"Listen, I'm gonna crash now, okay, baby?" he said. "Got a rough day tomorrow, Carol."
"I understand," she said softly. She leaned over him and again gave him that gleaming, chilling look and then she kissed him tenderly. "Sweet dreams," she whispered.
He went out in seconds, diving into pools of blackness. Then he groaned aloud in his sleep. He was dreaming his poor chafed cock was being sucked off again with ferocious greed and he was stiff, curing himself but unable to control his lust. And then his prick was being hugged by a tight, slippery cunt. It was working on his meat, pumping and jerking and twisting and brutally trying to lure out his cum.
He wanted to cry then because it wasn't a dream, it was Carol at four in the morning, riding his stiff rod furiously like a sex-crazed jockey, gasping and panting with her huge tits bouncing before his eyes, her head reared back in glory and her long golden hair sweeping behind her.
"God's sake!" he cried. "Gimme a break Carol shit I… I… ooooof! Oh Christ easy… aaaaaah! Your cunt… too tight! Easy, wheeewwwww, shit coming again!"
And again she devoured his jism with her greedily sucking cunt, clasping and squeezing it firmly until the last suffering drop surrendered with humility, trickling out in feeble exhaustion. Jack reached for the bottle and swilled desperately. Oh Jesus, he had to face Sally in the morning and she wouldn't take no for an answer, she'd slap it back in his face like a dead fish. Beside him, the blonde now slept peacefully, satisfied, while he lay there in weary anguish, his nerves quivering and his mind tormenting him.
Maybe he could get some Spanish Fly somewhere. Maybe he could con her out of it with some excuse. What excuse? He caught the clap and didn't want to infect her? She'd love that, she'd cut his cock off and fry it like breakfast sausage.
All his life he'd lived off women, scored them with ease and arrogance, hustled them with smooth efficiency and now they were driving him insane with their ravenous lips and insatiable cunts, they were killing him for Chrissake.
He slept fitfully.
Sally had rented an expensive motel room only two blocks away and he made bright comments about it as he stood there, looking haggard in the morning sunlight.
She lay naked on the bed, propped up on pillows, smoking and watching him through narrowed eyes. Any other time and he'd be hot and ready just from the sight of her satiny tits and lush pink cunt and long tapered legs. Now the mere sight of a wet hot pussy made him want to burst into tears.
Has nerves were going fast and he knew it.
"Nov listen, hon," he said persuasively, sitting on the edge of the bed and flashing her his most charming grin, "this is a rough gig, you know what I mean? Knocking off twenty thousand a day, being watched by that bastard Lane, trying to keep the farmer's daughter happy…"
Oops she didn't like that.
"Is she happy, Jack?" Sally asked softly. "Fuck her all night long, stud? Dig that hot country snatch, huh?"
He waved a hand airily. "Nah, we didn't even do anything, Sal, she's all mush and romance, know what I mean?"
Oops! Double oops! If he didn't do anything then he shouldn't have any trouble screwing his wife, right? And that's exactly what her dangerous expression said.
He flushed. "Listen, Sal, honey baby, pussy-cake, I, ah, I sort of lied about that. She wouldn't let go of my dick, know what I mean? Clung like a bloodsucking vampire."
"She raped you," Sally said, her eyes seething. "You poor weak helpless sonofabitch, she pinned you to the wall and raped you. And now you can't get it up?"
"Well, now, you just give me ten minutes and I'll show you what I can do," he bluffed. But the grin on his face felt like cracked plaster. He went over to her dresser and picked up the bottle of gin there and tilted it to his lips and gulped for a long, long time. Synthetic energy. You could bury yourself in a grave of dead bottles and vicious cunts in less than three days at this pace.
But he had no choice.
He stripped, glancing at his raw pink meat. One more time, old buddy, you great old fucking warhorse, he told it. Do your stuff, soldier, this is one battle we gotta win, pal. Let's see a big salute, huh? You wanna get shot for desertion, motherfucker?
He went over to the bed. There was a bowl of candy kisses on the bedside table. Her eyes blazing on his, Sally slowly unwrapped one and parted her thighs wide. She daintily inserted it deeply into her silken cunt.
"Now go get it," she told him ominously. "And don't come up for air until it's melted, buster."
He crawled between her soft thighs and began eating her hot pussy, grateful for the time to get his cock up. Sally gripped his head very tightly in her hands, locked her burning thighs savagely to his cheeks and began fucking his mouth with furious thrusts, of her hips, with rising groans of lust, feeling his tongue lash deep.
"Eat it, you sonofabitch!" she cried, rage mingling with her orgasm. "Eat my cunt, you two-timing prick! Aaaaah! Harder, lick it, suck it, kiss it, deeper, mmmmm!"
He was suffocating now, his face crushed against her boiling crotch, his head in a mortal lock between her searing thighs. Christ, he never knew these beautiful sexy legs had such incredible strength! With maniacal fury her savage thighs and her strong hands were holding his head in a vise. He knew he could strangle him with her crazed cunt – she could really kill him like this. And he couldn't even put up much of a struggle because he'd been fucked half to death by the blonde. Died in battle, killed by a vengeful cunt!
He was having serious trouble breathing, her thrashing slippery cunt-flesh smearing all over his face. He knew his best chance was to make her come a wildly and quickly as he could. He sucked desperately on her swollen clit-bud and probed for her asshole, finding it with a middle finger and he thrust in deeply and wriggled it around, knowing that it got her off.
"Yesss! You cuntsucking two-timing snake, yesss! Uuuljuuungh! Eat your heart out, bastard! Oooooh!"
And he ate, he sucked for his life, lapping and tonguing and frantically wishing his tongue were three inches longer, because in her delirious rage she didn't realize her terrifying strength, especially in her moist thighs. He was beginning to flag from the booze and the screwing and, above all, the nerve-shattering tension at the casino, and he felt like a drowning man must feel, resigning himself to the brutal hand of God, smothered in a valley of crazed pussy-flesh.
She released him, parting her thighs. Jack slowly sat up, his breath rasping in great heaves for air.
"Now fuck!" Sally commanded. She turned over on her belly and folded her knees under herself, with her gorgeous naked ass hovering in the air. "Fuck me dog-style, because I don't want to see your face. Fuck!"
Wearily, he knelt upright behind her lush ass, those velvety mounds that had turned him on so delightfully in the past now bringing a wave of nausea to his stomach. He was about to tell her he wasn't even stiff yet, just valiantly quivering, but he knew it was useless. He dipped two fingers into her luscious slit and finger-fucked her for a minute, shoving his thumb into her puckered asshole to divert her.
"Unnnnnf!" she panted, swinging her hips in response and clasping his fingers greedily. "Use your… aaaah! You use your prick, damnit!"
Jack was relieved as he saw it was hard, but it was a painful, forced hard-on, the kind squares complained about at the end of a two-week honeymoon. Some fucking honeymoon! He slipped his fingers out of her tight pussy – he often wondered how she kept it so tight after all the action it had seen – and slid his meat in, wincing as she gripped it fiercely between her walls.
He began fucking her with weary strokes, oblivious to the juicy heat and slippery hot thrills at first but if Sally had her flaws – like a slight touch of raving insane jealousy – she was still the greatest piece of ass in the world, and his huge prick responded with a will of its own, plunging faster and faster into her luscious slit.