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That was when Sis surprised the hell out of me by adding "Yeah, he surprised me tonight, too. I thought it was going to be kinda weird doing stuff with him, but it wasn't. I mean, sure, at first it was; but he never said or did anything to make me remember he's my brother. It didn't take long until I was just thinking about him as a guy, and not Billy. He was somebody I could trust completely, and not have to worry." Then she turned her attention to me and said "When we asked you in here, I was still a little worried about all of this… I mean, we have been doing, you know, sex stuff with each other, and I was afraid that it was going to be like when we were kids. Except that it wasn't; I was afraid that you weren't going to be as polite and understanding and everything as you've been. I was sure that you would say something to us about being naked, or doing things, or something — but you haven't, and it makes me glad you're my brother."

I had to look back and forth between them for several seconds before I could think of anything to say in response to what they'd told me. I finally managed to come up with something, and looked at Charlene as I told her "I can't know what it's like for you… but it isn't hard to figure out how I'd feel if it was me, and go from there. No, it wasn't easy to start doing some of the things I did with you — but it wasn't all that hard, either. You trusted me enough to share yourself with me, and I like you and care for you enough that I'd never do or say anything to betray that trust. You did things that made me feel good, and I was happy to do stuff that made you feel good, so there's no reason you have to thank me for that. Whatever I did that was different happened only because you're different… no so much the physical part, but as a person, different from Eva or anyone else."

Then I turned to Sis and said "Yeah, it was kinda weird for me, too, doing this stuff with you. But because you didn't make anything out of us being brother and sister, it was easier for ME not to. I know we fuss and argue sometimes, but I know we still love each other, too. Tonight, I was glad you're my sister, because I knew that no matter what else, I could trust you."

Finally, I told both of them "What we did tonight… I was nervous about it, too. What you said about not having anyone you could learn about guy stuff with, that's how I was about girls. I would have been glad to learn and do the things I did with just about any girl, but it being you two was something that actually made me happy. If anything like this ever happens between us — either me and one of you, or all three of us — I'd like that; but if you decide that you don't want to, then I can accept that and won't bother you about it. I really am grateful for what happened tonight, and proud that you trusted me enough that you were willing to let us learn about each other as much as we did."

I had my arms around Charlene, and when I was done talking, she gave a contented sigh before snuggling a little closer. The smile I got from Eva told me that she appreciated what I'd said, too. The three of us just sat there for a little while, content to simply have each other's company; it was Sis that finally broke the silence to say "As much as I hate to say it, Mom and Dad are going to be back before long. I'm not sure that there's enough time for separate showers even if Charlene and I shared one, so I think we'd better all clean up together — that is, if you two don't mind."

I spoke first, saying "Well, I suppose I could take a shower with both of you…" in pretend reluctance, and drawing a laugh from them. Charlene was next, saying "After tonight, taking a shower or bath or anything else with either or both of you is fine with me."

It took a little longer for all of us to get motivated, but we did finally get moving. Sis insisted on starting the shower and getting it adjusted, which left me free to simply stand back and hold Charlene in my arms. I started to get hard again from having her cute butt rubbing against my cock, and she turned her head to look at me impishly and say "We don't have time for any more fun, remember, Billy?"

After giving her a hug, I started to play with her nipples before answering "I'm not trying to get any more fun going, Charlene. That's just letting you know that I think you've got a really nice butt -

particularly when it's pushing against me like it is!"

Before she could make any kind of reply, Sis let us know that the water was ready; I helped Charlene into the tub, then she and Eva steadied me as I got in. As was to be expected, there was some figurative and literal grab-ass as we helped each other rinse off, but we somehow managed to keep it to a bare (heh!) minimum. Once we were all dried off again, I got dressed and headed back into the living room where I went ahead and ejected the movie — it was well past when it would have ended, and Mom and Dad had seen me starting it when they left.

With that out of the way, it was back to my room; as I passed Eva's room, I saw that she and Charlene hadn't bothered putting anything on, and both of them posed for me briefly, then smiled and blew me a kiss when they saw me looking at them. I went ahead and closed the door to Eva's room, then went into my room and closed my door, as well. Perhaps twenty minutes later, we heard Mom and Dad get home and call out to see if we were still up. When they learned that we were, they said they were going to bed and wished us a good night. I couldn't help thinking to myself "I've already had one, and it was way better than just 'good'!"

It was roughly a month later, and Charlene was spending the night with Sis again. Our folks were going out to a retirement dinner for one of the people that Dad worked with, and the two of them wanted me to join them again. Our second session together went much like the first; the big difference was that because we didn't have to start from the beginning, we were able to get a lot more pleasure out of the lesser period of time we had: each of them gave me a blowjob all by herself while I was eating the other's pussy. Between rounds one and two of that, we used the opportunity to get even more familiar with each other's bodies and comfortable about touching each other. Before we went in to clean up, Sis was on my lap toying with my semi-erect penis as I played with her nipples; Charlene was stretched out next to us, softly stroking my balls while I gently caressed her incredibly firm and smooth ass. We got dried off and dressed just a few minutes ahead of Mom and Dad getting home.

I was just hanging out in my room during the day when Sis came in. Charlene was out with her mother getting ready for the start of school (just a few days away), so it was just the two of us at home, since Mom was at the Senior center where she volunteered 3 days a week. I just looked at Eva with an eyebrow raised in question, and she gave me this strange grin as she said "I'm feeling really horny, and I really want to, um, taste your juice. It's just us, and nobody'll be home for at least a couple of hours… think you'd like to, uh, fool around for a while?"

Her question threw me for a number of reasons. For starters, it was the first time she'd ever indicated she wanted anything to happen between us without Charlene present; and for her to come right out and ask me that way…

Even knowing that something else was going on with her, the idea of getting a blowjob and a taste of Eva's pussy was too much to pass by. As soon as she saw my grin, she started taking her clothes off -