ten or maybe it was twelve boys one night, but most of that was 'regular' sex, just lying on her back and letting them ream her. I understand she ate peanuts through most of it.

"It was glorious! I loved it. And don't think I didn't. I'm oriented to oral sex. I like feeling a man's mouth and tongue playing with my cunt and I enjoy the ram and ream of a prick in my throat, with the big, gooey gob of come plunging down me and the hot, acrid taste of it. Real man-taste. Somehow, it's more satisfying than being reamed in the cunt.

"That way, a girl just lies there and takes it, until tension builds. Then she maybe wraps her legs around his and kicks her heels a few times in his ass-and boom! It's over. I like my way better.

"Oh, I like oral sex. I don't really know if it's something in the way I'm built-which could be-or whether it's because of my first experiences with sex-Al and then Jerry.

"I know I don't want to be 'cured' of it. Or reoriented, or whatever you headshrinkers call it. I like it the way it is. Only I don't care too much about this oral sex club. In fact, I've had it. And once I'm out of this mess, I'm quitting. I'm through being an oral whore-and getting paid off in nice, fat accounts.

"Oh, I expect it will cost us several. Probably most of 'em, since that's how we got the bulk of them-peddling me to the top men. But I've been poor, and I can be again. Of course, rich is nicer. I'm going to hate giving up that house. And the Jaguar. And all those lovely clothes.

"In fact, I wouldn't mind going to the club once in a while-but when I want to. I don't like being on call. It's too much like being a whore. Which I am, of course.

"An oral club can be interesting. Imagine, having five or six men go down on you man evening. And sucking that many cocks. Delicious! In a way, I'll hate giving all that up. It's the way I am. The way they are. They like their sex special. And so do I. But I like giving it away -for free. Not just because some potbellied old coot owns a lush account…

Although Eleanor P- attempts in her last few words to convince the analyst, and herself, that she is not a "play for pay" girl, her past life-style proves her to be unconvincing.

The chances are she will continue in the same vein until she will no longer be able to sell herself, at which time she will lose both her status cum riches and her husband.