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"In case you're wondering, I had a quickie with one of the aids about noon." Dr. Stern said casually. "So I'll be able to go a long time before I come."

Lorraine was furious at the man's callousness. The knowledge that the prick she was sucking had been inside another woman's mouth less than twelve hours before made her guts convulse. She had an urge to chomp down on his swollen prick.

"Suck it," he hissed at her. "Take more of it in!"

Lorraine fought down her gag reflex and forced his cock to the back of her mouth. His pre-come slid down her throat. Tears blurred her eyes as she fought the urge to retch. His hand kept her head jammed down on his prick. He let her up and, keeping his prick between her lips, she inhaled deeply through her nose.

"Quite a sight," he mused. "You're very pretty. You look sexy as hell with my cock in your mouth. You've got cock-sucking lips-soft and full and moist. Lorraine. That's French. Good at Frenching, too," he chuckled lewdly.

Under the urging of his hand, Lorraine took his prick again, drove her head down on his cock. She was dying inside with shame at what she was doing, and shame because in a perverted way she was enjoying the vile act.

"Well, I'll be damned, here comes the great Dr. Mansfield himself," Dr. Stern said.

His words sent an icy chill through Lorraine. She tried to get up, to stand, but the intern kept his hand on the back-of her head, trapping her.

"Under the desk," he ordered. He guided her with his hand and swiveled the chair around. Lorraine was crammed under the desk. Her head thumped the bottom of the drawer. She kept his cock in her mouth.

"Just keep right on sucking," Dr. Stern ordered. "Be very, very quiet about it, but don't stop. I'll take care of Mansfield. Remember the panties?'

Lorraine wanted to cry. What could she do? Stern had her effectively trapped. All she could do was continue to obey orders and suck the intern's cock, very quietly.

Lorraine moved her head very slowly and carefully, slid the prick in and out of her mouth. She sucked, very, very cautiously. She pressed his piss-channel and felt another thick wave of salty fluid flood her mouth.

"Good evening, Dr. Stern," Dr. Mansfield said. "Where's Nurse Kelly?"

"She took a break for a moment," Dr. Stern answered. His voice was astonishingly calm and level. "Since the nurse at the next station is off tonight, I'm covering right now."

"I see," Dr. Mansfield responded. "Could I see Kathy Dell's chart, please?"

Despite her cock-sucking, Lorraine wondered why Mansfield wanted Kathy's chart at this hour. Lorraine kept sucking on Dr. Stern's prick as he twisted awkwardly and reached for the rack of charts. Her gut was tightening from the exciting danger she was in. Lorraine moved her head a little faster, slipped Dr. Stern's prick in and out more quickly. Her cunt was burning with growing excitement.

"Everything all right down in the emergency room?" Dr. Stern asked.

"Very quiet, very quiet," Dr. Mansfield answered distractedly. Lorraine could hear the rustle of paper. Apparently he was flipping through Kathy's chart.

"I see Kathy was not given a sleeping pill this evening."

"I wouldn't know about that," Stern answered. Lorraine was trembling with fear and lust. Stern was acting as if nothing unusual was going on at all. While she was hiding under the desk, sucking his cock! Her fright and horniness made it hard for her to think, but she was pretty sure no sleeping pill had been ordered for Kathy Dell.

Dr. Mansfield was still talking. "I have some pills with me. If she's awake, I'll give her one. Just make sure you mention it to Nurse Kelly so she can enter it on the record."

"Yes, Doctor," Stern agreed.

Lorraine heard Mansfield's footsteps receding and pumped her head on the intern's cock. The young man's hand came down on her head, guided her as she face-fucked him.

"Wonder what that old fart's up to," Dr. Stern mused. "He could get himself in trouble, going into a girl's room alone any time, let alone at this hour. Keep sucking."

Lorraine had stopped to rest a minute. At his order, she stroked his cock hard with her tongue.

"Probably got the hots for her," Stern went on absently. "Lord knows, I can't blame him. The little witch has one of the finest bods."

Lorraine could tell by the sudden oozing from his prick that Stern was turned on by the teenage girl.

"Something else again! Getting head while I was talking with Mansfield," he mused. "Thought I was going to come right while he was standing here. Good thing he got me thinking about other things. Ahhh, shit that's good."

Lorraine swirled her tongue around his prick, then swallowed the flood of juice. It was hard to swallow, because of his cock. Her throat ached from the pounding his cock-head was giving it.

"Suck it, baby, suck it," he ordered, forcing her head against his groin.

Lorraine moaned.

"Going to come soon," he grunted. "Going to flood you with come. And you'll swallow every drop of it, won't you? Probably love gulping jism, you cock-sucker. That's what you are, you know, a cock-sucker. Just a plain old cock-sucker. Got a mouth like a fucking vacuum pump. Suck it, suck it, suck it!"

Lorraine sucked on. Her crotch was a boiling swamp of horniness, and she knew she was not going to be satisfied by the flood of come that was going to pour down her throat.

She sucked. She took the cock to the back of her throat. Her throat spasmed around the rubbery knob of the dribbling tip. Her tits ached. She was seething inside, boiling with hunger.

"Gonna come soon," he grunted. "Jesus, am I gonna come!"

Silently, Lorraine urged him to come, trying to bring him off with her mouth. She rubbed the nerve-packed underside of his prick with her tongue. She squeezed his cock-base with her fingers, trying to milk him. She moved her head faster.

"Going to come!" the man snorted. "Aww shit!"

His cock began to tremble and squirt, hot, thick, gooey wads of semen down her throat. Lorraine gulped frantically. The pulsating, erupting knob of his prick banged against her throat. Her swallowing stimulated his balls. She felt as if she was swallowing blobs of hot pudding the wads of come were so big.

And the spurting just kept going on and on and on.

Finally she had to stop to catch her breath. Dribbles of semen flowed from her mouth as she sucked in a breath of air.

Lorraine's hole spasmed. Her cunt went into a dry orgasm, one that was certain to leave her more horny than before. Her thighs shuddered and trembled, hoping to embrace a hard male body.

The cock in her mouth stopped spurting and began to shrivel. Carefully, half-willingly, she used her lips and tongue to drain the last drops of come from his piss-hole. She sucked hard, extracted every last drop of sperm from his exhausted cock. When his prick was at last a flaccid lump between her lips, she drew her head back. His cock popped out of her mouth. His prick was drained and wet with spit as she crawled awkwardly from under the desk. Still on her knees, she slumped down.

"Here you are, baby, you earned 'em," the young doctor announced, dropping the incriminating panties in front of her.

"I don't suppose you'd care to fuck me now," she asked weakly. She needed some form of release from her incredible horniness.

"Couldn't possibly," he told her. "Besides, like you said, we can hardly do it here." He chuckled. "We managed all right, though, didn't we?"

"Bastard," she hissed.

"Yeah, well, for an over-sexed cunt like you it's a good thing there are horny men around," he answered.

Painfully, Lorraine picked up her panties and got to her feet. Clumsily, she stuffed the soiled garment in her purse.

"Well, I better get down to the emergency room," Dr. Stern announced. "Have a pleasant evening, cock-sucker."