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"God damn," Angelo sighed softly. "Fuck me!"

"I wish I could," Kathy said.

"Yeah, well, maybe you could, if you were real careful."

Kathy shook her head. "No. I don't have my diaphragm with me."

"You got a diaphragm?"

"The Pill made me sick."

"How come you're in the hospital, anyway? You seem healthy enough."

"Corrective surgery on my insides," Kathy answered.

"Hey, hadn't you better get out of here before Kelly comes around?"

"I don't think she'll be around for a while. She and Stern are up to something. They were in the empty room by the nurses' station."

"She's putting out for that skinny twerp?" Angie said in surprise

"Shhh," Kathy cautioned. "Yeah, but I don't think she's pleased with him, judging by her expression as they came back."

"Well, if she comes here, I'll satisfy her," Angelo muttered.

"Racked up the way you are?"

"Well, I'd like to, anyway. Shit, is that broad built!"

"Well, what about me?" Kathy asked jealously.

"Well, sure, you're great for a girl nineteen."


"Eighteen, then," Angelo agreed. "But face it, Kelly is all woman! Shit. I get a hard-on every time she comes into the room. And poor little Jimmy! I don't know how he manages to crap when she holds the bedpan for him. Though little Jimmy ain't so little in that department."

Kathy looked at Jimmy. He seemed to be sleeping soundly. "How old is he?"

"I don't know, maybe eighteen. He's hung though. But I don't think he's ever gotten any. Anyway, you better save it for me.

"Okay," Kathy agreed. "Or maybe I'll give Stern lessons. Or Mansfield."

"That old fart?"

"You should see him when he examines me," Kathy giggled. She heard a noise in the corridor and reached for her pajamas. "Got to go.

"Yeah, well come back, any time," Angelo invited.

"Yeah," she agreed. "Maybe tomorrow night." After checking the corridor, she darted quickly back to her room. She could still taste come in her mouth as she fell asleep.

Jimmy Carter lay on his back in his come smeared bed, remembering what he had seen, and heard, and done. It was a long time before he finally fell asleep. When he did, he dreamed of the lushly built nurse who tended him so lovingly.


Room by room Lorraine worked her way down the corridor. She eased each door open and checked the sleeping occupants. There were a variety of cases and ages in the semi-private rooms. Girls were on one side of the corridor, boys on the other.

By habit Lorraine started on the girls' side. Everything seemed normal until she reached Kathy Dell's room. The blonde girl was lying on her stomach. Her well-rounded ass was bare-her pajama tops had ridden up and she wasn't wearing any bottoms. The sheet had been tossed aside. It looked as if she had been out of bed and then thrown herself face down on the mattress when her door started to open. But, she was breathing evenly and deeply. Apparently, she was asleep.

Silently, Lorraine walked over and pulled the sheet over the girl's bare bottom, then saw the panties on the floor. With a shrug, Lorraine put them on the bedside table, and left the room. She pulled the door closed behind her.

Lorraine started on the boys' side. There was always more restlessness on their side.

Everything seemed unusually peaceful until Lorraine reached Angelo's and Jimmy's room. Jimmy was a nagging puzzle. Without warning, a crisis would come. Each time he had been saved by quick action by the doctors. When he came out of a crisis, he was never quite as strong as before-after each one he was closer to death than he had been before. Sooner or later, Lorraine knew, there would be one crisis too many.

She approached his room with foreboding. When she saw the door was ajar a few inches, she was instantly on the alert for trouble. Angelo was strapped to- his bed, so only Jimmy could have left the door open, unless someone else had been along the corridor.

Without touching the door, Lorraine looked through the crack at Jimmy's bed. The boy appeared to be sound asleep-a peaceful change from the crisis the night before. Very quietly, Lorraine eased the door farther open. Her throat felt knotted. Her crotch was suddenly hot and wet. Her legs began to shake. Her mouth went dry.

Angelo was pumping his fist on his monster cock! He was jacking off! He didn't see Nurse Kelly in the doorway.

Lorraine wanted to draw back, but her cunt kept her riveted to the spot. Angelo's hand moved up and down his towering prick, alternately hiding and revealing the dusky tip. Sweat gleamed on his olive face. The knob of his cock was shiny wet.

Desperately, Lorraine tried to force herself back from the doorway. But, her hand eased the door farther open. She went into the room and shut the door slowly behind her.

Since his entire attention was focused on his throbbing hard-on and his fantasies, Angelo was oblivious of the intruder. It wasn't until she was standing beside his bed, opening and closing her fists, shivering, staring at his cock, that he saw her.

His hand stopped moving for a moment. Then, slowly, languidly, he resumed stroking the towering column of his prick.

"Looking for something?" he asked softly. "Well, here it is."

Lorraine tried to shake her head, put the teenager down somehow, but all she could do was stare at his incredible cock as hot hunger gnawed at her pussy. Her panties were wet.

"Come on," Angelo urged. "Come and get it." Lorraine shuddered. Her breathing sounded very loud.

Reaching out, one hand still massaging his prick, Angelo cupped one of her ample tits. He stroked his prick, milked out a thick gob of clear juice, and squeezed her tit through her bra and dress.

"Come on," Angelo urged softly, his dark eyes flashing. He stroked his hand down her torso, down one thigh to the hem of her dress. Then, he slid his hand up under her dress, up the inside of one thigh. His fingers stroked her stocking, then the naked, sensitive, sweating flesh above it.

Lorraine sucked in a breath through her clenched teeth. Lust was flaring through her, burning away the last barriers. She felt his fingertips press her soft, humid pussy, press her soaked panties. She spread her legs a little and thrust her pussy forward. Then she, clamped her hands down on her aching tits. Her nipples were agonizing points of fire inside her bra.

Angelo's thumb stroked up and down her twat, pressed the slippery, wet lace of her panties into her dripping slit. Every touch on her clit sent a wave of pleasure ripping through her. Every probing thrust near the mouth of her cunt made her quiver.

"Come on," he hissed softly.

"Noooo," Lorraine moaned.

"Come on, baby. You want it. You know you want it." He pushed his thumb into her flooding cunt-hole. "Come on. It's right here." He waggled his iron-hard cock impudently. "Come and get it."

Lorraine stood there indecisively. How could she do it? He was nineteen, less than half her age. He was a patient, and she was his nurse.

But he had the greatest-looking cock she had ever seen. It was much bigger than the prick that had ravaged her the night before. Even her husband's massive prick would have been dwarfed by the gorgeous tool being waved at her. It wasn't just that it was big, it was beautiful. It was perfectly proportioned, exquisitely sculpted. The head was like a rounded arrowhead. The groove on the underside curved smoothly up toward the tip. There was no circumcision scar to mar the perfect flow of the shaft.

The thumb in her crotch rubbed her clit and Lorraine felt as if she was melting into a puddle of lust. Her eyes closed and her knees wobbled.

"Come on," Angelo urged. "You have to do it. I can't move. You have to do it all!"

Lorraine remembered the quick, sharp orgasm with Dr. Stern the night before, and her resistance crumbled. She would be totally in control. She would be in the perfect position to get all the satisfaction she wanted. She would have to do it in such a way that no strain was put on Angelo's injured neck.