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What if one wants to be intimate a lot more or less than the other? All of the stuff that a regular guy and girl can go through can happen with a brother and sister — except that if the brother and sister are also having sex with each other, the problems can have even bigger consequences if something goes wrong.

And that's all on top of the fact that they are brother and sister, and pretty much forced to be around each other a lot of the time even if there's something bad going on between them."

Eva was quiet for several minutes before she said "Yeah, I see what you're saying. Unless they were really open and honest with each other, and completely trusted each other, and were absolutely sure about what they were doing, it'd be better if they didn't get that involved with each other."

"Yeah, that'd probably be best. I suppose they could have some fun with each other, as long as it didn't get too steady or too serious."

We stayed like that for a little while longer before I asked Sis "Think you'd like to take a shower with me?"

She turned her head and grinned at me, then said "Yeah, I would!"

The two of us got out of bed and held hands as we made our way to the bathroom we shared. It was an affectionate and happy cleanup for us, and after we'd dried off and gone back to my room, we "helped"

each other get dressed again. Sis gave me a happy grin when I patted her on the butt after she turned to leave my room.

With the start of school, the number of sleepovers dropped significantly — but didn't stop. It was a pretty fair bet that on any given weekend one or the other of Eva or Charlene would be spending a night with the other. I used the peephole into Sis' room a few times to see if there was anything interesting going on (and to check them out, of course), but all I ever saw or heard was them talking about the usual girl stuff: clothes, guys, and that sort of stuff. When the opportunity arose, the three of us would get together for another bout of mutual pleasuring.

When Thanksgiving came around, Charlene's folks invited our family over to their place for dinner, and all of us had a good time; for Christmas, Charlene and Eva exchanged gifts, as did our family and theirs.

It was a tradition in our house that for New Years, Mom and Dad would go out to one of the parties and leave me and Sis at home. Mom and Dad got invitations to a party for Charlene's folks, and when Sis asked if Charlene could spend New Years Eve at our place, it was readily approved. I had to figure that we kids were going to have our own celebration, since Mom and Dad invariably left about mid-evening and only rarely got home before two o'clock in the morning.

Charlene and her parents got to our house a bit after seven, and she and Sis immediately hid themselves away in Sis' room. I stayed around to chat a little with Charlene's folks for a while before making my own exit. It wasn't much before eight o'clock when the parents came back to let us know they were leaving.

It was coming up on an hour after our folks had left that I heard a knock at my door. I told whoever it was to come in, and it turned out to be Charlene, who asked me "Billy, can I talk to you for a little bit?

And then ask you a question?"

Curious but not concerned, I assured her "Sure you can."

I was sitting in my chair reading a book, but got up so that Charlene could have it; she just gestured for me to go ahead and sit down again before she took a seat on the edge of my bed. I set my book aside, and turned to face her, giving her my full attention.

After a couple of false starts, she told me "There're a bunch of people that know, in general, that I'm a hermaphrodite. There's only a few that have ever actually seen me, and you're the only guy even close to my age that has. You know that I was pretty scared and nervous about becoming friends with Eva because of it, and that it took me a really long time before I was brave enough to let her even know about me, never mind actually seeing. But she was so calm and understanding about it, and just accepted me the way I am, and now I've got the kind of friend that I've always wished for but never had."

I nodded to let her know that I was paying attention, and she went on "I was almost as scared and worried about Eva telling you about me. But you were as nice about everything as she was — more even, because you're a guy, and you were still okay with us doing stuff together. I can't tell you how happy and good you made me feel when you were willing to use your mouth on me, just like you did Eva, even though I'm different down there. You're even okay with kissing me and touching me and all the rest of it, too. And on top of all of that, you're nice — you tease me like you do Eva, you joke with me, you're not afraid to hold me or touch me, and just treat me like I was any other girl. For somebody

— especially a guy — to do all of that even though he knows I'm a herm… it means more to me than I could even begin to tell you. I've always felt so alone because it didn't seem like there was anybody.

I could talk to and be with because of being a hermaphrodite; I remember once when I was still just a little kid and was playing with another little girl in our neighborhood that was my friend. All we were doing was playing with our dolls, but when her mom heard that I had a penis, she wouldn't let us play together any more… not at our house, and not at hers. I didn't really understand what it meant at the time, but I remember her telling my mom that she didn't want the little freak around her kids, and how it made my Mom cry. So when Eva was okay with my condition, it really meant a lot to me. But she's a girl like I am; it was when a guy like you was able to accept me and treat me like anyone else that I started to feel like there really was a chance I could meet someone and have a life with them. That's something I really, really want you to understand: that it's because of you and how you've acted that I think I won't have to spend the rest of my life all alone. I know it maybe doesn't seem like much to you, but the way you've treated me has meant so much to me."

I'd known that treating Charlene the way I had had been good for her, but didn't have even a clue how good until just then. All I could think to do was to tell her "I told you, Charlene — I think you're a good person… smart and nice and pretty and all that. All I was doing was responding to that."

"Well, whatever your reasons were, it helped me a lot, and told me what kind of person you are. And that's why there's a question I want to ask you. Actually, it's not so much a question; it's more like there's something I'd like you to do."

Interested, but still not concerned, I simply asked "What's that?"

After hesitating a moment, she took a deep breath and told me "I was hoping that you'd be the first guy I ever make love with."

To say that I was unprepared for something like that would be a massive understatement. I'd thought that maybe she needed help picking out a gift for Eva, or something equally simple. But to be the first guy she was ever with? From listening to Eva and other girls, I had a pretty good idea of how important that first time was to a girl — and there I was with Charlene sitting on my bed, asking me if I could and would be the one to deflower her.

I think she must have been able to see how surprised I was by her request, because she waited quietly the couple of minutes it took before I was able to respond.

"Charlene, are you sure you want to do that? And with me? Why not wait until you do find the guy that can accept you for who you are?", I asked.

"Yes, I really am sure that I'm ready to stop being a virgin. The doctor told me that I don't have a hymen, so you wouldn't be getting a cherry, but it would still be the first time I ever actually had sex with a guy. And I'm absolutely positive that I want it to be with you, for a couple of reasons, and not wait until later."