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Just as she thought she’d go crazy from the pleasurable overload they were inflicting on her, a shrill buzzing filled the air. She jolted at the unexpected noise.

Bram released her and groaned. “Sorry. I forgot I set the timer.” His expression apologetic, he abandoned her to go take care of things on the stove.

Ry’s mouth reluctantly left her breast and slid along the slope of her neck before brushing over her lips. “Do you have any idea how delicious you are?”

“Even better than Kevin’s Penne Arrabiata?” she couldn’t help asking with a grin.

“A million times tastier.” He snagged her bottom lip between his teeth and gave it a good nibble before letting her go and glancing down at her bared breasts with unabashed appreciation. “Look at you. Damn, you should be topless all the time.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’d go over great at work.” Leaning past him, she attempted to grab her sweater, but Ry used his foot to kick the stool out of her reach. She frowned. “I need that.”


She shoved her arms over her chest. “I am not going to eat with my boobs hanging out like this, Ryan Hollister.”

A chuckle came from Bram. “Ooh, she called you by your full name. You’re in trouble now, bud.”

Ry didn’t look the least bit worried. “I’m only trying to save her from slopping on her sweater. You’d think she’d appreciate my ingenuity.”

“Puh-lease. We all know who’s the messier eater here.” She offered Ry a pointed stare.

“Can I help it if I enjoy savoring my meals?” His smile was slow and sexy, leaving her with little doubt that he was imagining her as his next main course. “Still, no one is going to accuse me of not playing fair.” He hefted from his seat and tugged his ribbed Henley over his head. His biceps flexing, he dropped the garment on top of her sweater.

A herd of rhinos could have trooped through the kitchen and it wouldn’t have distracted her from ogling Ry’s sculpted pecs and six pack. She didn’t know many men who possessed bodies capable of making a woman orgasm just by staring at them. Somehow she had the great fortune to be within breathing distance of two such individuals.

The overhead track lighting cast a golden glow across Ry’s chest, beckoning her. Giving in to the urge that’d tormented her for as long as she could remember, she hopped to her feet and ran her fingertips along his torso. A moan tumbled from him. She imagined that same sound tearing from him while he rode her hard, his balls slapping against her wet flesh. Her clit throbbed. Her hands venturing along his abdomen, she ducked her head and sucked the flat nub of his nipple into her mouth.

Jesus.” Ry’s warm, velvety skin quivered beneath her touch, filling her with a wanton glee over affecting him like this. It was a heady realization.

The clatter of plates close by announced that Bram had rejoined them. “Damn. When’s my turn?”

She stopped licking and sucking Ry for a moment and glanced at Bram. “You still have your shirt on.”

“Hell, not for long.” Reaching behind him with one hand, Bram yanked his crewneck off in one fell swoop. She would have laughed, but the sight of his outrageously gorgeous chest turned her mouth dry as sand. Crooking one finger, she invited him closer. She scooted aside and directed Bram to stand next to Ry. With the two men shoulder to shoulder, there was no denying the pure, masculine beauty of their hard, fit bodies.

I must have earned mega karma points somewhere to deserve this bounty. Barely caging her hungry groan, she smoothed her palms across both of their broad chests before swirling her tongue over Bram’s nipple. His breath caught in his throat. Just as she’d discovered with their oral techniques, Bram and Ry also came with uniquely different tastes. While Ry was all forest and musk, Bram’s skin held a slight citrusy tang, as if he consisted of the sun itself. They were both scrumptious beyond words.

She alternated her licks and nibbles between them, making sure neither was shortchanged. At some point their hands returned to her breasts, massaging and caressing her until she was gasping and leaning on them for support. Someone’s palm cupped her between her legs and she trembled. The teasing pressure of the fingers riding against her pussy tantalized, but they weren’t nearly enough. Particularly with two layers of fabric separating her from their touch.

As if he intuited her frustration, Ry pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss along her temple. He stroked her cheek, his mouth moving toward her ear. “Show us how to please you, baby.”

“Y-you are.”

“No. Not enough.” Ry removed his hand from her pussy and worked her zipper down before hunkering in front of her. He eased her slacks past her hips and coaxed her to step out of them when they pooled around her ankles. His mouth nuzzled her tummy before he circled the outer rim of her bellybutton with his tongue.

She squirmed and dug her fingers into his thick, soft hair. “Please.”

He looked up at her. “Please what?”

“I don’t know. Anything. Just kiss and lick me.”

“You can do better than that, Lace. Give me specifics.”

Her skin flushed at his words and the heat in his eyes. It was crazy how much her fantasy version of Ry matched up with the real man. “I—I don’t know if I can.”

“Yes, you do.” He glanced at Bram. Once again, some form of unspoken communication must have passed between them because Bram cleared the pair of nearby stools away from the island and pushed the plates of pasta out of reach. She wasn’t certain why he did that, until Ry lifted her into his arms and settled her onto the counter. His thumbs tucked into the elastic of her thong and dragged it down her legs. Her butt absorbed the granite’s chill, but she barely registered it as Ry and Bram stared at her glistening folds. Ry’s fist tightened on her thong, his jaw tense. She shifted her attention to Bram and snagged his gaze. He licked his lips, and she inched her thighs wider apart, hoping to tempt him into action.

A husky chuckle came from Ry. “Nice try, baby. But you’re not getting out of this that easy.”

She blinked at him. “Get out of what?”

“Checking off item number two.”

It took a moment to remember her reason for being there. The list. She racked her brain, trying to recall what number two entailed.

“You’re gonna play with your sweet pussy for us, Lace,” Bram said, apparently taking pity on her memory lapse.

“What?” She slashed her gaze between the two of them. “But…I thought you wanted to do it for me.”

“Believe me, we will. But first you’re going to show us exactly how you like to be touched. How you make yourself come.” Almost as if he were unconscious of what he was doing, Ry bunched her thong in his fist and pressed the silk to his nose. His eyes closed as a rapturous groan rumbled from his chest.

She stared at him, her heart missing a beat. Okay, how the hell had she guessed that right?

Ry opened his eyes again, revealing the fierce fire kindled within their depths. “This is your chance to teach us how to please you. Trust me, this is a good thing.”