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After she’d broken her engagement to Dan, she’d briefly considered putting her house up for sale and moving south. Somewhere along the Atlantic coast, so she would still have her water views to enjoy. But there’d been the restaurant to consider, along with her family and Ry and Bram.

Especially Ry and Bram. The idea of leaving and only seeing them on occasion had made her stomach cramp to the point she’d felt physically ill whenever she thought about it. Even before they’d purchased the Dockside three years ago, they’d rarely gone longer than a few days between seeing each other. Since then, they’d become inseparable.

So she’d stayed put and muddled through.

Damn it, she was sick of muddling through. It was way past time to start living again. Getting her groove on and having a little fun. And maybe even some sex. She gulped down another sip and nodded. “Yeah, that’s right. I’m going to have sex, damn it. With an actual person.” She drained her glass and topped it off. Her brain was starting to feel fuzzy. Probably she shouldn’t have any more to drink.

That’s something a boring person would think. The taunting whisper in her head was enough to convince her to slurp through a couple large swallows of wine. A warm glow steadily crept through her veins. Tightening her grip on the glass, she swiveled away from the counter and journeyed down the hall to her bedroom. She even put a little sashaying hip action into her walk. More than likely she looked silly and uncoordinated as a one-legged duck, but with no one around to judge, she didn’t give a hairy rat’s behind. She settled her wineglass on the nightstand and shimmied out of her clothes. It was definitely a flannel jammies evening. But as she reached for her favorite pair—the ones with snowboarding kangaroos—the mocking voice floated through her mind again.

I bet Olivia doesn’t wear pajamas that have marsupials on them.

The thought managed to add an extra layer of acid to the wine sloshing around in her stomach. Though she tried to push the doubts away, they started piling up again. She stared at the flannel garment in her hands, her heart growing heavy.

Who was she kidding? She was so far from being sexy, it was ridiculous. Men weren’t interested in women like her—the average girl next door who was passably pretty but nothing to rave about. They wanted the flash and sparkle of someone like Olivia. The type of girl who stopped men in their tracks and caused multi-car pileups every time she crossed a street.

Her mood taking a steep downward slant, Lacey pulled on her pajamas and slumped on the edge of her bed. More than anything, she wished she was more like the woman she portrayed in her secret fantasies. That Lacey was lusty and uninhibited. She had two gorgeous hunks filling her days and nights with indescribable pleasure. They thought she was beautiful. A sex goddess worthy of worship. Fantasy Lacey would do anything and revel in every hedonistic moment.

What would I do if I was her? All the time. Not just in my mind? She picked up her wine and took a fortifying gulp. Would she have the nerve to let go of her fears, even if it meant exposing a side of herself that left her feeling vulnerable? If she were willing to risk it all, what would she do?

With that intriguing question spiraling through her mind, she rushed to the dresser and grabbed her laptop. Too often she did accounting work from the comfort of her bed. No doubt yet another thing that boring people did all the time.

Snipping off that unhelpful thought, she snuggled into the pillows and powered on the laptop. With the screen’s backlight giving her courage in the dark, she opened up a fresh document and formatted it to create a bulleted list. She typed in the number one and stared at the blinking cursor for what seemed an eternity. “Oh for Pete’s sake. How difficult can this be?” Very, apparently.

She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate. Instead, an image of Bram flashed behind her eyelids.

Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I don’t find you sexy. This time when he said it, he tugged her into his arms and followed up the statement with a brain-frying kiss. Plus he was naked.

Hell, this was her fantasy. If the stud muffin insisted on clothes being optional, who was she to argue?

“Yeah, you love it when I’m nekkid, don’t ya, darlin’?”

She opened her eyes. Fantasy Bram sat next to her, wearing nothing but a grin. She swept her gaze over the velvety bronze skin stretched taut over those acres of rippling muscles before zeroing in on his mouthwateringly erect cock. The rigid shaft thickened at her perusal, jutting toward her in invitation. She licked her lips. “Mm, can you blame me?”

He nodded toward her opened laptop. “Whatcha doin’?”

Her fingers fidgeted on the keyboard. “You’ll think it’s silly.”

“No way.” He scooted closer and nuzzled the side of her neck. “C’mon, you can tell me.”

“I-It’s a list.” She gasped when Bram’s tongue began slowly tracing the shell of her ear.

“For groceries?”

She shook her head, trying to focus. It was damn difficult with the way he was sucking on her earlobe. God, his oral skills were out-of-this-world extraordinary. “Not exactly.”

“Then what kind?” His hand slid beneath the hem of her pajama top and caressed her tummy. Wicked fingers flirted with the elastic waistband of her bottoms.

She bit back a moan. “A…a…” She shivered as Bram’s other hand ghosted up along her rib cage and cupped her breast.

His thumb brushed her nipple. “A what?” he prompted.

It took a moment to remember what they’d been talking about. “A naughty list.” She had no idea where the description came from, but now that it was out there…yeah, it was definitely fitting.

Bram chuckled. “A naughty list? Sounds right up my alley.” He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making her arch into him. “So what’s on it?”

“N-nothing yet.”

He made a tsking noise. “And after all the inspiration Ry and I have given you?”

“I guess I’m not as creative as I thought.” That’s because you’re—

As if he’d sensed the negative voice in her head, Bram scrunched her top upward and latched onto her other nipple. His teeth imprisoned the tender nub, holding it hostage to the voraciousness of his agile tongue.

God, the man knew how to use that particular organ. Okay, he wielded the one farther down south with incredible skill too. He ceased his torment for a second and glanced at her. “Get to work on that list.”


“Now, Lace. Or I’ll stop.”

Damn, did he know how to play some hardball. She reached for the laptop again and settled it next to her. “Number one…” She pondered the entry as Bram resumed playing with her nipples. An answer flew to her, so perfect it made her gasp. Okay, the sound might also have something to do with the luscious things Bram was doing with his mouth. “I’d sing ‘Like a Virgin’ at karaoke.”

Bram grunted. “How the hell is that naughty?”

“I’d do it naked.”

A sexy growl rumbled against her damp flesh. “Fuck. Yeah, gotta admit that’s damn hot.”

“Number two.” She chewed her thumbnail, thinking. “I’d…pleasure myself.”

Another chuckle came from Bram. “You already do that, darlin’. A lot, I might add.”

“Nice of you to point that out,” she grumbled. “And for your information, I’m intending to do it this time in front of someone else.” Holy crap. I am? But it was so…naughty. Well, okay. That was pretty much the whole point. “Moving on to number three.”