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"Yeah, really" was the answer I got. Eva went on to say "She didn't actually take her clothes off to show me, but she did lift her dress up so I could see that there was an extra bulge in her panties. She said that she's mostly female, which is why she has tits and everything like a girl, but she also has a penis. She explained it all to me and what happened was that while she was still being made inside her mom, something went wrong; instead of growing all girl stuff like she should have, things got confused and a penis was started, instead. That's about all that's really different about her — I mean, she doesn't have testicles or make semen like a guy; she said that it's more like she has a really big clitoris, is all.

She's always felt like a girl and acted like one, it's just that being different the way she is, she's never been comfortable about getting too close or personal with other girls. The only reason she told me about it, she said, was that she's just so tired of being alone all the time and not being able to do all the stuff she hears about — like going on a sleepover and things like that."

Taking a deep breath, she continued "She also told me what happened that made them move here. She was exempted from gym classes at her other school, too, but one of the student aides in the offices got into her school records and found out why. After that, everybody in school knew about it, and they even had to fire an employee over it… but it was too late for her, of course. All the other kids were giving her such a hard time that her dad got a transfer from the company he worked for so they could move here. That's why she hasn't wanted to have much to do with the kids at schooclass="underline" she isn't stuck-up or a snob or anything, she's just been shy and scared. It's really taken a lot for her to learn to relax after that, and start trying to make friends. She told me that she really had to work herself up to telling me all that stuff about herself so that she could start getting out and doing things. She had friends and everything, before, but it wasn't like normal because of how she is — from the way she talked, I could tell that she missed being able to do so much of the kinds of things that WE got to do growing up."

After she finished, Eva and I both sat there, trying it imagine what life must have been like for Charlene as a kid. Several minutes went by before Eva told me "Anyway, now you know why she's been so slow about being friends and doing stuff with me. I know it's going to be hard for you, 'cause it will be for me, too, but don't stare at her or do anything to make her feel bad or embarrassed, Billy!

This is going to be a really big deal for her, and you know she's taking a huge chance telling me about herself that way and then me telling you… so don't mess this up for her. If you do, I promise you that I will make you seriously regret it!"

I was a little hurt by Sis' warning, and I think she could see it because her expression softened a bit when I answered "I won't. I know I'm kind of a dummy sometimes, and I have to get used to the idea, but I'm not gonna be jerk or anything." Mom and Dad had taught us pretty well that it was okay to notice that someone was different, but to be polite about it.

With that assurance from me, Sis gently told me "Well, when she spends the night, maybe you'll get the chance to learn something that'll make it easier for you to get used to it" before standing up and leaving my room.

It wasn't until after she was gone that I realized I could use the peephole from my closet to her room to see for myself how Charlene was different. From the time she came over until then, though, I'd just have to make sure to keep myself under control.

The following Friday night was to be the main event. I could tell that Eva was nervous when she got home from school, but when Charlene showed up to join us for supper, she'd pulled herself together again. All I had to do was act the way I usually did by staying away from the two of them for the most part. The little bit of conversation I had with Charlene during supper was as brief and casual as any other time she'd been over. I'll confess to trying to check her out a couple of times when she wasn't looking, but otherwise avoided causing any embarrassment for her — which earned me a relieved and pleased smile from Sis when all of us were done eating. I don't know if Mom and Dad had heard anything from Charlene's parents; if so, they did a fine job of hiding it.

Charlene and Sis went back to her room almost immediately after supper; I hung around and watched TV for a little while to continue my (pretend) indifference to Charlenes presence in the house. It was an hour and a half before I finally made my way back to my room; as soon as I'd closed the door, I was in my closet and looking into Eva's room. To my disappointment, the two of them were fully dressed and sitting on the bed in animated conversation. From the (very) little I could hear, it was about the usual girl stuff that I'd heard Eva talk to her other friends about. Still, it was getting late in the evening and I stayed where I was in anticipation of the show that I just knew had to be coming.

It was after Mom and Dad went to bed (wishing all of us a good night through our closed doors) that things changed in Sis' room.

After Mom and Dad had plenty of time to fall asleep, I watched as Eva gestured and said something to Charlene. It took a few seconds for me to figure out that she was suggesting the two of them go ahead and get ready for bed — and you can bet I had every intention of staying right where I was for that little event!

With my eye glued to the peephole and holding my breath, I watched as Eva was the first to move by removing her blouse; as she reached behind her back for her bra fastener, Charlene gave in and began removing her own clothes — starting with her blouse, just as Sis had. When she slipped it off, I was delighted to see that her choice in undergarments was appreciably more adventurous than Eva's: it was a frilly pale yellow thing with lace edges that barely covered her nipples. Reaching between the cups, she unhooked it and let it slide down her arms and land on the floor behind her. That left both of them standing there topless, generally facing each other and angled so that it was easy for me to compare the two sets of young mammaries. Eva's generally conical B-cup breasts were more-or-less familiar to me, sporting quarter-diameter dark pink areolas that looked like they were capped with small pebbles of pink bubblegum. Charlene's breasts were more rounded, and were actually larger than they'd seemed; at the peak of each was a pale dime-sized areola that sported a nipple that had to be half an inch long.

Looking at them, I could only dream of what I'd like to do with them.

After several seconds of back-and-forth, it was up to Sis to get things going again by slipping her thumbs under the waistband of the slacks she was wearing; a little more negotiation, and Charlene followed suit with the skirt she had on. I could see as Eva counted down before each pushed her respective garment off her waist, over her hips, and down her legs. When they stood up, the additional bulge in Charlene's panties stood in stark contrast to the smooth arc formed by Sis' mons. Several times, Charlene acted like she wanted to move her arms so that she could use her hands to cover her pelvis, but she never quite finished the movements. Instead, she just stood there as she and Sis looked each other over for a minute or so.

I heard Eva say something, and knew it was a question by the way Charlene slowly nodded her head. I learned what it must have been when Eva began to slip her panties off as Charlene watched. It didn't take long to rid herself of the brief panties she'd had on, and casually toss them onto the bed where her other clothes were. Even peering at the two of them through a tiny hole in the wall, I could see how nervous and apprehensive Charlene was; Eva just stood there calmly, and after several seconds I clearly heard her say "I know you're scared, Charlene, but it's okay… really. You told me about yourself, and I'm okay with it — honest. I'm not going to push you or anything; I'm just going to stand here until you decide that you're ready to go on. I like you, and I want to be your friend — it's up to you to decide if you want to let that happen."