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11. Restore to the executive branch the right to question aliens awaiting deportation about subversive associates and contacts, and the right to deport aliens who are found to be Communists after entering the United States.

12. Restore to the executive branch the right to deny passports to those who refuse to sign a non-Communist affidavit.

13. Restore to the states the right to exclude from the practice of law those who have been members of the Communist conspiracy or who refuse to testify about Communist activities.

14. Be alert to any attempt by left-wing forces to dismantle or emasculate the FBI.

15. Put into force the excellent recommendations of the Commission on Government Security which were published in June, 1957, but have never been acted upon.

16. Become familiar with the advantages of using powerful peaceful pressures against the USSR, especially in the economic and political fields.

Suggestions for the Press

1. Keep in mind the constant effort of the Communist apparatus to plant its agents in all mass communications media.

2. Familiarize yourself with the current Communist line which appears earlier in this chapter. Watch for individuals who shift with that line—often contradicting themselves to accommodate the latest zig or zag of party strategy.

3. In fulfilling the task of exposing crime, corruption and inefficiency in the American culture, be careful not to destroy confidence in American institutions. Because the negative forces in our society are more likely to be “news” than the positive accomplishments, it is easy to over-emphasize the negative side and provide extremely damaging propaganda to the enemy.

4. Run features on current issues which reflect a solid American interpretation of the problem. The Communist avalanche of literature is often compounded by a left-wing slant to the news on a syndicated wire which leaves the American point of view practically unexpressed. More and more newspaper editors are recognizing this problem and are doing something about it.

5. Use quotations from American patriots for box stories and fillers.

6. Develop a program of liaison with public officials so they will have an assurance of your ability to keep a confidence. It is desirable to have the press briefed on developments even though they may be confidential. Most officials start out with a desire to cooperate closely with the press, but they become secretive when distortions and premature releases weaken or destroy their capacity to get their job done properly.

7. Some members of the press have the knack of detecting Communist influences in public life and have made excellent contributions by pointing these out. Temporarily, this action may not be popular, but it gives a newsman stature as events sustain his analysis. We need more analysts who are informed and sensitive to the techniques of the Communist apparatus.

Suggestions for Ministers

1. The churches became a major target for Communist-Socialist infiltration many years ago. These people were successful in capturing many key positions in a number of important religious organizations. Some religious leaders openly advocate and defend Communist principles. They are apologists for the Soviet Union and even advocate capitulation under threat of atomic war.

2. Study Judaism, Christianity and Communism to a point where you can quickly detect the fallacies which some persons in high places disseminate from their pulpits.

3. Develop a Bible-reading congregation.

4. Make religion a practical, dynamic force in the lives of the people.

5. Resist the erosion of the Modernists who seek to discredit the Bible and to define God as an imaginary non-reality. As we pointed out in the first chapter of this book, many of those who started out a century ago to attack the Bible and to destroy our religious culture were close associates of Karl Marx.

6. Be alert to detect those who use “Social Christianity” to cover up the fact that they are not Christians at all.

7. Watch for those who would use the principles of peace, brotherhood, tolerance, and Christian charity to obscure the conspiratorial aspects of Communist “peace.” The peace of Communism partakes of the prison and the grave. Remind professional pacifists who have accepted the paralyzing peace propaganda of the Communists that the same Jesus who taught “love thy enemy” never advocated surrendering to him. The same Jesus who said, “Turn the other cheek” to avoid quarreling and bickering in the ordinary course of life, also said to take a sword to preserve life.{130} The Jesus of Nazareth who cleansed the temple was demonstrating that Right deserves to be defended.

8. If you come across those who labor under the misconception that Communism and Christianity have a common denominator, ask them to read the appendix in this book entitled, “Did the Early Christians Practice Communism?”

9. Because of the counseling which ministers do, there are strenuous efforts to make inroads into the ministry. Be alert to the drive by certain analytical psychiatrists to have ministers accept their amoral philosophy. They opine those feelings of guilt and a sense of right and wrong cause mental illnesses. This entire concept is being discredited. There is far more mental health in the Judaic-Christian concept of resisting temptation and overcoming mistakes than ever emanated from the Freudian couch. I have prepared a rather comprehensive article on this subject, entitled, “Law Enforcement Looks at Mental Health,” which appears in the professional police magazine, Law & Order, for March, 1961 {and also in this infobase}.

10. In counseling students who are having difficulty reconciling the many conflicting views which they hear in school, you might refer them to the last chapter in this book which is designed to help the student recognize the ideological conflict now in progress. It is hoped that this material will help them find their way through the confusion of many voices so as to maintain both moral and intellectual integrity.

11. Be careful to read books before you recommend them. Recently some church groups have been induced to recommend books which turned out to be filled with obscenity. This is an important part of the Socialist-Communist campaign to discredit religious culture. What technique could better serve their purpose than to have the churches themselves sponsor degenerate literature!

12. Set up study groups on both youth and adult levels to study Communism. Have qualified and well informed persons serve as discussion leaders.

The West Can Win

With every citizen watching for an opportunity to strike a blow for freedom, the force of Communism can be halted, smothered, and then eliminated. This is our task. Without our tolerance and help the Communist empire would never have become the second strongest power in the earth. Now we have the job of dismantling it. Nikita Khrushchev knows the pressures we could bring pouring down upon him if our people ever make up their minds to move.

Any who may lack the courage for positive action might well recall the threat of Manuilsky which we have already quoted. He described Communist strategy for the period we are now passing through:

“We shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record…. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fist!”{131}

Today Communism is advancing on all fronts. Authorities say that if we let her feed on the West just a few more years it may be too late. How much better to send forth the message: “There is a way to stop Communism and do it without a major war!”