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The naughty nurse


"Keep your damn hands to yourself!" Lorraine Kelly hissed angrily, shoving away the intern's hand as he walked down the corridor beside her.

His hand insolently stroked her lush ass through her tight white uniform. "Hey, baby, I'm just doing a little anatomy study," the black-haired intern teased.

"'Nurse, to you, Buster," Lorraine retorted, pushing his hand away. She tried to ignore the horniness his touch had aroused in her. "And keep quiet, or you'll wake the patients."

"'Doctor, to you," Nathan Stern told her.

"Doctor!" Lorraine snorted and tossed her head. "You never got past the female anatomy section of any medical text you touched, you suckling pill-pusher."

"I did all right just now with that kid who was going cyanotic on you," he replied defensively as they arrived at the nurses' station.

Lorraine was tempted to snap that he hadn't done anything she couldn't have, but didn't. It wasn't true. "I still think you should have called Dr. Mansfield," she muttered as she filled out a chart.

Dr. Stern stood behind her and slid his hands down from her shoulders toward her tits. "But I handled it right," he insisted.

"You handled it perfectly," she admitted grudgingly, twisting away from his fondling fingers to slip the chart back into the rack.

"Then how come the hostility?"

His strong, slender fingers began kneading the muscles in her shoulders. He had a perfect view of her huge tits. They thrust out against the front of her dress. Her curly black hair was accented by her neat white cap. There was a dark hollow between her tits, an exciting tunnel down between the soft mounds.

"Because you're a conceited, horny, arrogant, sex-crazy squirt," Lorraine growled, enjoying the feel of his hands massaging her tense muscles.

"If I'm sex-crazy, it's because you make me that way," Nate answered, easing his hands down toward her tits again. As his palms slid over her thrusting titties, he felt the lace of her bra. He pressed her hot tit-flesh through her clothes.

"Anything short of a double hernia would get you turned on," Lorraine groaned, grabbing his hands, intending to push them off. But her horniness made her press his hands against her aching tits still harder.

"When's your break?" Dr. Stern asked as he massaged the nurse's tits.

Lorraine wanted to tell the doctor to fuck off, but her cunt itched and was drooling into her panties. "Anytime now. All I have to do is tell the girl at station two to handle any calls."

Stern slipped his fingers in the top of her dress and curled his hand around the lacy cup of her bra. His thumb stroked over the tip of her tit. Looking down, he saw the bulge his hand made in the bodice of her white uniform, saw the way the top button was strained by the extra bulk. With his other hand, he popped the button open. "No rush, I guess," he noted. "After all, we don't want to cut down on the time we have available for the nitty-gritty."

Lorraine sat down and her fingers clutched the arms of the swivel chair. Her eyes closed as her lust boiled higher. She could feel, against the back of her neck, the growing lump of the intern's hard-on. She cursed her wantonness, but let him toy with her tits, let him undo yet another button.

He spread her dress open and revealed her bra-covered titties. Another button popped loose, down close to her waist. He could see her full lips. They were parted with passion. He continued fondling her tits through her bra.

Lorraine was seething with lust. She tried to think of her dead husband. She failed. One nipple was pinched gently and flare of lust surged through her. Her hands shaking, she began to unbutton the remaining buttons on her short dress. She opened her dress like a robe, revealing her pale skin and white lace panties, and under them, a white garter belt. There was a dark shadow at the crotch of the panties.

The intern continued massaging one tit. He reached past Lorraine with his other hand and flicked on the intercom.

"Joyce?" Lorraine asked, trying to control the shaking in her voice.


"Okay if I go on my break now?" Lorraine asked, forcing the words out of her lust-clenched throat.

"Take your time," Joyce answered.

"Okay-keep your eye on the boy in 23B. Had a crisis there about half an hour ago," Lorraine managed. "If he has any trouble, call Dr. Mansfield at once."

"What about Stern, where's he?"

"Dr. Stern will be-he's busy on another case, Lorraine answered.

"Are you all right? You sound funny." "I'm a little tired is all," Lorraine answered as Dr. Stern's fingers probed inside her bra and found her erect nipple. Her excitement flared still higher.

"Why don't you lie down for a while," Joyce suggested. "It's a quiet night. I can handle anything that comes up."

"Thanks, Joyce. I'll call you when I get back," Lorraine answered, snapping off the intercom. "Aaaahhh!"

She rolled her head against the intern's hard-on. Reaching up, she found his zipper and lowered it. His lean, hard prick thrust out and nuzzled her cheek. She nibbled on his bone with sucking, hungry lips as he toyed with her tits.

"Room 18 is empty," she moaned, licking the hot, hard meat of the intern's dick. His hands were crammed inside her bra, mangling her soft, big tits into a delicious ache of lust.

"Why not right here?" the young man asked as his prick drooled onto her tongue.

"Joyce might come looking for a chart," Lorraine pointed out as she swallowed his juices. His prick nudged against her full lips.

"Guess you're right," the intern admitted. He urged her out of the chair by lifting her tits. His cock slid along her back as she stood up. She curled her fingers around his hot, hard staff.

They crossed the hall from the nurses station and slipped into the vacant room. As the door swung silently closed behind them, Lorraine reached out and hit the light switch. She felt him stripping her dress back off her shoulders.

"How come you wear a bra?" Dr. Stern asked as he unhooked it.

Lorraine let her bra drop down and join the dress. "Are you kidding, around here? Some of the teenagers we get here get hard-ons when I walk in just to take their temperatures orally! If I didn't wear a bra, we'd have ten cases of high blood pressure a day!"

"Considering your tits, I think you're right," the young man said, lifting and pressing the heavy globes of her tits. His thumbs stroked over her rubbery tits, made them burn. He slid his hands down her warm body into her panties. He pressed his fingertips into her snatch, felt her bush tangling between his fingers. Her ass pressed against his rigid prick.

"Don't torture me," Lorraine moaned as his fingers pressed her pussy. Her clit ached with hunger. She shoved her panties down so he could fondle her cunt.

"There's not that much of a rush," he countered.

"We get caught at this, there'd be hell to pay."

"And who's going to catch us?" he asked. "Mansfield is on call, and I'm not going to call him. Are you?"

"No, but Joyce might if that kid goes into respiratory arrest again." Lorraine was burning up. She squeezed Dr. Stern's cock spasmodically. He was still probing her twat.

"He won't," the intern insisted. "It was just his asthma acting up, and the stuff I gave him lasts for hours."

Lorraine's tits ached. His other hand dug deep into her twat, hooked into her crotch.

She hadn't been this horny since her honeymoon. During that glorious week when she and Chris had discovered the joy of sex. It had all been new to her. She had gone to her marriage bed at the age of twenty-one, still a virgin. She had been prim and proper and had worn white. She had left the sheets stained red with her virgin blood.

She thought, too, of the scarlet rivers of blood that had spurted from her husband after the accident-blood that never seemed to stop. The memory slashed through her like a dull scalpel. She thrust it aside and concentrated on her flaring passion.

She squeezed the cock in her fist and stared at the two trim hospital beds. It was a semi-private room.