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2. You will never have more time to study Communism than while you are in school. Try to get a genuine understanding of it. Learn its philosophy, its history and its fallacies.

3. When you run across dedicated Socialists, remember that the only difference between a Socialist and a Communist is in the method of takeover. The desire to seize monolithic control of society is the same in both. Sometimes people forget that USSR stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Some people count Socialism “good” and Communism “bad.” In reality the two are twins.

4. Be quick to detect left-wing slanting in textbooks and lectures.

5. Become acquainted with the latest Communist “line.” Work up answers to their charges and proposals.

6. Be sure to remain fair and forthright. Never stoop to Communist tactics to win a point.

7. You can enjoy school far more when your education becomes purposeful. Get acquainted with the Communist problems and it will suddenly make economics, history, philosophy, political science, sociology and psychology come alive. These are all related to the war for survival in which we are now engaged.

8. Be conscious of the fact that people look at world events through one of two windows. Out of one window the students (and sometimes the professor) see only blue skies. Out of the other window the student can see storm clouds. This is the window to watch. This is where history is being made, and the person who doesn’t keep his eye on this window is caught unawares when the storm breaks. On the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, most Americans had to move from window No. 1 to window No. 2 with great speed. They came close to being too late. Damage from the world’s threatening political storms can be avoided only by anticipating them—by being vigilant and alert.

9. If you have difficulty in philosophy and your mind is plagued with doubts, read the experience of a student described in the last chapter of this book.

10. Resist the radical element on campus who advocates “mass action” and violent demonstrations. These are usually the tools of Communist agitators. They get students to demonstrate, and this usually provokes a fight. When the police try to restore order, the Communists slip away in an effort to let the students take the blame. When Communist agitators got the students to wreck the Congressional hearings at San Francisco during May of 1960, the judge decided to release them because he felt the students could already see how they had been duped into fronting for professional anti-Americans.

11. Organize a student group to study Communism and Americanism. Challenge Socialists and pro-Communists on the campus. Publish a paper. Set up a speaker’s bureau. Write letters to your school paper. Get experience in making peaceful democratic processes work.

12. A rapidly growing student organization with a patriotic purpose is “The Torchbearers.” Suggestions on how to set up a school chapter may be obtained by writing to The Torchbearers, 5354 W. 126th Street, Hawthorne, California.

Suggestions for Businessmen

1. Remember that Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Madison, Adams, and the rest of the founding fathers were not “colonial aristocrats” as some textbooks proclaim, but were just successful businessmen. Because they were willing to sit down and think through the problems of their day, we inherited a free nation.

2. Take time from the pressures of business to stay informed. Subscribe to a good news magazine.

3. Become a member of an organization which will send you frequent intelligence reports on current problems. One of the most effective private agencies in this field is the American Security Council, 205 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois.

4. Take an active part in the political party of your choice. Watch for the strong Socialist influence which is trying to take over both parties. Do not hesitate to throw your financial strength and your time behind the fight for freedom. It cost Washington $65,000 to leave his business and serve in the Revolutionary Army. In current inflated money values this would represent nearly half a million dollars.

5. If you belong to a service club, get it in the fight for freedom. Most civic clubs have a special committee to inspire patriotic interests. Invite speakers to keep the business community alert.

6. Sponsor essay and speech contests in the schools to promote American ideals and resistance to deceptive Communist propaganda.

7. Openly resist the sale of goods to the Soviet empire and call for a total embargo against the USSR and her satellites.

8. Work for a more equitable tax structure which is not arbitrary and confiscatory. Economic freedom is part of political freedom.

9. If your employees are in a union, seek the cooperation of union officials in conducting a study course on Communism for your personnel. If no union is involved, ask your employees whether they would like such a course. The American Security Council can provide a complete program with speakers, films, tapes and literature. Many other organizations are also available to help.

10. Get your local Chamber of Commerce behind regular Freedom Forums which will help keep the entire community alert.

11. Be careful not to contribute to an organization until you know it is a bona fide patriotic group. Unknowingly, some businessmen have been financing cited Communist-front organizations. If you are a member of the American Security Council, you can check on any organization or any individual through their files.

12. Constantly keep in mind that American business is a major target for Communist propaganda. Be alert to any activities which could feed ammunition to the enemy.

13. Furnish views and suggestions to your State and Federal legislators. A letter to a congressman has more impact than many people realize.

Suggestions for Legislators

1. The war between freedom and slavery can be lost in the legislative halls of free men. The wave of Socialism which is sweeping many free western nations toward a kind of suppressive feudalism is gaining ground. In this battle our legislators are on the first line of defense.

2. The entire fabric of American security has been badly weakened by technical decisions of the Supreme Court in recent years. The only remedy is legislative action to restore these security laws.

3. Federal legislators should continue to support the Congressional Committees which are under attack by the Communist Party and their fellow travelers. This attack is a top priority project of the Communist Party at the present time.

4. Restore to Congressional committees the right to determine whether the questions asked of pro-Communist witnesses are pertinent.

5. Restore to Congressional committees the same freedom to investigate Communists and pro-Communists that these committees have always had when investigating business and labor problems.

6. Restore to the states the right to enforce their own anti-subversive laws.

7. Restore to the Smith Act the provision which makes it a crime to teach or advocate the violent overthrow of the Government.

8. Restore to the Smith Act the meaning of “organize” which includes organizational work done after 1945 so that Communist agents cannot hide behind the statute of limitations.

9. Restore to the executive branch of the government the right to determine “reasonable grounds” and to dismiss security risks in both sensitive and non-sensitive positions of the Government.

10. Restore to the states the right to exclude from public employment and education those who refuse to testify about their Communist activities and associates.